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Final Jeopardy
Red Bull
Gimme Sum
Perfect Fit
Ebony &
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50 Points
Red Bull 10
Name the 1st and 2nd Law of
Red Bull
10: Answer
1st: Energy cannot be created or
destroyed ONLY transformed or
2nd: Every energy transfer increases
entropy (disorder) of the universe.
Red Bull 20
Describe catabolism and anabolism
in terms of
1)What happens
2)energy usage
Red Bull 20:
C: breaking down /
releases energy
A: building / requires
Red Bull 30
Explain the three types
of work performed by
living cells
Red Bull 30:
Mechanical: movement of organelles
or chromosomes
Transport: movement of molecules
across a membrane
Metabolic: catabolism/anabolism
Red Bull 40
In each ETC, we see
both kinetic and potential
energy. Identify the source
of each in this reaction.
Red Bull 40:
Kinetic: energy of movement (H+ moving through
ATP Synthase provides energy to bond Pi with
Potential: Creation of an H+ concentration gradient
by movement and energy of electrons transferred
through membrane proteins
Red Bull 50
What are the components
of the ATP molecule and
where is the energy stored?
Red Bull 50: Answer
Ribose sugar and adenine base
with 3 negative phosphates
Energy is stored in the bonds
between phosphates
Perfect Fit
Explain the term “induced fit”
Perfect Fit
10: Answer
Enzymes are selective in what they
will work with. Fit like a latex glove
stretching to conform to your hand.
Shape of active site is same as
Perfect Fit 20
Tell me two things you learned
about enzymes from our
lobby/outdoor activity
Perfect Fit 20: Answer
1) Enzymes do not become consumed by the
2) Enzymes concentration affects the rate of a
3) Enzyme can only bond if required substrates
are present (odd number?)
4) Enzymes are specific to the active site and
substrate (left to left)
Perfect Fit 30
Name two factors that can
affect an enzymes ability to
Perfect Fit 30: Answer
pHor pOH
Salt concentration
Perfect Fit 40
What is an allosteric site?
Perfect Fit 40:
Means different shape
Acts as an on/off switch for the enzyme
Can close or open the active site
Perfect Fit 50
Explain the two types of
Perfect Fit 50: Answer
Competitive: compete for the active
site (similar shape), slow down the
Non-competitive: bond outside active
site and change shape of active site,
reaction stops completely
Gimme Sum Green 10
Light travels in units of
energy called…
Gimme Sum Green
10 Answer:
Gimme Sum Green
What colors are
reflected by a cloroplast?
What colors are absorbed?
Gimme Sum Green
20 Answer
Reflected: green & yellow
Absorbed: red & blue
Gimme Sum Green
What is the chemical equation for
Gimme Sum Green 30
6CO2 + 6 H2O + LIGHT ENERGY C6H12O6 + 6O2
Gimme Sum Green
Draw and label a
Gimme Sum Green
40 Answer
Gimme Sum Green
Why is the structure of a
chloroplast so
Gimme Sum Green
50 Answer
Individual thylakoids create increased
surface areamore ETCs possible
Double membrane created by thylakoids
allows for creation of concentration
gradient for H+
Ebony & Ivory 10
Name the two steps of
photosynthesis and list where
they occur
(Chloroplast is not the answer!!)
Ebony & Ivory 10
Light Reaction—thylakoid membrane
Calvin Cycle—stroma
Ebony & Ivory 20
Off of what atom do we get the
original 2 electrons to start the ETC of
step 1?
And where do we find this original
Ebony & Ivory 20
From the center of
molecule of chlorophyll A in PSII
Ebony & Ivory 30
Name the three steps of the Calvin
cycle in order.
BONUS: Name the scientist that
discovered the calvin cycle
Ebony & Ivory 30
1.Carbon Fixation
BONUS: Melvin Calvin
Ebony & Ivory 40
Part of the ETC is active
transport and part of it is
passive transport.
Identify each part and
explain your reasoning.
Ebony & Ivory 40 Answer
Pumping of H+ ions by
depleting energy of electrons =
Concentration gradient of H+
leveling out to create ATP =
Ebony & Ivory 50
Explain the names C3
and C4 plants.
Ebony & Ivory 50 Answer
C3 plants—use CO2 in Calvin Cycle to
create the 6 carbon molecule (Carbon
C4 plants—create oxaloacetate or malic
acid (both 4 C molecules) as holder of
carbon overnight
Sugar Coma 10
Name the three steps of
Respiration and list:
1)where they occur
2)Amount of ATP produced
Sugar Coma 10 Answer
Krebs—inner matrix—2 ATP
ETC—inner membrane—32/34 ATP
Sugar Coma 20
What are the two
phases of glycolysis
and why are they
called that?
Sugar Coma 20 Answer
Energy investment phase—
took 2 ATP to start
Energy Payoff phase—
get 4 ATP out
Sugar Coma 30
Which will yeild more ATP:
NADH or FADH2 and WHY??
Sugar Coma 30
NADH because it drops
electrons at FMN allowing
for more H+ to move
through and then diffuse
out to create ATP
Sugar Coma 40
How does glycolysis show common
ancestry or unity among all
2 pieces of evidence please
Sugar Coma 40 Answer
Common ancestry due to the
fact that ALL cells go through
this process
Also, early earth was oxygen
deprived so this process could
have been present at the
beginnings of life
Sugar Coma 50
Why is oxygen necessary for Krebs
and the ETC?
Sugar Coma 50 Answer
Oxygen is highly electronegative (wants electrons)
and picks up the depleted electrons at the
end of the chain to free up space for more eto move down
Chocolate Wasted 10
1)Name the two types
of fermentation
2)What two alternative
molecules are used as
Electron carriers in each?
Chocolate Wasted 10
ethanol or ethyl alcohol
Lactic Acid—
Lactate or lactic acid
Chocolate Wasted 20
What two types of
alternative respiration
will you undergo
after eating fried chicken?
Chocolate Wasted 20
Deamination of Amino Acids
Beta Oxidation of Lipids
Chocolate Wasted 30
In order to undergo
alternative forms of respiration
(because we don’t eat just sugar!)
what type of molecule
we must reach before this is possible
Chocolate Wasted 30
Must create a 2 Carbon Chain
(Amino Acids remove the amine group to reveal a 2-C skeleton)
(Lipids chop up fatty acid tails to create a 2-C backbone)
Which can now bind with
Coenzyme A to create Acetyl CoA
Chocolate Wasted 40
How does fermentation
allow glycolysis to occur
over and over again?
Chocolate Wasted 40
ethanol and lactic acid pull
electrons and H+ off NADH
and FADH to allow them to
recirculate through glycolysis
and make more ATP
Chocolate Wasted 50
How does PFKase act as a
feedback mechanism for
Respiration and is it
positive or negative feedback?
Chocolate Wasted 50 Answer
Plenty of ATP = atp and
citrate bond with allosteric
site of enzyme to inhibit
process until energy is
needed again
Make your wager
A worm ate 30,000 calories of grass.
A chicken ate that worm.
You went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and
ate that chicken.
How many calories did you receive of
the original source?