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Titelfoto auf dem Titelmaster einfügen
The Global Climate Observing System, GCOS
Dipl.-Met. Stefan Rösner
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach
 The history of GCOS
 GCOS‘ objectives
 Organization
 What is GCOS?
 What is GCOS doing?
 GCOS national
 Access to GCOS-related information
 Data and Information in the region
 Outlook
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
The history of GCOS
 History
 1990: 2nd World Climate Conference (WCC-2)
 recommends implementation of a Global Climate Observing System;
 1992: formal establishment through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
of sponsoring agencies;
 Secretariat at WMO in Geneva
 Sponsors:
 World Meteorological Organization (WMO),
 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO,
 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and
 International Council for Science (ICSU).
 Home Page
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
GCOS‘ objectives
 To support
 all components of the World Climate Programme.
 the assessment role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
 the international policy development role of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
 To provide comprehensive, continuous climate and climate-related observations needed for:
 Climate system monitoring;
 Climate change detection and attribution;
 Operational climate prediction on seasonal-to-interannual timescales;
 Research to improve understanding, modeling and prediction of the climate system;
 Applications and services for sustainable economic development;
 Assessment of the impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, natural climate variability
and human-induced climate change;
 Meeting the requirements of the UNFCCC and other international conventions and agreements.
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
GCOS Steering Committee
Chairperson: Dr Adrian Simmons
GCOS Secretariat
Director: Dr Carolin Richter
Atmospheric Observation Panel
for Climate (AOPC)
Chairperson: Dr Adrian Simmons
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Ocean Observations Panel
for Climate (OOPC)
Chairperson: Dr Eric Lindstrom
Terrestrial Observation Panel
for Climate (TOPC)
Chairperson: Dr Han Dolman
What is GCOS?
GCOS is the climate observation component of GEOSS and the GFCS.
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
 Examples of observing systems contributing to GCOS:
 Atmosphere
WMO Global Observing System (GOS):
GCOS Upper Air Network (GUAN) (~ 160 stations)
GCOS Surface Network (GSN) (~ 1000 stations)
Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) (22 global and 300 regional
 Oceans
Voluntary Observing Ships (~ 7000 ships operated by 52 countries)
Global Sea-Level Observing System (~300 global sea-level stations)
Argo (>3000 profiling floats, 31 countries)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
 Terrestrial
Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G) (~750 glaciers are
being monitored)
Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) (300 bore holes in
15 countries)
Global Terrestrial Network for Hydrology (GTN-H) (GTN-R, GTN-L)
 Space-based observations
Are critical for 26 Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) like
atmospheric temperature, precipitation, Sea Level, Sea ice, etc.
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS? (contd.)
 Ocean Observing System: ARGO Floater (
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
 International development
 GCOS Cooperation Mechanism
 International development
 Systematic approach to document status quo
and gaps in global observing systems for climate:
1998: 1st Report on the adequacy of the
global climate observing systems (GCOS-48)
2003: 2nd Report on the adequacy of the
global observing systems for climate in support
of the UNFCCC (GCOS-82)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
 2000-2005: Regional Workshop Programme
(on request of UNFCCC)
 10 regional Workshops
10 Regional Action Plans
 2004: Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in
Support of the UNFCCC (GCOS-92 + 92ES)
 2006: Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev Africa) (GCOS-108)
 2009: Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Observing
System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC 2004-2008 (GCOS-129)
 2010: Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in
Support of the UNFCCC (2010 update) (GCOS-138)
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
 The IP-2010 builds on IP-2004;
 Essential Climate Variables (ECVs); Integrated global analysis products
 Makes use of existing global, regional and
national plans;
 Includes indicators to monitoring
 Sets priorities for implementation, including
responsible agents and assesses resources
 Includes satellite component;
 Includes 138 actions;
 Additional costs estimated:
US$ 2.5 Billion additional annual costs;
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
(over land,
sea and
Essential Climate Variables (source: IP-2010)
Air temperature, Wind speed and direction, Water vapour,
Pressure, Precipitation, Surface radiation budget.
Temperature, Wind speed and direction, Water vapour, Cloud
properties, Earth radiation budget (including solar irradiance),
Upper-air temperature.
Carbon dioxide, Methane and other long-lived greenhouse
gases, Ozone and Aerosol, supported by their precursors.
Sea-surface temperature, Sea-surface salinity, Sea level, Sea
state, Sea Ice, Surface Current, Ocean colour, Carbon dioxide
partial pressure, Ocean acidity, Phytoplankton.
