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R Ch 36 Magnetism pg 1
Text Qs pg 575
RQ 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-9,12,13,19
R Ch 36 Magnetism pg 2
• Magnets are essential for modern life, they are
used in generators, motors, lights etc.
• Originally called loadstones they were found
naturally in Magnesia, Greece about 2,000 yrs ago
• They contain a form of iron called Magnetite
• Magnetism & electricity were linked in 1820 by
Hans Oersted while playing with a compass and a
current carrying wire
R Ch 36.1 Magnetic Poles pg 3
Magnets have these properties;
1) are a no touch force
2) attract or repel
3) their effect follows the inverse square
law for distance
• 4) Magnetic force = mag. Pole strength x mag. Pole strength / d2
• 5) Magnets always have two poles ( N & S )
R Ch 36.2 Magnetic Fields pg 4
• The space around a magnet is filled with a
magnetic force field
• 1) The direction of the field is N -> S
• 2) The field is strongest at the poles
• 3) Lines can be drawn to represent the field
& the closer the lines the stronger the field
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 5
• Magnetism is produced by the motion of an
electric charge, magnets get their moving
charges from the electrons moving around
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 6
• Remember that electrons
• 1) orbit the nucleus
• 2) spin on their axis, stronger than orbit
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 7
• When the spin & orbit match-up, the
magnetic fields add
• When the spin & orbit are opposite they
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 8
• Electron usually exist in pairs
• When electrons are paired up, their spins
are opposite they cancel
• The canceling effects of the various spins &
orbits are the reason most materials are not
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 9
• Iron, cobalt & nickel all are magnetic
because they have single electrons with spin
that is not canceled by a partner electron
• Iron is the strongest with four unpaired
• cobalt next with three unpaired electrons,
• nickel weakest with two unpaired electrons
R Ch 36.3 The nature of the
Magnetic Field pg 10
• Iron, cobalt & nickel are mixed with
aluminum (for weight) to make common
R Ch 36.4Magnetic Domains
pg 11
• Magnetic domains are clusters of atoms
aligned with their N & S poles all pointed in
the same direction.
R Ch 36.4 Magnetic Domains
pg 12
• Permanent magnets are made by placing iron in a
strong magnetic field and;
• 1) tapping the iron to help the domains align
• 2) sliding a magnet along the iron to the domains
• Permanent magnets are destroyed by
• 1) heating 2) dropping the magnet because it
knocks the domains out of alignment
R Ch 36.5 Electric Currents &
Magnetic Fields pg 13
• Electric current produces a magnetic field
because it is the movement of charges.
• Looping wire around a piece of Iron will
create an electromagnet that can be
switched off and on.
R Ch 36.5 Electric Currents &
Magnetic Fields pg 14
• MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machines
do this by using a strong magnetic field to
flip all of your electrons up and then letting
them flip back to their natural position.
• When your electrons flip back they move
giving off a weak magnetic signal that the
machine detects and uses to construct an
image of your insides
R Ch 36.6 Magnetic Forces on
Moving Charge Particles pg 15
• Moving charged Particles behave weirdly in
a magnetic field;
• 1) static charge & static field = no interaction
• 2) charge & field not moving relative to each other = no interaction
• 3) Charge & magnetic field moving at right
angles to each other = creating a force
perpendicular to the magnet motion & the
charge motion
R Ch 36.6 Magnetic Forces on
Moving Charge Particles pg 16
• This right angle motion is how TV sets
bend the electrons that make the picture
R Ch 36.7 Magnetic Forces on
Current Carrying Wires pg 17
• Wires also feel the force of a magnet field if
the current is moving through the wire and
the wire is at a right angle to the magnetic
• This is how motors, generators, speakers &
microphones work
R Ch 36.8 Meters to Motors
pg 18
• Voltmeter – measures volts
• Ammeter – measures amps (current)
• Electric motors changed the world by replacing
human & animal power.
• Electric motors spin because a permanent magnet
puts a force on an electromagnet by switching the
poles to keep like poles together so they always
repel and keep moving
R Ch 36.9 The Earth’s Magnetic
Field pg 19
• The earth has two North poles;
• 1) Magnetic north (where a compass points) near
Hudson’s Bay in Canada. It moves a little every
• 2) True north is at the north pole.
• In Chicago magnetic north & true north line up.
• The magnetic field is not perfectly understood but
it caused by the magma moving around inside the
R Ch 36.9 The Earth’s Magnetic
Field pg 20
• Even weirder and not understood;
• 1) the earth’s magnetic field has reversed and the
poles switched places.
• 2) the magnetic field has switched off for long
periods and compasses didn’t work
R Ch 36.9 The Earth’s Magnetic
Field pg 21
• The average time of the magnetic reversals
is every one million years and the time is
about up so the next switch may be soon.
• The earth’s magnetic field has decreased
5% in the last 100 yrs. At this rate magnetic
field will change in 2,000 yrs.