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Protein Synthesis:
The Central Dogma of Biology
Chapter 8 in your textbook
RNA: Ribonucleic acid
Used to make proteins
Double – stranded
Single – stranded
1 type
3 types
Deoxyribose sugar
Ribose sugar
Three Types of RNA
Video clip – 2:52
1. mRNA (messenger): copies the information
from the DNA to carry it out of the nucleus
to the ribosomes
2. rRNA (ribosomal): used to make up most of
the ribosomal subunits that decode the
3. tRNA (transfer): carries amino acids to the
ribosome to be linked together to form an
amino acid chain (that will become a protein)
mRNA is linear (forms a line of bases)
tRNA has a “cloverleaf” shape
rRNA + protein make up the ribosome
The Central Dogma of Biology
DNA carries the genetic code (genes)
The code is a triplet code – 3 nucleotides (grouped
together as a codon) code for one amino acid.
That code is translated into proteins (each gene
codes for one protein)
Each protein results in one trait (or is responsible
for one part of one trait)
Proteins result in the physical characteristics
(traits) or enzymes (controls chemical reactions) of
an organism
Transcription: Making mRNA from DNA
1. One gene in the DNA molecule is opened
Quick-time movie
2. RNA polymerase
bonds free-floating
RNA nucleotides to
open bases on the
exposed strand of
Animation – Click on left hand box in top row
3.The newly made mRNA leaves the nucleus
and travels to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm
Translation: Making an amino acid
chain from RNA -- Animation
1. The ribosomal subunits surround the
Translation, cont’d
2. tRNA binds to a
specific amino acid
and brings it to a
specific codon on the
mRNA. One end of
the tRNA has 3 bases
called an anticodon
that is
complementary to the
codon on the mRNA.
Translation, cont’d
3. Amino acids are
joined together
by peptide
4. tRNA is
released and
Protein Synthesis
Video clip – 3:20
The Genetic Code
This chart
is used to
acid will
be added
based on
The Genetic Code, cont’d
To find the amino
acid that goes to a
specific codon
(three-base mRNA
sequence), find the
first base on the
left, the second
base across the
top, and then –
within that box –
the third base on
the right.
Code, cont’d
the chart for
codons into
amino acids
is displayed
in a circular
The Genetic Code, cont’d
There are 64 possible codons
There are only 20 amino acids
Each codon codes for one amino acid
Ex: CCC codes for proline
Some amino acids may be coded for by
multiple codons
Ex: CCU, CCC, CCA, and CCG all code for
Video clip – 3:26
The Genetic Code, cont’d
There is one “start” codon – AUG – which
codes for the amino acid methionine
There are three “stop” codons
These codons do not code for any amino acid
When a stop codon is reached, it is a signal that
the amino acid chain is complete.
This releases the amino acid – or polypeptide –
Also, the mRNA detaches from the ribosome and
the ribosomal subunits come apart
Mutation = any error / mistake in the DNA
Video clip – 1:47
Two types: point and frameshift
Point mutations: those that affect one
nucleotide – they occur at a single point on
the DNA
Point Mutations
changing one
nucleotide for
May have no
noticeable effect if
the codon still codes
for the same amino
Point Mutation - Substitution
May have a significant effect if the substituted
codon changes the amino acid – video clip – 0:59
For instance, sickle cell anemia results from a single
substitution point mutation
The change of one nitrogen base leads to a different
amino acid, causing the range of problems faced by a
person with sickle cell anemia
Deletion –
removing one or
more nucleotides
If a set of three
nucleotides is
removed, then
one amino acid
will be missing
from the protein
made by that
The deletion shown above results in
cystic fibrosis.
Deletions, cont’d
If one or two
nucleotides is
deleted (or
anything that is
not a multiple of
three), the deletion
can change the
amino acids for
everything past
the deletion
Insertion – adding one or more nucleotides
If a set of three nucleotides is added, then the
protein will have an additional amino acid
Insertions, cont’d
If one or two
nucleotides is
added (or
anything that is
not a multiple of
three), the
insertion can
change the
amino acids for
everything past
the insertion
Frameshift Mutations
Frameshift mutations: any changes that
add or subtract nucleotides causing a change
in the sequence of every codon after the
This affects the “reading frame” –
AAT/CGG/ACC – if “T” is inserted after the first
“C”, it will now read AAT/CTG/GAC/C…
changing all of the amino acids after the insertion
Frameshift Mutations
Results when one or
two nucleotides / bases
are inserted or deleted
(or any number of
bases that is not a
multiple of 3)
Causes of Mutations
bacteria / viruses
environmental / chemical
Video clip – 1:06
UV radiation
Various pollutants
Some types of cancer (which is caused by a
mutation in the DNA of the cells that become
cancerous) can have a genetic predisposition –
making it more likely someone will get that type
of cancer