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 The Roman aristocracy set up a______ form of
government in which voters elect their leaders in
 _______ were leaders who commanded the army and
directed the government 2 served for one year terms.
 Members of the _______ were the aristocratic branch
of Rome's gov. Membership was for life.
 The democratic side of Roman Government was the
________. which was made up of all citizen-soldiers
The ____________ were a series of 3 wars between Rome and
Carthage for control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean
__________ invasion of Italy
218 BC: 50,000 infantry, 9000
calvary, 60
___________ were led from
Spain across France into
the_____. 1/2 of men and
most of elephants were lost.
Hannibal failed to take Rome,
but won important battles
and marched over the Italian
peninsula for ____ years
unchallenged. In 146 BC,
Carthage was finally
destroyed by _______.
· _________ racing was popular at the __________, but so
were some of the more bloody sports.
· Wild beasts were hunted and killed by the hundreds
· _________ fought each other to the death. During the
years A.D. 106 to 114, 23,000 gladiators fought to
entertain the citizens
· The Romans enjoyed bloody events so much that
during the intermissions, Romans executed __________
for the entertainment of the audience.
________________ were very important to the Romans.
Without slaves, the wealthy of Rome would not have
been able to lead the lifestyles that they wanted to. By
100 BC, slaves formed 1/3 of Rome's population.
Revolt: For two years _________ and his army of
escaped slaves and Gladiators defeated every Roman
Legion sent against him. Eventually in 71 BC, they were
trapped and destroyed by six Legions
In 44 BC ___________, an ambitious but popular
politician and war hero, was granted dictatorship by the
Senate, but was stabbed to death by his enemies in the
senate who feared he would make himself king..
· After Caesar's death, his grandnephew, _________ and
Caesar's trusted friend, _____________ led armies into
Rome and forced the assembly to grant them power to
rule the state. They took vengeance against the senate,
killing 100 members and an additional 2000
· Antony married Octavian's sister, as a good will
gesture, but loved __________ who he had met while
commanding troops in Asia Minor. He sent word to
Rome that he was divorcing his wife and marrying
Cleopatra, he then gave Roman lands to her children.
· Octavian convinced the Senate that Antony was
plotting to take over rule of Rome w/ Cleopatra, and
led his navy against the couple. They were
______________and commited suicide.
· Octavian made Egypt a province of Rome and
became sole ruler of Rome (Augustus), dissolving the
republic and ruling peacefully for 41 years. This began
the period of 207 years of peace -___ _______
Christianity Spread through the empire:
· Rome took over the Jewish kingdom (Jerusalem) and
made it the Roman province of Judaea in A.D. 6.
· _________was born both a Jew and a Roman subject.
· His teachings contained many ideas from Jewish
tradition, with an emphasis on loving God and loving
· The growing popularity of Jesus and his teachings
worried Roman officials and Jewish leaders.
· The Roman governor
__________________ sentenced
Jesus to be crucified
Causes of the Decline & fall of the Roman Empire:
· Rome's _________ declines- widening gap between rich and
poor > bad harvests, tax burden, inflation, no more plunder from
· Rome faces _________ problems-Divided into East & West: low
defense funds,decline in loyalty among soldiers
· Roman _________ decay- Constantine moves the capital
(Constantinople), civil war and unrest
· _________ changes- corruption, disloyalty, lack of patriotism
· Rome sacked twice by Gemanic armies: 1st by the Visgoths
then the _________
· The Western empire also faced ongoing threat from the
Huns(nomadic tribes from central asia), and other competing
· In AD 476 the last Roman emperor was sent into exile by the
· The Eastern half came to be called the _____________ empire,
and continued to flourish for another 1,000 years
· The
Gospels and other writings of the apostles tell that
_________appeared to his followers several times in the
40 days following his death, proving to his followers
that he was the son of God.
Christianity grew slowly but steadily, despite
persecution in Rome for nearly 300 years, and eventually
became the world's most widespread religion
· Emperor _______________ became Christian
· Roman _______________ church is established