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B2 Glossary
Active site
Active transport
Adult stem cell
Aerobic respiration
Alimentary canal
Amino acid
Anaerobic respiration
Asexual reproduction
Base pair
(H) Base triplet
Benedict’s test
Bile duct
Blood vessels
Cardiac output
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Chromosomal DNA
Circulatory system
(H) Codon
Concentration gradient
Daughter cell
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Digestive system
Site on enzyme molecule that has special shape that holds substrate
Movement of molecules against concentration gradient using energy
A base in DNA that pairs with thymine
A stem cell in differentiated tissue that can produce a few kinds of cells
Respiration that needs oxygen
The muscular tube that runs from the mouth to the anus
Different types of a gene eg. brown eyes, blue eyes
Carbohydrase enzyme that turns starch to sugar
A small molecule that is the building block of protein
Respiration that does not need oxygen
Proteins that bind to microorganisms and destroy them
Major artery leading away from the heart
Vessels that transport blood away from the heart
Formation of a new individual identical to its parent using mitosis
Chemicals that link the two strands of DNA (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine)
Complementary bases always pair up in the same way (A-T, C-G)
Three bases that code for an amino acid
Blue liquid which turns orangey-red when heated with reducing sugar
Substance in food that the body uses to make vitamin A
Example of probiotic bacteria
Alkaline substance stored in gall bladder that helps fat digestion
Tube that connects gall bladder to small intestine
Variety of species present in a given area
A ball-shaped mass of chewed food
Tubes that carry blood around the body
Tiny blood vessels with thin walls that allow diffusion of substances in and out
Enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of carbohydrates to sugar
Compound made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen used for energy
Volume of blood that the heart pumps out in one minute (stroke volume x heart rate)
Semi-permeable barrier around outer surface of cytoplasm
Basic unit of life in which reactions to sustain life take lace
Cell walls are made of tough cellulose to support and shape the cell
Rigid structure surrounding plant and bacterial cell, giving them shape
Green pigment which absorbs light energy
Organelle in plant cells containing chlorophyll. Where photosynthesis happens
Fat made in the liver and carried in the blood. High levels inc. risk of heart disease
DNA which makes up the chromosomes of a cell
Thread-like structures in the nucleus which carry genetic information
Organ system including the heart and blood vessels, carrying blood around the body
Individual genetically identical to parent created by asexual reproduction
Another name for base triplet
When a solute is gradually increasing concentration from one area to another
The liquid gel that makes up a cell. Where many reactions take place
A base in DNA that pairs with guanine
Cell produced from the division of a parent
To break down or change shape, as proteins denature with excess heat
Without oxygen
Chemical that makes chromosomes and genes (DNA)
Specialise, develop into different types eg. cells becoming blood, bone nerves, etc
Random movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
Breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble ones
System of organs responsible for breakdown and absorption of food
A cell that has two sets of chromosomes. In humans, this is every cell except gametes.
