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Campbell and Reece 10 th Edition
 Medium Ground Finch
from island of Daphne
Major in Galápagos
 Long period of
 Individuals do not
evolve, populations do
drought altered their
food supply to mostly
larger nuts & over the
years those individuals
with larger beaks were
more successful
 Average beak size
& size of
individual birds
larger after the
drought so….
 The medium
ground finch
population had
evolved by natural
 Darwin reasoned
that natural
selection acted on
genetic variation
of populations
 He knew nothing
about genes
 Few yrs later:
Mendel’s paper on
inheritance in pea
plants: stage set
for understanding
 Genotype
phenotypes are not
 Example: moth,
Nemoria arizonaria,
appears very
different eating oak
flowers vs. oak leaves
 In general, only the
genetically determined
part of a phenotype can
affect evolution
 Discrete characters =
“either/or” ( Mendel’s pea)
= single gene
 Most heritable variations
involve quantitative
characters: vary along a
continuum ≥ 2 genes
 way to quantify gene variability
 average % of loci that are heterozygous
 can calculate average: turns out if the
average heterozygosity is 14% there is
enough genetic variation for natural
selection to act  evolutionary change
 does not show silent
mutations (DNA
changes but still
codes for same a.a.)
Geographic Variation
 differences in genetic
composition of
separate populations
 Mutation
 Gene Duplication
 Sexual Reproduction
 Other process that results in new alleles
or new genes
 Organisms with short life spans new
genetic variants arise fairly rapidly
 can’t predict where in genome or what type
 for multicellular organisms only
mutations in gametes cell line passed to
new generations (most are in somatic cell
 most point mutations silent or only
slightly harmful, rarely are they beneficial
 chromosomal changes that delete,
disrupt, or rearrange usually lethal or
 if genes left intact they may be neutral
 Translocation:
 Part of 1 chromosome breaks off & attaches
to another chromosome
 if large segments duplicated usually harmful
 duplications of small pieces may be beneficial
mutations accumulate over time
eventually that duplication takes on new role
end result: expanded genome
 average mutation rate in plants & animals is
considered low
~ 1 mutation in every
100,000 genes / generation
 shorter generation
spans allows for
generation of
genetic variation in
a population
 virus populations,
process is fastest
 single stranded
 less complicated
to duplicate
 fewer RNA repair
mechanisms in
host cells
 most effective
treatment for a
quickly mutating
retrovirus has
been combination
 most of genetic
variation due to
crossing over and
assortment of
chromosomes in
meiosis and
 1 of 3 factors that
 presence of
genetic variation
does not
guarantee that
population is
cause evolution
must be at work
in a population
 Population: group
of same species in
same area that
interbreed, with
fertile offspring
 examples of
 Islands
 Lakes
 even populations
not strictly
isolated members
tend to breed with
own population so
are genetically
closer to them
than other groups
 consists of
all copies of
every allele
at every
locus in all
members of
a population
 if there is only 1
allele for a locus
that allele is said
to be fixed in the
gene pool; entire
population is
homozygous for
that gene
 if there are 2 or
more alleles for a
locus then
individuals may be
homozygous or
 to test whether natural selection is
acting on a particular locus:
 Determine what the frequency would be
if it were not evolving
 Then compare that calculation with what
you measure in the population
 No difference: not evolving
 difference: evolving
 Hardy
 Weinberg
 states that the frequencies of alleles &
genotypes in a population will remain
constant from generation to generation,
provided that only Mendelian
segregation & recombination of alleles
are at work
 If that is true the population is said to be
 Problem 2:
 If 9% of an African population is born
with a severe form of sickle cell
anemia (ss) what % of the population
will be more resistant to malaria
because they are heterozygous (Ss) for
the sickle-cell gene?
