* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Chapter 12 Using Energy Lesson 1 Heat • Heat- the total amount of thermal energy an object releases • Temperature- the measurement of the average energy of molecules 1 How does heat travel? • Conduction – passing of heat through a material while the material stays in place • Convection – flow of thermal energy through a liquid or gas, hot rises and cool sinks • Radiation – transfer of energy through electromagnetic rays 1 Lesson 2 Sound • Sound wave – series of rarefactions & compressions through a substance • Medium – substance through which the wave travels *Sound tends to travel with the greatest speed through solids and slowest through gases • Frequency - number of times an object vibrates per second 2 Lesson 3 Light • Photon – tiny bundle of energy by which light travels • Translucent – objects that blur light as it passes through • Image – a “picture” of the light source that light makes bouncing off shiny surfaces Prism – a way to separate light • Electromagnetism – the way electric & magnetic forces interact 3 Lesson 4 Electricity • Electricity – the movement of electrons • Circuit – formed when an electric current passes through an unbroken path of conductors 4 Lesson 5 Magnetism • Magnetism – the ability of an object to puch or pull on another object that has the magnetic property • Magnetic field – a region of magnetic force around a magnet, represented by lines