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Pedigree Chart Symbols
Person with trait
Sample Pedigree
Dominant Trait
Recessive Trait
Chapter 15
The Chromosomal
Basis of Inheritance
First Experimental Evidence to connect
Mendelism to the chromosome
• Thomas Morgan (1910)
• Used fruit flies as model organism
• Allowed the first tracing of traits to
specific chromosomes.
Fruit Fly
• Drosophila melanogaster
• 3 pairs of Autosomes
• 1 pair of sex chromosomes
Morgan Observed:
• A male fly with a mutation for white
Morgan crossed
• The white eye male with a wild type
(red eyed) female.
• Wild type is most common – NOT always
• Male ww x Female w+w+
The F1 offspring:
• All had red eyes.
• This suggests that white eyes is a
• Recessive.
• F1= w+w
• What is the predicted phenotypic ratio
for the F2 generation?
F1 X F1 = F2
• Expected F2 ratio - 3:1 of red:white
• He got this ratio, however, all of the
white eyed flies were MALE.
• Therefore, the eye color trait appeared
to be linked to sex.
Morgan discovered:
• Sex linked traits.
• Genetic traits whose gene are located
on a sex chromosome
Fruit Fly Chromosomes
• Female
• Presence of Y chromosome
determines the sex
• Just like in humans!
Morgan Discovered
• There are many genes, but only a
few chromosomes.
• Therefore, each chromosome must
carry a number of genes together as
a “package”.
Sex-Linked Problem
• A man with hemophilia (a recessive, sexlinked, x-chromosome condition) has a
daughter of normal phenotype. She marries
a man who is normal for the trait.
• A. What is the probability that a daughter of this mating will
be a hemophiliac?
• B. That a son will be a hemophiliac?
• C. If the couple has four sons, what is the probability that
all four will be born with hemophilia?
• Original Man - XhY
• Daughter - must get the dad’s X chromosome
XHXh (normal phenotype, so she’s a carrier)
• Daughter’s husband XHY (normal phenotype)
• A. daughter must get XH from the dad. 0% (50%
carrier, 50% homo dom.)
• B. son must get Y from dad. 50% chance to be
• C. ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/16
Multiple Genes
• Parents are two true-breeding pea plants
• Parent 1 Yellow, round Seeds (YYRR)
• Parent 2 Green, wrinkled seeds (yyrr)
These 2 genes are on different chromosomes (all problems
so far have assumed this)
• F1:
YyRr x YyRr
• What are the predicted phenotypic
ratios of the offspring?
• ¾ yellow
¾ round
• ¼ green
¼ wrinkled
¼ (green) x ¼ (wrinkled) = 1/16 green, wrinkled
9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio
Linked Genes
• Traits that are located on the same
• Result:
• Failure of Mendel's Law of
Independent Assortment.
• Ratios are different from the
• Body Color - gray dominant/wild
• b+ - Gray
• b - black
• Wing Type - normal dominant/wild
• vg+ - normal
• vg – vestigial (short)
b+b vg+vg X bb vgvg
Predict the phenotypic ratio of the
Show at board
b+b x bb
vg+vg x vgvg
½ gray ½ black
½ normal ½ vestigial
----------------------------------------------------¼ gray normal, ¼ gray vestigial,
¼ black normal, ¼ black vestigial
1:1:1:1 phenotypic ratio
• Most offspring had the parental phenotype.
Both genes are on the same chromosome.
• bbvgvg parent can only pass on b vg
• b+b vg+vg can pass on b+ vg+ or b vg
b+b vg+vg - Chromosomes
(linked genes)
• Breaks up linkages and creates new
• Recombinant offspring formed that
doesn't match the parental types.
• Higher recombinant frequency (nonparental types) = genes further apart
on chromosome
If Genes are Linked:
• Independent Assortment of traits fails.
• Linkage may be “strong” or “weak”.
• Strong Linkage means that 2 alleles
are often inherited together.
• Degree of strength related to how close
the traits are on the chromosome.
Genetic Maps
• Constructed from crossing-over
• 1 map unit = 1% recombination
• Can use recombination rates to
‘map’ chromosomes.
• Comment - only good for genes that
are within 50 map units of each other.
• Over 50% gives the same phenotypic ratios
as genes on separate chromosomes
Genetic Maps
• Have been constructed for many traits
in fruit flies, humans and other
Barr Body
• Inactive X chromosome observed in the
• Way of determining genetic sex without
doing a karyotype.
Lyon Hypothesis
• Which X inactivated is random.
• Inactivation happens early in
embryo development by adding
CH3 groups to the DNA.
• Result - body cells are a mosaic of
X types.
• Calico Cats.
• Human examples are known such
as a sweat gland disorder.
Calico Cats
• XB = black fur
• XO = orange fur
• Calico is heterozygous, XB XO.
Chromosomal Alterations
• Changes in number.
• Changes in structure.
Number Alterations
• Aneuploidy - too many or too few
chromosomes, but not a whole “set”
• Polyploidy - changes in whole “sets” of
• When chromosomes fail to separate
during meiosis
• Result – cells have too many or too few
chromosomes which is known as
Meiosis I vs Meiosis II
• Meiosis I – all 4 cells are abnormal
• Meiosis II – only 2 cells are abnormal
• Caused by nondisjunction, the failure of
a pair of chromosomes to separate
during meiosis.
• Monosomy: 2N - 1
• Trisomy: 2N + 1
• Why is trisomy more common than
• Fetus can survive an extra copy of a
chromosome, but being hemizygous is
usually fatal.
Structure Alterations
• Loss of genetic information.
• Position effects: a gene's expression is
influenced by its location to other
• Know about linkage and crossing-over.
• Sex chromosomes and their pattern of
• Be able to work genetics problems for
this chapter.