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and Displaying
Next Generation Science / Common Core Standards Addressed!
RST.11‐12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information
presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video,
multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in
diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in
order to address a question or solve a problem.
Bell Work / Student Learning Objectives!
Identify the functions
of advertising.
Identify methods used
to communicate in
Explain the purpose of
displaying products.
Explain the point-ofpurchase sales
Interest Approach
Develop a slogan for Acme
Flowering Plants.
 Why is a slogan important?
What are the functions of
Advertising performs many
functions for businesses and the
general public.
Without advertising, the public
wouldn’t realize many companies
Without advertising, many
businesses would cease to exist.
One function of advertising is to
create awareness of the
business itself.
 Another function of advertising
is to help people by providing
them information about a
product or service they need.
Advertising is also beneficial to the
Advertising makes potential
customers aware of products and
Advertising can be educational,
such as helping consumers receive
greater benefit from products,
services, or ideas.
What are methods used to
communicate in advertising?
The methods used to communicate
in advertising a horticulture
business vary greatly.
The advertising medium chosen will
depend on the amount of money
budgeted, the message to be
sent, and the target market.
Television is generally the most
expensive advertising medium.
 Television advertising is
generally used for national
coverage but can be local
coverage on local stations.
 Radio coverage is less
expensive than television
coverage, but will still cover a
large market.
Newspaper coverage is still less expensive,
but its effectiveness is unclear.
 Newspapers can be used to advertise,
survey, or give customers valuable
Direct mail is the least expensive form of
advertising and one of the most effective.
 This is because it can be sent to only those
people in the target market.
Website advertisement is effective when
customers are seeking information but not
always effective for special promotions
from an independent retail outlet.
The most efficient form of
advertisement is word of mouth.
Satisfied customers will tell others
about the products they bought or
the services they received.
What is the purpose of
displaying products?
A display is an exhibit of
 Displays are used to attract
customers from outside the
business, and help people
already in the business find
what they need.
Displays designed to attract
customers from outside the store
are mounted in the windows of the
These displays allow the business
to make a statement to customers
outside the store without spending
money on advertising.
Displays within the store include
end of aisle displays, point-ofpurchase displays, shelf displays,
and wall and ceiling displays.
 The location of the display will
determine whether or not it is a
product display or a sign.
What is the point-of-purchase
sales technique?
This method consists of a
display placed at or near the
cash register, the point where a
product is purchased.
 Psychological elements used to
make this an effective display
include each of the five senses.
Directing the display towards the
sense of sight involves using color,
shape, size, location, and motion.
Displays based on sound include
the use of jingles, slogans, songs,
and sounds associated with the use
of the product.
The sense of
touch involves
having the item
there to be
Taste and smell
are associated
with free samples
of food or products
to be smelled.
What are the functions of
What are methods used to
communicate in advertising?
What is the purpose of displaying
What is the point-of-purchase sales
The End!