Download Review Set Unit 2, Lesson 1 *The Immune System*

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Review Set
Unit 2, Lesson 1
“The Immune System”
• When virus particles enter a person’s body, the
body responds by following a specific pattern.
Which of the following steps happens earliest
in the fight against an invading virus?
• A. Viral particles are engulfed by macrophages.
• B. B cells divide to make cells that can make
• C. Helper T cells recognize the viral antigens on
• D. Killer T cells recognize viral antigens and
destroy the infected cells.
• When virus particles enter a person’s body, the
body responds by following a specific pattern.
Which of the following steps happens earliest
in the fight against an invading virus?
• A. Viral particles are engulfed by macrophages.
• B. B cells divide to make cells that can make
• C. Helper T cells recognize the viral antigens on
• D. Killer T cells recognize viral antigens and
destroy the infected cells.
Which of the following are part of your body’s
first line of defense against pathogens? (circle all
that apply)
A. Skin
B. Nose
C. Antibodies
D. Mouth
E. Eyes
Which of the following are part of your body’s
first line of defense against pathogens? (circle all
that apply)
A. Skin
B. Nose
C. Antibodies
D. Mouth
E. Eyes
• What are two ways that the human body can
build immunity to a disease?
• A. become infected with the disease; receive
a vaccine
• B. make antigens; be injected with a killed or
weakened pathogen
• C. initiate rapid or uncontrolled cell division;
secrete oil from skin glands
• D. make T cells and B cells that remember a
pathogen; develop an allergic reaction
• What are two ways that the human body can
build immunity to a disease?
• A. become infected with the disease; receive
a vaccine
• B. make antigens; be injected with a killed or
weakened pathogen
• C. initiate rapid or uncontrolled cell division;
secrete oil from skin glands
• D. make T cells and B cells that remember a
pathogen; develop an allergic reaction
Macrophages tell the _________ to turn up the
heat in your body.
A. Brain
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Liver
Macrophages tell the _________ to turn up the
heat in your body.
A. Brain
B. Lungs
C. Heart
D. Liver
• Sally visits Megan’s house to play with Megan’s
new kitten. Within a few minutes, Sally’s nose is
runny and she is sneezing. What is most likely
causing Sally’s symptoms?
• A. Sally caught a cold from Megan.
• B. Sally caught a virus from the cat.
• C. Sally is developing an autoimmune disease.
• D. Sally is having an allergic reaction to the cat.
• Sally visits Megan’s house to play with Megan’s
new kitten. Within a few minutes, Sally’s nose is
runny and she is sneezing. What is most likely
causing Sally’s symptoms?
• A. Sally caught a cold from Megan.
• B. Sally caught a virus from the cat.
• C. Sally is developing an autoimmune disease.
• D. Sally is having an allergic reaction to the cat.
Your body quickly produces antibodies to
protect you against a second infection because
A. Helper T cells.
B. Killer T cells.
C. Memory B cells.
D. Macrophages.
Your body quickly produces antibodies to
protect you against a second infection because
A. Helper T cells.
B. Killer T cells.
C. Memory B cells.
D. Macrophages.
• Sam went to the doctor when he was feeling
sick. The doctor told him to stay home and
wash his hands regularly because his illness
could easily be spread to other people. Which
of these diseases did Sam most likely have?
• A. cancer
• B. tuberculosis
• C. food poisoning
• D. type 1 diabetes
• Sam went to the doctor when he was feeling
sick. The doctor told him to stay home and
wash his hands regularly because his illness
could easily be spread to other people. Which
of these diseases did Sam most likely have?
• A. cancer
• B. tuberculosis
• C. food poisoning
• D. type 1 diabetes
• Mr. Lane went to the doctor and found out
that he had a noninfectious disease. What
could have caused his disease?
• A. bacteria in food that he ate
• B. a mutagen in his environment
• C. parasites in his drinking water
• D. a virus passed from another person
• Mr. Lane went to the doctor and found out
that he had a noninfectious disease. What
could have caused his disease?