B2 Glossary
DNA replication
Double helix
Embryonic stem cell
(H) Emulsify
(H) Enucleate
Excess Post-exercise
Oxygen Consumption
(H) Fatty acid
Fossil record
Functional foods
Gall bladder
Gas exchange
Genetic code
Genetic engineering
Genetically modified
organisms (GMOs)
Golden rice
(H) Glycerol
Human Genome Project
Hydrogen bonds
(H) Implant
Lactic acid
Large intestine
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Light microscope
Limiting factor
When chromosomes are copied before cell division occurs
Spiral structure of DNA produced by two strands joined by complementary base pairs
An area that includes living and non-living components in a stable relationship
Getting longer
Ball of cells produced by cell division of a zygote
A cell produced in early development of an embryo which can become almost any cell
Turn into an emulsion, where particles of one liquid are suspended in another liquid
Remove the nucleus from a cell
An organism’s surroundings, made of factors like air, water, soil and other organisms
Protein molecule made by cells which speeds up the rate of a reaction
Development of a new species over time as a result of natural selection
Period of time after exercise when a greater amount of oxygen is needed for various
processes including the break down lactic acid
Undigested waste material
Chemicals used to store energy in organisms
Part of the structure of fat or oil
When two gametes fuse
Whip-like proteins on the outside of bacterial cells, can be used for movement
Preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived a long time ago
Fossils from different times used to form a hypothesis for evolution of life on earth
Food which claim to make you healthier
Organ that stores bile made by the liver and releases it into small intestines
Sex cell (eggs and sperm) made by meiosis
A process in the lungs where oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the blood and carbon
dioxide diffuses from blood into the lungs
A section of DNA that codes for a particular protein
Code produced by sequence of bases in DNA
The process of removing a gene from one organism and inserting it into the DNA of
An organism that has had a gene from another species introduced
All the genetic information of an organism, as a list of all the bases
Genetically engineered rice which produces beta-carotene
A simple sugar that is broken down in respiration and produced in photosynthesis
Part of the structure of a fat or oil
Increase in size, length or height as well as an increase in the number of cells
A base in DNA that pairs with cytosine
The place where an organism lives
The red iron-containing pigment found in red blood cells
Having one set of chromosomes, as in gametes
Chemical that kills plants, usually used on weeds
A project to sequence (find the order of) all the bases in human DNA involving scientists
from many different countries
Base pairs (in DNA) are joined by these weak bonds
In reproduction, placing the embryo into the uterus to develop
Waste product od anaerobic respiration in animal cells
Example of probiotic bacteria
Organ that absorbs water from waste material
One of the four chambers of the heart, receives blood from pulmonary vein
One of the four chambers of the heart, receives blood from left atrium and pumps it to
Instrument that magnifies objects using light and mirrors
A single factor that, when in short supply, can limit the rate of photosynthesis
B2 Glossary
Lock and key hypothesis
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Mitochondrion (plural
Organ system
Parent cell
Partially permeable
Peer review
Pitfall trap
Plant stanol esters
Plasmid / plasmid DNA
(H) Polypeptide
Pond net
Population size
Protein synthesis
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary vein
Enzyme that digests fats into fatty acids and glycerol
Organ that has a range of functions including the production of bile
An idea that helps to explain how enzymes works by showing the relationship between
an enzyme molecule and its substrate
Division of a parent cell to produces genetically different cells
Molecule formed during DNA transcription carries the code from the chromosome to
the ribosome
Site of cellular respiration in cells where glucose is broken down using oxygen
Division of parent cell to produce genetically identical cells
A change in the base sequence on DNA, often as a result of exposure to radiation
Part of cell containing DNA for making new cells and controlling reactions in the cell
Muscular tube between the mouth and the stomach
A type of carbohydrate which is a common prebiotic
A group of different tissues working together to perform a particular function
Tiny structure in cells that carries out particular functions eg. nucleus, mitochondria
A group of organs working together to perform a particular function
Diffusion of water from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water
concentration through a partially permeable membrane
With oxygen
Compound that forms when oxygen combines with haemoglobin in the lungs
Organ that makes digestive enzymes and secretes them into the small intestine
The cell that divides to produce daughter cells
A thin sheet of material that will allow some molecules (eg.water) to diffuse through
but not larger ones
When a scientist with a similar background and experience checks someone else’s work
An example of a protease enzyme found in the stomach
