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Essential idea: Alleles
segregate during meiosis
allowing new combinations to
be formed by the fusion of
Topic 3: Genetics
3.3 Meiosis
Nature of Science
Making careful observations—meiosis
was discovered by microscope
examination of dividing germ-line cells.
3.3.U1 One diploid nucleus divides by meiosis to produce four
haploid nuclei.
3.3.U2 The halving of the chromosome number allows a
sexual life cycle with fusion of gametes.
3.3.U3 DNA is replicated before meiosis so that all
chromosomes consist of two sister chromatids.
3.3.U4 The early stages of meiosis involve pairing of
homologous chromosomes and crossing over followed by
3.3.U5 Orientation of pairs of homologous chromosomes
prior to separation is random.
3.3.U6 Separation of pairs of homologous
chromosomes in the first division of meiosis
halves the chromosome number.
3.3.U7 Crossing over and random orientation
promotes genetic variation.
3.3.U8 Fusion of gametes from different
parents promotes genetic variation
Applications and Skills
3.3.A1 Application: Non-disjunction can cause Down syndrome and other
chromosome abnormalities.
3.3.A2 Application: Studies showing age of parents influences chances
of nondisjunction
3.3.A3 Application: Description of methods used to obtain cells for
analysis e.g. chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis and the
associated risks.
3.3.S1 Skill: Drawing diagrams to show the stages of meiosis resulting
in the formation of four haploid cells.
Key Terms
Homologous Chromosomes
 The nucleus of normal human body cells consist of 46 chromosomes or
23 pairs of chromosomes (2 of each chromosome).
 This is referred to as the diploid number for humans (2n).
 Gametes, sex cells, only have one set of chromosomes (23).
 This is referred to as the haploid number for humans (n).
 In diploid cells, each pair of chromosomes have the same genes,
arranged in the same sequence (loci), but they do not necessarily have
the same alleles of all of the genes.
 They are therefore not identical but instead are homologous,
Homologous chromosomes.
“Homologous chromosomes have the same genes as each other,
in the same sequence and location,
but not necessarily the same allele of those genes.”
Reductive Division
 The number of chromosomes in a cell can be reduced
from diploid to haploid by the process of Meiosis.
 Meiosis is described as a Reductive Division of a
diploid nucleus to form haploid nuclei.
 Organisms that reproduce sexually have to halve their
chromosome number at some stage in their life cycle
because the fusion of gametes during fertilisation
doubles it again (restores the diploid number).
 Meiosis is a type of cell division which:
 Results in the production of gametes (sex cells)
 Occurs in germ cells in the gonads - diploid
 Four gametes are produced from every germ cell
 Each gamete has half the number of chromosomes as the
original parent cell – haploid
 Meiosis involves TWO divisions:
 Meiosis I
 Meiosis II
 In sexual reproducing species, haploid cells must be formed
by meiosis before fertilisation to ensure the diploid number
of chromosomes in offspring is obtained.
Male germ cell in
testis (diploid)
Female germ cell in
ovaries (diploid)
Meiosis I
 Homologous chromosomes pair up.
They are called a bivalent.
 Non-sister chromatids cross over
at points called chiasmata.
 They may exchange genetic
material – crossing over.
 Homologous pairs line up at
 Maternal and paternal
chromosomes of each pair line up
independently of other pairs –
independent assortment.
 Homologous chromosomes
separate and move towards
opposite poles.
 Two new cells form, each with
half the original chromosome
Meiosis II
 New spindle apparatus forms.
 Chromosomes line up at the
equator in a single line.
 Centromeres divide and sister
chromatids move towards
opposite poles.
 Each cells divides, resulting in
a total of four haploid cells.
 Each cell formed is genetically
unique due to crossing over
and independent assortment.
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
Ref: Advanced Biology, Kent
Meiosis – Gamete Production
 Meiosis is the name given to a specialised for
of cell division which produces the gametes.
 In animals this process occurs in organs called
the Gonads.
 In mature human females, eggs are produced
by a process called Oogenesis in the Ovaries.
 In mature human males, millions of sperm are
produced daily by a process called
spermatogenesis in the testes.
Meiosis – Gamete Production
Ref: Biology Key Ideas
Mendel’s Law of Segregation
 When gametes are produced, each gamete must receive a
full complement of genes.