• A. bacteria in food that he ate
• B. a mutagen in his environment
• C. parasites in his drinking water
• D. a virus passed from another person
• Which item is an example of a contagious
viral disease?
• A. common cold
• B. ringworm
• C. strep throat
• D. tuberculosis
• Which item is an example of a contagious
viral disease?
• A. common cold
• B. ringworm
• C. strep throat
• D. tuberculosis
• Jake is helping clean the garage. When he
sweeps a dusty corner, he sneezes and his
eyes water. Which of the following best
describes his body’s response to the dust
• A. an external defense
• B. an internal defense
• C. an immune disorder
• D. an inflammatory response
• Jake is helping clean the garage. When he
sweeps a dusty corner, he sneezes and his
eyes water. Which of the following best
describes his body’s response to the dust
• A. an external defense
• B. an internal defense
• C. an immune disorder
• D. an inflammatory response
A cancer forms when __________ can’t keep up
with uncontrolled cell division.
A. Killer B cells
B. Killer T cells
C. Memory B cells
D. Macrophages
A cancer forms when __________ can’t keep up
with uncontrolled cell division.
A. Killer B cells
B. Killer T cells
C. Memory B cells
D. Macrophages
• Which of the following would most likely
cause an immune deficiency disorder?
• A. rapid or uncontrolled cell division
• B. a pathogen impairs the body’s immune
• C. the production of macrophages by the
immune system
• D. an allergic reaction to an ordinarily
harmless substance
• Which of the following would most likely
cause an immune deficiency disorder?
• A. rapid or uncontrolled cell division
• B. a pathogen impairs the body’s immune
• C. the production of macrophages by the
immune system
• D. an allergic reaction to an ordinarily
harmless substance
• Which of the following is an immune system
• A. measles
• B. influenza
• C. pollen allergy
• D. common cold
• Which of the following is an immune system
• A. measles
• B. influenza
• C. pollen allergy
• D. common cold
• When Kristen was five, she became sick with
chickenpox and then recovered. Why is Kristen
unlikely to get chickenpox a second time?
• A. Kristen has not developed antibodies to
• B. Kristen has developed a vaccination against
• C. Kristen’s body no longer contains cells that
can be damaged by chickenpox.
• D. Kristen’s body has memory cells that will
produce antibodies to fight chickenpox.
• When Kristen was five, she became sick with
chickenpox and then recovered. Why is Kristen
unlikely to get chickenpox a second time?
• A. Kristen has not developed antibodies to
• B. Kristen has developed a vaccination against
• C. Kristen’s body no longer contains cells that
can be damaged by chickenpox.
• D. Kristen’s body has memory cells that will
produce antibodies to fight chickenpox.
Which of the following are true of cancer? (circle
all that apply)
A. It spreads through the body’s circulatory
B. It can be treated with radiation or drugs.
C. It always leads to death.
D. It disrupts the normal activities of organs it
has invaded.
Which of the following are true of cancer? (circle
all that apply)
A. It spreads through the body’s circulatory
B. It can be treated with radiation or drugs.
C. It always leads to death.
D. It disrupts the normal activities of organs it
has invaded.
• Which term refers to a disease caused by an
uncontrolled growth of body cells?
• A. virus
• B. cancer
• C. antigen
• D. immunity
• Which term refers to a disease caused by an
uncontrolled growth of body cells?
• A. virus
• B. cancer
• C. antigen
• D. immunity
HIV destroys
A. Helper T cells.
B. Macrophages.
C. Killer T cells.
D. Memory B cells.
HIV destroys
A. Helper T cells.
B. Macrophages.
C. Killer T cells.
D. Memory B cells.
• Which series includes three pathogens that
cause infectious diseases?
• A. bacteria, fungi, and parasites
• B. parasites, mutagens, and fungi
• C. mutagens, viruses, and bacteria
• D. viruses, bacteria, and environmental
• Which series includes three pathogens that
cause infectious diseases?
