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Unit 6
Reading: Advertising
Session 1
Section I
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Match the advertising slogans with corresponding products.
(1) Let’s make things
(2) Good to the last drop.
Task 1
(4) The relentless pursuit
of perfection.
(3) Intelligence everywhere.
Task 1
(5) To me, the past is
black and white, but the
future is always color.
(6) We lead. Others copy.
Task 1
(7) The new digital era.
Task 2
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Section Ⅱ
Introductory Remarks
Warm-up Discussion
Intensive Reading
Introductory Remarks
Advertising today is a large
business. It is a popular means used
in almost all aspects of life.
Advertisers devote themselves to
advertising campaign for different
purposes. With many functions,
advertising has become the most
important part of brand-building
process. As the most effective
information carrier, advertising can
not be successful without support of
media means.
Warm-up Discussion
1 Before you read, work in pairs
and discuss the following
(1) What is your understanding of
(2) What role do you think advertising
plays in our life?
Every day when we watch TV or read a newspaper, we
come across advertisements. Advertising is a form of
communication used to help sell products and services. Typically, it
communicates a message including the name of the product or
service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the
consumer(1). Meantime, advertising does attempt to persuade
potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular
brand of product or service. Modern advertising developed with the
rise of mass production* in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Advertising means different things to different people. To
the CEO* of a multinational corporation, like Pepsi, advertising is
an essential marketing tool that helps create brand awareness and
loyalty and stimulates* consumption. To the owner of a small retail
shop, advertising is a way to bring people into the store.
Advertising today is a large business. It is both an industry
in itself and a tool used by a wide range of people. Advertising is
widespread because it serves a necessary purpose. It is not just a
force for commercial organizations and large-scale industry, it is
also a tool of theirs, and of individuals(2). It is a method used in all
aspects of life in our society, for the following purposes:
For commercial business, to sell goods and services.
By the central government, to inform the public.
By local authorities, to announce local services.
For books, or travel, or education courses.
By companies to announce their results or new ventures.
For health care products or services.
By individuals, to buy and sell personal goods.
By political parties, to get more votes.
Advertising is an important part of the brand-building process
for a company. And the role of advertising in communicating brand
values is not reserved for big national or multinational companies
like Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola(3). Marketers in companies and
industries of all sizes recognize the need for advertising and are
keen on investing in advertising and promotion as powerful
competitive tools(4). Company leaders understand that good
advertising and reputable brand promotion is the key to driving sales
and building brand value and market share.
For every organization and every product or service,
advertising tends to achieve a specific goal or objective. Generally,
advertising is a method that achieves all, some or one of the
following three major functions:
Firstly, advertising has an informing function about
organizations, about products and services, about the environment,
the society, the trends and fashion in society and many more aspects
of our life.
Secondly, advertising provides the stimulus to viewers for
them to engage in action (5) . This deals with the emotional
dimension of the target audience, which concentrates on contacting
and persuading the consumers rather than informing them (6).
The third function of advertising is to provide constant
reminders and reinforcements* to produce the consumers’ desire(7).
This is a particularly effective function in the long run* as reminders
and reinforcements register in the consumers’ minds, becoming the
base on which they shape their future decisions.
Advertising is sometimes called a partnership, although
some partners are more equal than others(8) .The media play a key
role. It is crucial to take advantage of the vast range of media power
that can assist the advertisers, such as (9) newspaper and magazines,
TV, posters , radio, cinema, exhibitions, direct mails, telemarketing
and the use of the telephone, and new electronic media such as the
There are many smaller media outlets besides these (10) . They
provide the space, the instrument for the advertisers; they enable
one to realize the complete advertising process. Of course, it is
the media which receive the bulk of the expenditures. Advertising,
in many senses, is an investment: in the power and effect of
media space and media communication. The strengths of the
media are the strengths of the advertising campaign*. It is
important for the business advertising to involve with the media,
to the largest possible extent(11) . Such involvement can not only
help extend the social impact of products on the public, but can
also help establish good relationships between products and the
Text analysis
1) Typically, it communicates a message including the
name of the product or service and how that product
or service could potentially benefit the consumer.