 For this reason, the factors/alleles must separate so that
only one factor/allele is present in each gamete.
 Mendel’s Law of Segregation states:
“The characteristics of a diploid organism are determined
by alleles which occur in pairs. Of a pair of such alleles,
only one can be carried in a single gamete”
 Thus each gamete receives one complete set of alleles, and
hence chromosomes:
 ie: 23 chromosomes.
 The two alleles of a gene are located on homologous
chromosomes which move to opposite poles, causing
Meiosis and Variation
 Meiosis gives rise to genetic variation.
 Variety in gametes is produced by how the bivalents
line up on the equator during Metaphase I.
Ref: Biology Key Ideas
Meiosis and Variation
 You can see that for different arrangements
of chromosomes, you get different gametes
 2 chromosomes produces 4 combinations – 2n.
 Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes – 223.
 That is 8,388,608 possible combinations.
 If you double that, because of each gamete,
the total possible combinations is over 64
 Non-disjunctions are a form of chromosome
 They occur when homologous chromosomes
fail to separate properly during meiosis.
 An extra chromosome is drawn to on pole,
producing gametes with an extra chromosome
and gametes with one less chromosome.
 This is referred to as Trisomy.
 Down’s syndrome is an example of trisomy
 Down’s syndrome people have an extra
chromosome 21.
A Non-disjunction Leading to Down’s
Ref: Advanced Biology, Kent
Down’s Syndrome
A Down’s syndrome boy.
A Karyotype of a
Down’s Syndrome
Ref: Advanced Biology, Kent
 A complete set of chromosomes is called a karyotype.
 Each chromosome has genes specific for that chromosome
making it identifiable.
 Karyotyping is arranging the chromosomes in pairs according
to their size and structure.
 The chromosomes are arranged depending upon:
 Their length
 The position of their centromere
 Karyotyping can be used to detect chromosome aberrations
in foetuses.
 eg: An amniocentesis to check for Downs syndrome (47
Male Karyotype
Female Karyotype
Obtaining Cells for Karyotyping
 Cells can be collected from an unborn baby by;
 Chorionic villus sampling
 Taking cells from the fingerlike projections of the placenta
 Amniocentesis
 Using aneedle to extract amniotic fluid from around the
foetus which contains some of the baby’s cells
 The cells are then grown and a karyotype is performed.
 From the karyotype the gender of the baby can be
deduced and also any chromosomal abnormalities can be
Risk Factors
 Advancing maternal age. A woman's chances of giving birth to a child with
Down syndrome increase with age because older eggs have a greater risk of
improper chromosome division.
 By age 35, a woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is about 1 in
 By age 40, the risk is about 1 in 100,
 By age 45, the risk is about 1 in 30.
 However, most children with Down syndrome are born to women under age 35
because younger women have far more babies.
 Having had one child with Down syndrome. Typically, a woman who has one
child with Down syndrome has about a 1 in 100 chance of having another
child with Down syndrome.
 Being carriers of the genetic translocation for Down syndrome. Both men
and women can pass the genetic translocation for Down syndrome on to
their children.
Mechanism for Non disjunction
PhD Thesis:
A model system for increased meiotic
nondisjunction in older oocytes.
 Jeffreys CA1, Burrage PS, Bickel SE.
 Abstract
For at least 5% of all clinically recognized human pregnancies, meiotic segregation
errors give rise to zygotes with the wrong number of chromosomes. Although
most aneuploid fetuses perish in utero, trisomy in liveborns is the leading cause of
mental retardation. A large percentage of human trisomies originate from
segregation errors during female meiosis I; such errors increase in frequency with
maternal age. Despite the clinical importance of age-dependent nondisjunction in
humans, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unexplained. Efforts to
recapitulate age-dependent nondisjunction in a mammalian experimental system
have so far been unsuccessful. Here we provide evidence that Drosophila is an
excellent model organism for investigating how oocyte aging contributes to
meiotic nondisjunction. As in human oocytes, nonexchange homologs and bivalents
with a single distal crossover in Drosophila oocytes are most susceptible to
spontaneous nondisjunction during meiosis I. We show that in a sensitized genetic
background in which sister chromatid cohesion is compromised, nonrecombinant X
chromosomes become vulnerable to meiotic nondisjunction as Drosophila oocytes
age. Our data indicate that the backup pathway that normally ensures proper
segregation of achiasmate chromosomes deteriorates as Drosophila oocytes age
and provide an intriguing paradigm for certain classes of age-dependent meiotic
nondisjunction in humans.
