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Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Genetically identical cells are produced from a single parent cell by
Fission or Budding
Sexual reproduction occurs when new individual is formed
through union of two sex cells (gametes).
Produce zygote.
Haploid gametes formed by meiosis in sex organs (gonads).
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Different Approaches to Sex
Parthogenesis - Virgin birth
Sexual Reproduction
monoecious / dioecious
Hermaphroditism - Both Sex organs
Evolution of Reproduction
Three Strategies of Internal Fertilization:
Oviparity - Eggs are fertilized internally and deposited outside mother’s body
to complete development.
™ Ovoviviparity - Fertilized eggs are retained within mother to complete
development, but all nourishment gained from yolk sac.
™ Viviparity - Young develop within mother and obtain nourishment directly
from mother’s blood.
Porifera and Cnidaria
Sponges reproduce by both asexual and sexual means. Most poriferans that reproduce
by sexual means are hermaphroditic and produce eggs and sperm at different times.
Cnidarians reproduce by both asexual and sexual means.
• reproduction
dioecious - many dimorphic
™ oviparous, or ovoviviparous
™ metamorphosis - complete / incomplete
™ some parthenogenic – development from a unfertilized ovum.
Fertilization can be internal- males have an ovipositor
• reproduction
monoecious / dioecious
trochophore larva
™ asexual - budding
™ Fertilization external
™ Gametes passed into the coelom (body cavity)
Evolution of Vertebrate Reproduction
Vertebrate sexual reproduction evolved in the ocean before
vertebrates colonized land.
Most marine bony fish utilize
external fertilization.
™ Most other vertebrates utilize internal fertilization.
Gametes could not be released on dry land without significant mortality.
Sexual Reproduction
Sex Determination
In some organisms, environmental conditions can determine sex of offspring.
In mammals, sex is determined early in embryonic development.
¾ Embryonic gonads are indifferent.
ƒ Y chromosome produce males.
Animals: Sex Determination
Alternation of generations in Gynosperms
Alternation of generations in angiosperms
Comparison between Animal and Plant life
Plants gametes divide so individuals are haploid or diploid
Animals individuals
are diploid and gametes are haploid
Patterns of Inheritance
Pattern of inheritance hypotheses
heredity – the tendency for traits to be passed from parent to
“blending” hypothesis – the genetic material of the parents mixes in a
manner similar to blending paint.
™ Lamark’s inheritance of acquired characteristics. example a giraffe's neck
™ Mendel’s inheritance of characteristic traits
What were Mendel’s experiments?
Mendel performed simple test crosses
™ Parent
P1 X P2
First Filial generation
Second Filial generation
In each generation he recorded the phenotype of each individual and the number with
each phenotype
How did Mendel derive his rules?
Used pea plants to control parental crosses
Chose only characters that were present or not present.
Started parental cross with true-breeders
Crossed two true-breeders of different varieties – hybridization cross
Dominant phenotype is given by two genotypes:
Homozygote and heterozygote: RR and Rr
™ Gene – a discrete unit of heredity
™ Allele – alternate forms of a gene when expressed result in variation within traits
™ Phenotype – the physical trait expressed
™ Genotype – the alleles present
Somatic cells have two alleles of each gene but gametes have only one allele
Alleles of each gene segregate during gamete formation
Principle of allele segregation is Mendel’s first rule
Parent =
Gametes =
1/2 R
1/2 r
How do scientists predict the probability of inheritance?
™Punnett Squares can be used to visualize crosses between two
™Possible gametes of individual are listed along horizontal side. And possible
gametes of the other individual are listed along the vertical side.
™Genotypes of potential offspring are represented by cells within square.
™Frequency expressed as probability.
ovule produced with one
allele R
and one
allele r
pollen produced with one
allele r
and one
allele r
YyRr Y Y
Yy rr
Yy rr
yy rr
YyRr YyRr – heterozygous
Parental heterozygous cross phenotypic ratio?
Yellow round seeds
(any with Y or R)
Yellow wrinkled seeds
(any with Y and rr)
Green round seeds
(any with yy and R)
Green wrinkled seeds
(any with yy and rr)
™Incomplete Dominance
™Some alleles produce a heterozygote phenotype that is intermediate between
those of the parents.
™Epistasis - Interaction between products of two genes where one
gene modifies the other gene’s phenotypic expression.
™Emerson - To produce pigment, a Zea mays plant must possess
at least one functional copy of each enzyme gene.
™Often each allele has its own effect and the alleles
are considered codominant.
™Human ABO Blood type
™Type A individuals only galactosamine
™Type B individuals add only galactose
™Type AB individuals add both sugars
™Type O individuals add neither sugar
™Rh Blood Group
™Rh cell surface marker
A trait determined by a gene on the sex chromosome is said to be sex-linked.
„ In Drosophila, sex is determined by the number of copies of the x
Mutations in Human Heredity
™Mutations are accidental changes in genes.
™Rare, random, and usually result in recessive alleles.
™Pedigrees used to study heredity.
™Hemophilia - Inherited condition where blood is slow to clot or does not clot
at all.
™Only expressed when individual has no copies of the normal allele.
™Royal Hempohilia - Sex-linked
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Sickle-Cell Anemia is a recessive inherited disorder in which
afflicted individuals have defective hemoglobin, and thus are
unable to properly transport oxygen to tissues.
Heterozygotes usually appear normal.
Homozygotes have Sickle-Cell, but are resistant to malaria.
Other Disorders
Incurable heredity disorder which causes brain to deteriorates.
Nonfunctional form of hexosaminidas A enzyme.
Huntington’s Disease
Inherited condition caused by dominant allele causing progressive brain
Symptoms usually develop late in life.
Genetic Counseling and Therapy
Process of identifying parents at risk of producing children with
genetic defects and assessing genetic state of early embryos.
™ Ultrasound
™ Chorionic Villi Sampling