Waves of muscular contraction that move food along the alimentary canal
Living tissue that transports sugars around a plant
A series of enzyme-catalysed reactions occurring in green parts of a plant, using water
and carbon dioxide to form glucose using sunlight
A trap used to collect small animals that move on the ground. They are unable to get
Oily substances found in plants that appear to lower people’s blood pressure
Liquid component of blood. Carries cells and dissolved substances
A circle of DNA found only in bacterial cells
Cell fragments that are important for blood clotting mechanism
A chain of amino acids that will form part of a protein
A net used to collect aquatic organisms
A simple device used to collect small invertebrates
The number of individuals of a species in an area
A device used to measure the uptake of water by a plant
Substances that cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes but which are food for
probiotic bacteria in the intestine
Foods containing live bacteria which produce lactic acid in the gut and may improve the
health of the digestive system
Enzyme which digests protein to amino acids
A polymer made of amino acids, containing hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen
The building up of a protein using amino acids
Artery carrying deoxygenated blood to the lungs
Vein carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs
A square frame of a known area which is placed on the ground to get a sample of the
B2 Glossary
Random sampling
Reaction time
Red blood cells
(H) Ribosome
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Root hair cells
Sexual reproduction
Small intestine
Stem cell
Stomata (singular stoma)
Stroke volume
Surface area
Surface area to volume
(H) Surrogate mother
Sweep net
Systematic sampling
(H) Transcription
(H) Transfer RNA (rRNA)
(H) Translation
(H) Uracil
(H) Uterus
living organisms in that area
A method of sampling where the locations are chosen at random
The time taken to respond to a stimulus which is affected by the speed of activity of the
brain and nervous system
Biconcave discs carrying haemoglobin, transporting oxygen around the body
A series of reactions occurring in all living cells in which glucose is broken down to
release energy
Small structures in the cytoplasm of a cell where mRNA is translated into an amino acid
One of the four chambers of the heart that receives blood from the vena cava
One of the four chambers of the heart that receives blood from the right atrium and
pumps it into the pulmonary artery
Cells found near the tips of roots that have thin extensions to increase the surface area
to allow water to enter by osmosis
Lubricates food and makes it easier to swallow, also contains amylase which begins the
digestion of carbohydrate
Looking at a small portion of an area or population
A thin membrane separating the two sides of the heart
The formation of a new, genetically different, individual from the fertilisation of an egg
and a sperm
Organ where digestion is completed and nutrients are absorbed
A carbohydrate made by joining together thousands of glucose molecules
An unspecialised cell that can divide to produce more stem cells or different kinds of
specialised cell
To destroy bacteria, viruses, mould and pests such as insects on an object.
Organ that makes acid and some enzymes
A tiny pore in the lower surface of a leaf which, when open, allows gases to diffuse in
and out of the leaf
The volume of blood the heart can pump out with each beat
The substance that is changed by an enzyme in a chemical reaction
A group of compounds formed from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
The total area of all the surfaces of an object or substance
The total amount of surface area divided by its volume. The ratio of a small object is
larger than that of a larger object
A female who is not related to the embryo that is implanted in her uterus to develop
A net used to collect insects from long grass by “sweeping”
A method of sampling where the samples are collected from the population at regular
or systematic intervals (eg. Every 5th person)
It is a base (found in DNA) and pairs up with adenine
A group of specialised cells that all carry out the same function
When a strand of mRNA is produced by complementary pairing of bases with one
strand of DNA in the nucleus
A small RNA molecule that transfers the correct amino acid to the ribosome during
translation so that the protein it codes for can be synthesised
Transferring the code in mRNA sequence into a sequence of amino acids on a ribosome
The evaporation of water vapour from the surface of a plant
A base only found in RNA which replaces the base thymine found in DNA
Membrane-bound space in the cytoplasm filled with cell sap, a store of water and
Flaps of tissue in the heart that stop the blood flowing backwards
Vessels that transport blood back to the heart
B2 Glossary
Vena cava
Visking tubing
White blood cells
A major vein leading to the heart
Finger-like folds of the lining of the small intestine which increase surface area for
absorption of digested food
Synthetic membrane which is partially permeable – small molecules can pass through
but larger ones cannot.
Several different types of cells that are all part of the body’s defence system
Tissue made of dead, hollow cells that transports water and dissolved minerals from
the root to other parts of the plant
A fertilised egg cell