• A. bacteria, fungi, and parasites
• B. parasites, mutagens, and fungi
• C. mutagens, viruses, and bacteria
• D. viruses, bacteria, and environmental
• Which item is an example of a contagious
fungal disease?
• A. HIV
• B. ringworm
• C. tuberculosis
• D. food poisoning
• Which item is an example of a contagious
fungal disease?
• A. HIV
• B. ringworm
• C. tuberculosis
• D. food poisoning
• What is a vaccine?
• A. a protein that can attack pathogens or tag
antigens for destruction by blood cells
• B. a weakened pathogen that can infect the
body only with a weakened form of a disease
• C. a substance prepared from a killed or
weakened pathogen that helps build the body’s
immunity to a disease
• D. a type of white blood cell that remembers a
specific pathogen and can produce antibodies to
fight that pathogen
• What is a vaccine?
• A. a protein that can attack pathogens or tag
antigens for destruction by blood cells
• B. a weakened pathogen that can infect the
body only with a weakened form of a disease
• C. a substance prepared from a killed or
weakened pathogen that helps build the body’s
immunity to a disease
• D. a type of white blood cell that remembers a
specific pathogen and can produce antibodies to
fight that pathogen
• The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is the
cause of Lyme disease. Certain types of ticks
carry the bacteria. Which of the following
describes the method through which humans
can contract the disease?
• A. animal to person
• B. person to person
• C. environmental factors
• D. contaminated water or food
• The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is the
cause of Lyme disease. Certain types of ticks
carry the bacteria. Which of the following
describes the method through which humans
can contract the disease?
• A. animal to person
• B. person to person
• C. environmental factors
• D. contaminated water or food
Your body constantly fights against _________
with a built in defense system.
A. germs
B. flu
C. pathogens
D. bacteria
Your body constantly fights against _________
with a built in defense system.
A. germs
B. flu
C. pathogens
D. bacteria
• The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is the
cause of Lyme disease. Certain types of ticks
carry the bacteria. Which of the following
describes the method through which humans
can contract the disease?
• A. animal to person
• B. person to person
• C. environmental factors
• D. contaminated water or food
• The bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi is the
cause of Lyme disease. Certain types of ticks
carry the bacteria. Which of the following
describes the method through which humans
can contract the disease?
• A. animal to person
• B. person to person
• C. environmental factors
• D. contaminated water or food
• Which term refers to a disease in which the
immune system attacks the body’s own cells?
• A. allergy
• B. cancer
• C. immune deficiency
• D. autoimmune disease
• Which term refers to a disease in which the
immune system attacks the body’s own cells?
• A. allergy
• B. cancer
• C. immune deficiency
• D. autoimmune disease
A vaccine
A. kills bacteria.
B. kills germs.
C. Is prepared from killed or weakened
pathogens that are introduced into the body.
D. Is prepared from living, active bacteria then
introduced into the body.
A vaccine
A. kills bacteria.
B. kills germs.
C. Is prepared from killed or weakened
pathogens that are introduced into the
D. Is prepared from living, active bacteria then
introduced into the body.
• Which of the following would most likely
cause a noninfectious disease?
• A. using a locker room shower
• B. being exposed to cigarette smoke
• C. drinking unfiltered water from a mountain
• D. eating food that has been sitting out for a
long time
• Which of the following would most likely
cause a noninfectious disease?
• A. using a locker room shower
• B. being exposed to cigarette smoke
• C. drinking unfiltered water from a mountain
• D. eating food that has been sitting out for a
long time
• Which item is an example of a contagious viral
• A. HIV
• B. ringworm
• C. tuberculosis
• D. food poisoning
• Which item is an example of a contagious viral
• A. HIV
• B. ringworm
• C. tuberculosis
• D. food poisoning
• How do T cells and B cells help build the body’s immunity to
• A. T cells and B cells are skin cells that secrete oils which kill
pathogens as they come in contact with the body’s surface.
• B. T cells and B cells attach themselves to antigens, gradually
absorbing each antigen until it is no longer a threat to the body.