Advances in the genetic aspects linking
folate metabolism to the maternal risk of
birth of a child with Down syndrome
 F Coppedè
In 1999, it was first hypothesised that maternal polymorphisms of genes involved in
folate metabolism might represent maternal risk factors for the birth of a child with
Down syndrome. Several research articles have been produced worldwide to address
that question, and recent meta-analyses of the literature suggest that at least two
polymorphisms, namely MTHFR c.677C>T and MTRR c.66A>G, are associated with
increased maternal risk for trisomy 21. Moreover, there is indication for an additive
contribution of variants in folate pathway genes to the maternal risk for having a birth
with Down syndrome. In addition, lack of folate supplementation at peri-conception, in
combination with genetic polymorphisms of folate pathway genes, might represent
maternal risk factors for congenital heart defects in the child with Down syndrome. The
aim of this critical review was to discuss advances in genetic aspects linking folate
metabolism to the maternal risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome.
Despite encouraging results, several factors such as ethnicity, age, dietary habits, and
many others, could modulate those interactions and we are still far away from a
complete understanding of the relationship between folate metabolism and chromosome
21 non-disjunction.
Summary of Meiosis:
Meiosis involves two divisions. One cell or
nucleus divides to for four cells or nuclei.
The chromosome number is halved, from
diploid to haploid.
An almost infinite amount of genetic variety
is produced as a result of crossing over in
Prophase I and the random orientation of
bivalents in Metaphase I.
Genetic Variation in Meiosis
 Meiosis results in almost infinite genetic
variety of gametes.
 This comes about because of:
 Crossing over in Prophase I.
 Random Orientation in Metaphase I.
Crossing Over
 In Prophase I, homologous chromosomes, each
consisting of two identical chromatids, lie adjacent
to each other – they pair up. This is called a
 The pair of chromosomes is referred to as a
 At this stage corresponding sections of non-sister
chromatids may touch (cross over). This point is
called a chiasma (chiasmata – plural).
 Sections of the chromosomes are swapped
between the non-sister chromatids.
 This produces recombinant chromosomes.
 This process is called Crossing-over.
 Crossing over increases the genetic variability of
the offspring by altering the combination of genes
on the gametes formed.
Crossing Over
Ref: Year 12 Biology Biozone
Crossing Over
Ref: Year 12 Biology Biozone
Crossing Over
Ref: Biology Key Ideas
Independent Assortment of
 During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes
line up along the centre of the cell.
 Each member of each pair will be arranged
towards the centre of the cell in random order.
 Each member arranges independently of the
other chromosomes.
 This is called Independent Assortment of
 Independent Assortment increases variation.
Random Orientation of
Ref: Biology Key Ideas
Random Orientation in Humans
 In human cells there are 23 pairs of
homologous chromosomes.
 The possible number of combinations is
223 or about 8 million.
 This is for one of you parents and the
figure is about the same for the other
 Multiplying these two together gives about
64 trillion different arrangements of
chromosomes in the offspring.
 Recombination is the reassortment of
genes or characters into different
combinations from those of the parents.
 Recombination occurs for:
 Linked genes:
 Genes that occur on the same chromosome.
 Occurs by crossing over.
 Unlinked Genes:
 Genes that occur on separate chromosomes.
 Occurs by random orientation (Independent
Independent Assortment
 Mendel devised a number of laws of
 His second law was the law of
Independent Assortment.
 This means that when gametes are
formed, each allele of a gene is selected
independently of any other gene.
 This is the result of the random
orientation of chromosomes during
Metaphase I of Meiosis.
 Thus independent assortment increases
variation in meiosis.
 Independent
Mendel’s second law,
his Law of Independent
Assortment can be stated as:
“Alleles of genes located on different
assort independently of one another.”
“Either pair of alleles of a gene is equally likely
to be
inherited with either of another pair of alleles
of a different gene.”