Temperature, Salinity, Current, Nutrients, Carbon dioxide
partial pressure, Ocean acidity, Oxygen, Tracers.
River discharge, Water use, Groundwater, Lakes, Snow cover, Glaciers and ice
caps, Ice sheets, Permafrost, Albedo, Land cover (including vegetation type),
Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), Leaf area index
(LAI), Above ground biomass, Soil carbon, Fire disturbance, Soil moisture.
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
What is GCOS doing?
 System Improvement Programme:
 GCOS provides support needed
from the scientific, donor and host
communities to implement selected
improvements, especially for
GUAN and GSN stations;
 GCOS Cooperation Mechanism
 Identify and make most effective
use of available resources;
 Donor Board to coordinate
contributions and requests;
 Support to all contributing
elements of the GCOS
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
First launch of a ballon at Gan, Maldives
(Photo: UK MetOffice)
GCOS national
 Systems contributing to GCOS are based on nationally funded observation
 National: GCOS as a programme is living through
and based on
 National observation systems and
 Active national GCOS Coordinators and
national GCOS Committees;
 GCOS Focal Points for technical aspects of GCOS
networks in more then130 countries established
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Access to GCOS-related information
 GCOS home page
 Includes a page which provides an overview of all GCOS-relevant
network components and systems, separated by domains
 The Global Observing Systems Information Centre – GOSIC
 access to data, metadata and information from GCOS and partner
observing systems
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (1)
 WMO Regional Association VI Regional Climate Centre
 Network of 3 centres with shared responsibilities for
 Climate Data (RCC-CD), led by KNMI, NL
 Climate Monitoring (RCC-CM), led by DWD, DE
 Long-range forecast (RCC-LRF), jointly led by
Météo France, FR, and the North EurAsia
Climate Centre (NEACC), RUS
 Access to data
 In many cases without restriction
 User and password needed for LRF products
and gridded data sets from RCC-CM - to be
received via individual NMHS
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (3)
 South Eastern European Virtual Climate Change Centre – SEE VCCC
 Fulfilling the needs of SEE countries for information on subregional
climate change on permanent basis;
 Providing permanent support for capacity building of national
hydrometeorological services in terms of human resources and
improvement of products and services in the area of climate change in the
 Linking science and adaptation planning policy planning, as well as
management of climate change risk, and
 Serving as a model partnership between national hydrometeorological
services in the region and other interested institutions dealing with climate
change, as well as with relevant international organizations, regional
climate centers, donors, etc.
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (4)
 Eastern Mediterranean Climate Center –
 Developed and Hosted by Turkish State
Meteorological Service
 Operation: Monitoring, Prediction, Impact
Assessment, Model Verification
 Data Service: Model Data, Monitoring Data,
Data Quality Management
 Training & Capacity Building: Cooperated
Research Projects, Workshops and Seminars,
Training Courses
 Research & Development: Climate Analysis,
Climate Modeling, Climate Scenarios, Climate
Indices, Downscaling, Climate Information
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (5)
 MEditerranean climate DAta Rescue – MEDARE
 initiative, born under the auspice of the World Meteorological
 main objective: develop, consolidate and progress climate data and
metadata rescue activities across the Greater Mediterranean Region
 The Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (
 is a Ltd Company (CMCC S.c.a.r.l.)
 aims to realize and manage the Centre, its promotion, and research
coordination and different scientific and applied activities in the field of
climate change study
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (6)
 World Hydrological Cycle Observing System – WHYCOS
 Med-HYCOS (
 With map interface for data visualization and download
 Website last updated October 2001!
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Data and Information in the region (7)
 EuroGOOS, the European Global Ocean Observing System
 Mediterranean Operational Oceanography Network (MOON),
 Ocean Nowcasting/ Forecasting Centres
 Mediterranean Atmospheric Forecast
 Observational System Components
including e.g.
Mediterranean Volunteer Observing
Ship Program
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
 Extend network of national GCOS Coordinators;
 Advocate for support to implement actions included in IP-2010;
 Operationalise the reporting cycle for Adequacy Reports  Implementation
Plan  Progress Report
 Challenges ahead:
 Secure availability of resources in the GCOS Secretariat to meet users‘
requirements and expectations;
 Meet the climate observations requirements resulting from implementing
the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS);
 Find an adequate role in the governance structure of the GFCS;
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011
Thank you Wim for your support !
S. Rösner – DARECLIMED, 07/2011