Word study
Typically: generally representative of something; usually
Forms: more typically; most typically; less typically; least typically
e.g.: Doctors are typically hard-working people.
Paraphrase: Usually, advertising expresses relative information,
including the name of the product or service and the advantages
of that product or service for the consumer.
Text analysis
2) It is not just a force for commercial organizations
and large-scale industry, it is also a tool of theirs,
and of individuals.
Word study
It is not just..., it is also... is similar to it is not only... but
also. Just here is used simply to emphasize.
e.g.: It is not just farmers who are complaining.
It is not just that farmers are complaining.
Paraphrase: It is not only a force for commercial organizations
and large industry, it is also a tool of theirs, and a tool of
everyone of us.
Text analysis
3) And the role of advertising in communicating
brand values is not reserved for big national or
multinational companies like Pepsi Cola and Coca
Word study
Be reserved for: put aside or keep sth for a later occasion or
special use
e.g.: Beijing adopted a low price policy to the ticket sales for the
2008 Olympic Games and 14% of the cheapest tickets had
been reserved for the country’s youth.
Text analysis
4) Marketers in companies and industries of all sizes
recognize the need for advertising and are keen on
investing in advertising and promotion as powerful
competitive tools.
Word study
be keen on: be fond of; devoted to
e.g.: She is keen on sailing, very enthusiastic.
Text analysis
5) Secondly, advertising provides the stimulus to viewers
for them to engage in action.
Word study
stimulus: thing that produces a reaction in living things;
thing that encourages or excites sb / sth to activity, greater
effort, etc.
e.g.: Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder.
Text analysis
6) This deals with the emotional dimension of the target
audience, which concentrates on contacting and
persuading the consumers rather than informing them.
Word study
concentrate on: focus (one’s attention, effort, etc)
exclusively and intensely on sth, not thinking about other
less important things
e.g.: I can’t concentrate on my report with all that noise
going on.
rather than: in preference to; in stead of
e.g.: Now photography is regarded more as art rather than
a simple hobby.
Text analysis
7)The third function of advertising is to provide constant
reminders and reinforcements to produce the consumers’
Word study
reinforcements:an act performed to strengthen approved
Paraphrase: The third function of advertising is to remind
and stimulate the customers constantly, causing them to
produce the desire to purchase this product.
Text analysis
8) Advertising is sometimes called a partnership, and
some partners are more equal than others.
Word study
equal: with no difference in status or rank
e.g.: All men are equal in the sight of God.
Text analysis
9) It is crucial to take advantage of the vast range of
media power that can assist the advertisers, such as:…
Word study
crucial: extremely significant or important
e.g.: The next step is crucial, if we lost it we lost all.
take advantage of: to put to good use
e.g.: He took full advantage of all his business
Text analysis
10) There are many smaller media outlets besides these.
Text analysis
11) It is important for the business advertising to involve
with the media, to the largest possible extent.
to (some, what, such an, a certain) extent: to the degree
e.g.: The economic policy of a country influences not only
its domestic economy but also international economy to
some extent.
I agree with you to a certain extent.
Text analysis
12) Such involvement can not only help extend the social
impact of products on the public, but can also help
establish good relationships between products and media.
Word study
impact (on): strong impression or effect on sb / sth
e.g.: The comments of the media made a great impact on
the judgment of the case.
Read the text again and decide if the following
statements are true (T) or false (F).
F 1 To everyone in a free society, advertising is an essential
marketing tool that helps create brand awareness and loyalty
and stimulates demand.
T2 Advertising today is both an industry in itself and a tool
used by a wide range of people.
F3 Advertising is widespread because it is a force for
commercial organizations and large-scale industry, and also a
tool of theirs and of individuals.
F4 The role of advertising in communicating brand values is only
reserved for big national or multinational companies.
T5 The media has the widest exposure to the public and make a
product or company the focus of public attention.