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Food Marketing
Family Influence on Food
• Family is the major influence on the food choices and
habits of its members.
• Starting as children due to being fed the same food as
the family
• As children grow older they develop likes and dislikes –
therefore will show preferences for some foods and
refuse others.
• People outside the family unit will introduce them to new
• Family members use food to celebrate special
occasions during their lives
• The influence of your family on your food habits and
eating practices will last a lifetime.
Influences of Peers
• As children age, peers will begin to have a greater
influence on both their food choices and their food
• The more time that is spent with peers, the more
influence they will have
• This will start when children go to day care or play
• The more children are exposed to different food habits
and practices, the more thy are influenced by them
• In the teen years, peers begin to exert a greater
influence on their lives, such as food habits, practices,
and beliefs about food.
Media Influence
• Media has a large influence on all our lives because it is
all around us, even though we may or may not be aware
of it.
• Advertisers use the media to sell their products; TV,
radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, outdoor ads,
direct mail, the Yellow Pages, etc…
• Advertisers are also looking for different ways of
advertising their products. Products are often used in
movies and television shows to get extra exposure.
• Advertising during sporting events increases consumer
awareness of a product, as well as giving the product a
positive image.
Advertising Techniques
• Advertising can be informative
and entertaining
• Different techniques are used
to entice consumers to
purchase their products
• Food advertisers use these
same techniques to convince
people that they want to eat
their products.
• Limited information – generally
only the facts that will
encourage you to buy are told
to the consumer.
Advertising Techniques Cont’
• Positive images – an ad may
use images of things that
people feel positively about ,
such as friendship or a good
appearance. Advertisers hope
that these images will be
associated with feelings about
a product.
• Celebrity endorsement – some
ads show popular performers
or athletes promoting the
product. These celebrities
may or may not use the
products in real life.
• Appeal to basic needs –
advertisers may focus on ways
the product meets a need for
security or self-esteem. They
try to convince you that the
product will make you look or
feel better.
Advertising Techniques Cont’
• Scare tactics –
advertisers may play on
people’s fears of aging or
developing a medical
condition by claiming that
their product prevent or
relieve the symptoms or
provide essential
• False claims – ads may
make claims that are not
true, such as fast or
guaranteed results. If a
claim sounds too good to
be true, it usually is.
Advertising Techniques Cont’
• Infomercials – these are tv ads
made to look like regular
consumers programs or
televised news reports.
• Besides advertising,
companies use other
techniques to promote their
products. Such as, lending
their product name for a
sporting event, a movie.
• Coupons and eye-catching
store displays encourage
consumers to buy.
• Product packages are even a
form of advertising.
Food: Ads vs. Reality
Food Ad Tricks
How Subliminal Advertising Tries To Make You Fat
Persuasion or Manipulation: Thinking About
Advertising - What psychological tricks do they use?
The Corporation - Advertisements Targeting Children
Supermarket Psychology
Overweight kids in America