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Presented by: UTA Melissa Richeson
Somatoform Disorders
Disorders that
involve some
physical, bodily
No known
medical or
biological cause
for the symptoms.
Somatization disorder
Conversion Disorder
A person diagnosed with hypochondriasis is
preoccupied with the fear of a serious disease
Fear of
a nonexistent disease
last at least 6 months
equally in men and women
Person has a way to explain otherwise
unexplainable anxiety
• “If you had a brain tumor like me, you’d feel fearful too.”
Illness may be used to excuse the individual from
activities that could be producing anxiety in them
• “How can I go to class or focus on studying when I have
Attention seeking or sympathy
• “Since there’s only so much time that I have left, don’t you feel
sorry for me?”
A person with somatization disorder is preoccupied with
nonexistent symptoms
 The patient
may have several recurring, and long-
lasting complaints about bodily symptoms
Higher prevalence rates
in South America and
Puerto Rico
Burning pains in hands
more common in Asia
and Africa
More frequent in women
especially Hispanic and
African American
Typical onset early
Loss or altering of physical function that suggests
that there is some physical problem
– often times of just the hand
This was also known as Freud’s Hysteria
 Diagnosed
much more often in Freud’s time
However, it is more common in rural areas or in
underdeveloped countries and is often considered
normal in different cultures.
la belle indifference
distinctive symptom of
Conversion Disorder
seemingly inappropriate lack of
concern over one’s condition
very accepting of their infirmity
Sudden disruption in the continuity of:
To dissociate means to become separate or escape
Dissociative amnesia
 Inability
to recall important personal information
 Beyond
 Often
simple forgetfulness
times it involves forgetting some traumatic
event, Not due to physical trauma
Memory deficits in explicit but not implicit memory
Multiple personality disorder
 Not schizophrenia!
Two or more distinct and fully developed personalities
 Each with
unique behaviors, memories, and
 Very
rare, most recorded cases are restricted to North
 Usually
this disorder occurs in patients working closely
with a therapist
Typical onset in childhood
– Rarely diagnosed until adulthood
More severe than other dissociative disorders
– Recovery may be less complete
More common in women than men
Often comorbid with:
PTSD, major depression, borderline personality
disorder, substance abuse, phobias