* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name___________________ EVOLTUION Keystone Vocabulary Evolution Small changes in a population seen over time Allele forms of a gene from mutations; a version of a genetic trait Genetic Drift variation ( changes) in the frequency (amount) of different genes Natural Selection Survival of the fittest physical trait survives and reproduces Frequency How often something occurs or happens Genetic Drift Change in genetic traits due to chance Founder Effect Low genetic diversity (differences) that happen when a population is descended from a small number of ancestors. Genetics The scientific study of inheritance. Selection Pressure Something that makes a population change genetically Isolating mechanism something (as a geographical, ecological, physiological, anatomical, or psychological barrier) that limits interbreeding between groups and is thereby a major factor in the differentiation of biological units (as races or species) Selective Breeding When humans breed organisms that results in offspring with desired genetic Traits = Live stock = Cows, chicken selected for meat…best of best meat amount - Dog breeds Sex-linked Trait A trait, associated with a gene that is carried by either the male or female parent (e.g., colored blindness and sickle-cell anemia).