 2pq = 2 (.7 x .3) = .42 = 42% of the population are
heterozyotes (carriers)
1. No Mutations
2. Random Mating
3. No Natural Selection
4. Extremely Large Populations
5. No Gene Flow
 Departure from any of the 5 conditions
usually results in evolutionary changes
 A population may be evolving at some
gene loci and in Hardy-Weinberg
Equilibrium at other loci
 Can be used to estimate the frequency of
a gene causing inherited disease in a
 Must assume:
 No new mutations
 Random mating
 Ignore any effects of differential survival
& reproductive success
 No genetic drift
No Mutations: not usually significant unless
mutation produces new alleles that have a
strong influence in a (+) or (-) way
Random Mating: not usually significant
No Natural Selection
cause most
Extremely Large Populations
No Gene Flow
 is based on differential success in
survival & reproduction
 if NS consistently favoring some alleles
over others, NS can cause adaptive
evolution (dfn: evolution that results in
a better match between organisms &
their environment)
 process in which chance events cause
unpredictable fluctuations in allele
frequencies from one generation to the
 the smaller the population the more
pronounced the effect
1. Founder Effect
genetic drift that occurs when a few
individuals become isolated from a
larger population & form a new
population whose gene pool
composition is not reflective of
original population
 1 colonist carried recessive allele for
retinitis pigmentosa
 By late 1960’s, there were 240
descendants of the original founders
 4 had retinitis pigmentosa
 This frequency is 10x higher than
frequency of retinitis pigmentosa in
2. Bottleneck Effect:
occurs when the size of a population is
reduced, as by a natural disaster or
human actions. The resulting
population is genetically different than
original population.
Genetic Drift :
1. is significant in small populations
2. can cause allele frequencies to change
at random
3. can lead to a loss of genetic variation
w/in populations
4. can cause harmful alleles to become
 the transfer of alleles from one
population to another as result of
movement of fertile individuals or their
 transferred alleles may increase a
population’s ability to adapt to local
 Culex pipiens
spread of insecticideresistant alleles used
to treat mosquitoes to
prevent spread of West Nile
 outcome of NS is not random
 NS increases frequencies of alleles that
provide reproductive advantage so, leads
to adaptive evolution
 NS acts directly on the phenotype &
indirectly on the genotype
 the contribution an individual makes to
the gene pool of the next generation,
relative to the contribution of other
individuals in the population
conditions favor individuals favoring
one extreme of a phenotype
 shifts curve in one direction or other
 conditions favor individuals at both
extremes of a phenotypic range over
individuals with intermediate
 conditions favor the intermediate
phenotype and act against both
 reduces variation
 Natural selection will increase the
frequencies of alleles that enhances
survival & reproduction so… over time
adaptations arise
 genetic drift & gene flow may cause
changes that are either advantageous or
 individuals with certain inherited
characteristics are more likely to obtain
 can result in sexual dimorphism:
marked differences between the 2• sex
1. Intrasexual Selection
selection w/in same sex
 Alpha male
2. Intersexual Selection
 aka mate choice
 females choosy about their mate (often
depends on male showiness)
 1 hypothesis:
 females have linked “good genes” with
 study: gray tree frog
 2nd hypothesis
 females have linked “good health” with
these traits
 study: birds
 neutral variation: differences in DNA
that do not confer an advantage or
 Why don’t all genes move toward
 tendency for directional or stabilizing
selection countered by mechanisms that
preserve or restore variation
 recessive alleles hidden and carried
forward in heterozygotes
 heterozygote protection maintains a
huge pool of alleles that might not be
favored under present conditions, but
could bring benefits in environment
 occurs when natural selection maintains
2 or more forms in a population
 2 types:
heterozygote advantage
2. frequency-dependent selection
 Heterozygotes have survival advantage
 If phenotype of a heterozygote is
intermediate between the 2
homozygotes then this advantage is:
stabilizing selection
 If phenotype of heterozygote same as
dominant homozygote this advantage is
directional selection
 Example: Sickle Cell
 SS
 homozygous dominant
 no protection against malaria
 Ss
 heterozygous
 protection against malaria
 few sickle cells but not harmful
 ss
 homozygous recessive
 die young of sickle cell
 the fitness of a phenotype depends on
how common it is in the population
 eat scales off
flank of prey
 some leftmouthed some
 right-mouthed
dominant to leftmouthed
 selection favors
whichever mouth
phenotype is least
common (prey
fish learn to avoid
attacks from more
1. Selection can only
act on existing
 NS favors only
the fittest
Evolution is limited
by historical
 NS has to work
with existing
3. Adaptations are
often compromises
each organisms
must do many
things: some
structures are a
compromise (Walrus
fins great for swim,
not so good for
walking on rocks)
4. Chance, natural
selection, & the
population may not
carry “best” alleles
for new
environments can