• C. When a body is exposed to a certain pathogen, T cells and B
cells remember that pathogen and produce antibodies to fight that
• D. Scientists extract T cells and B cells from a killed or weakened
pathogen; when injected into a body, these cells trigger the body to
make antigens for that pathogen.
• How do T cells and B cells help build the body’s immunity to
• A. T cells and B cells are skin cells that secrete oils which kill
pathogens as they come in contact with the body’s surface.
• B. T cells and B cells attach themselves to antigens, gradually
absorbing each antigen until it is no longer a threat to the body.
• C. When a body is exposed to a certain pathogen, T cells and B
cells remember that pathogen and produce antibodies to fight
that pathogen.
• D. Scientists extract T cells and B cells from a killed or weakened
pathogen; when injected into a body, these cells trigger the body to
make antigens for that pathogen.
Why is it important to clean and care for cuts on
your skin?
A. To stop bleeding.
B. To allow the band aid to stick to the skin.
C. It could become infected and slow healing.
D. You would become more likely to develop a
Why is it important to clean and care for cuts on
your skin?
A. To stop bleeding.
B. To allow the band aid to stick to the skin.
C. It could become infected and slow healing.
D. You would become more likely to develop a
• The fungus Trichophyton is usually the cause
of athlete’s foot. Sometimes people contract
this disease after using public showers. Which
of the following describes the method through
which the disease is most often transmitted?
• A. through the air
• B. animal to person
• C. from food or water
• D. from contaminated objects
• The fungus Trichophyton is usually the cause
of athlete’s foot. Sometimes people contract
this disease after using public showers. Which
of the following describes the method through
which the disease is most often transmitted?
• A. through the air
• B. animal to person
• C. from food or water
• D. from contaminated objects
What function do T cells, B cells, and
macrophages have in common?
What function do T cells, B cells, and macrophages
have in common?
• defends the body against pathogens
• description of immune response, including entry
of pathogen or foreign particle and roles of
three specified cells (e.g., If pathogens enter the
body, macrophages engulf and digest them; T
cells coordinate the response and attack infected
cells; B cells make antibodies that bind to viral
antigens on the viruses and mark the viruses for
destruction; etc.)
If you had lived in the 1600’s, you probably
would have believed people got sick because
A. an unseen organism made them sick.
B. their diet wasn’t healthy.
C. they didn’t get enough rest.
D. they were being punished.
If you had lived in the 1600’s, you probably
would have believed people got sick because
A. an unseen organism made them sick.
B. their diet wasn’t healthy.
C. they didn’t get enough rest.
D. they were being punished.
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, which of the
following formulas should be used?
A. First subtract 32 from the F temperature, then
multiply by 5, then multiple by 9.
B. First multiply the C temperature by 9, then
divide by 5, then add 32.
C. First subtract 32 from the C temperature, then
multiple by 5, then divide by 9.
D. First subtract 32 from the F temperature, then
multiply by 5, then divide by 9.
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, which of the
following formulas should be used?
A. First subtract 32 from the F temperature, then
multiply by 5, then multiple by 9.
B. First multiply the C temperature by 9, then
divide by 5, then add 32.
C. First subtract 32 from the C temperature, then
multiple by 5, then divide by 9.
D. First subtract 32 from the F temperature, then
multiply by 5, then divide by 9.
How can you be infected by a pathogen? (circle
all that apply)
A. By touching a doorknob after a sick person
B. By playing with a dog that has ringworm.
C. By shaking hands with a sick person.
D. By drinking contaminated water.
How can you be infected by a pathogen? (circle
all that apply)
A. By touching a doorknob after a sick person
B. By playing with a dog that has ringworm.
C. By shaking hands with a sick person.
D. By drinking contaminated water.
How are vaccines and antibiotics used for
different purposes?
How are vaccines and antibiotics used for
different purposes?
Vaccines are used to help your body develop
immunity to a disease that could later infect it.
Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria or slow the
growth of bacteria that are already in the body.