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Introduction to Mass Media
Part I: Selling the Message
Advertising and Public Relations
A Coca-Cola
from the 1890s
Advertising is everywhere.
What is PR
• What is PR?
• Good communication between the public and
What is the difference between
advertising and PR?
• Advertising: Persuade customer to buy product
or service
• A case of Red Bull
What is the difference between
advertising and PR?
• PR: promoting ideas
Why study Advertising and PR in mass
• Mass media depend on Advertising
• Mass media is an important communication
channel for PR
not a new idea
• 3500, Sumerians lived in
Mesopotamia, between
Tigris and Euphrates river
use clay tablet, are the
first forms of advertising.
Advertising: not a new idea
• “a cast of a stone
tablet from the
Uruk period”
Advertising: not a new idea
• Egyptians papyrus as sales messages and wall
not a new idea
500 BC, Pompei
Commercial messages
and political campaign
from graffiti on the
Advertising in history
• Outdoor-advertisement and billboards are the
oldest forms of advertising.
• 1450s, Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the
printing revolutionize advertising.
Advertising in history
Johannes Gutenberg
• 1478, the first printed advertisement was prepared by
printer William Caxton in English to sell one of his
Advertising in history
• 1666- After the Great Fire in London. The word
"advertisement" began to be used by the London
Advertising in history
• In 17th century, Brochures published in England
full of hopeful overstatement of the new
continent, America:
▫ “gold and silver, fountains of youth, plenty of fish,
venison without limit, all these were promised,
and of course some of them were found”
Advertising in Newspapers
• 1833, New York Sun; 1851, The New York Times
• Penny Press/Paper: drop the price to one penny
• Advertising, 1.5/4
• Content: Gossip, Sensational police news, crime
• Sale: Street sale
• Target: working class
Advertising in Magazines
• In 1800s, Newspapers flooded large cities,
mainly local news, magazine travel beyond local
• Magazine was America’s only national medium
to travel beyond local boundaries
• In 1821, The Saturday Evening Post started first
reached a large public, affordable with 1/4th ad,
cost one nickel
Advertising in Radio
• 1922, WEAF in New York broadcast its first
advertisement selling apartments in New Jersey.
• 1928, Lucy Strike Dance Orchestra premiered on
NBC, sales went up for 47%.
• More cigarette companies moved to radio,
Camel cigarettes sponsored weekly, then daily
Advertising in Radio
• In 1930s, Radio indirectly created a collective
national experience, commercials gave
advertisers access to an audience at home.
Advertising in TV
• Why Soap Operas?
• What do you watch: program or advertisement?
Advertising on Internet
• Banners, pop-ups, Borders
• Commercials on YouTube, company website
• Easy to access target audience and monitor
consumer buying habits
• Advertising through Social network
• “search marketing”: positioning internet advertising
prominently next to consumer’s related online
search results
Advertising supports Mass Media
Ads has three characteristics
• Repetition
• Style: “fishing for buyers, as in fishing for bass,
one should not reveal the hook”
• Ubiquity: everywhere
Ways to make ads appeal to customers
Need for affiliation:
Needs to nurture:
Need for guidance:
Need for aggress:
Need to achieve:
Need to dominate:
Need to prominence:
Need for attention:
Need for autonomy:
Ways to make ads appeal to customers
Need to escape
Need to feel safe
Need for aesthetic sensations
Need to satisfy curiosity
Physiological needs, need to sleep, eat and drink
• Public Service Announcement (PSA): Pet
Adoption by Sarah Mclachlan
• Peace Corps (PSA) “life is calling”
• PSA commercial “Child’s play”
• I’m lovin’ it kids (Indian)
• Alaska: Beyond your dream
• Downtown Dubai: The Center of Now
• Skydive Dubai
Advertising Using Demographics
• Demographics: data about consumer’
characteristics, e.g. age, gender, income level,
marital status, geographic location and
• Hia magazine: luxury monthly magazine, target
audience is the adult high income female
population of the Arab world.
• Demographics of Oasis Living magazine
Advertising at work
Marketing research
Media selection
Creative activity
Account management
Public relations
Advertising Agencies
• Advertising Agencies buy time and space for companies
they represent.
• Produce TV/radio commercials and print and Internet
advertising for their clients
• An Ad Agency can be divided into 6 departments
Marketing research
Media selection
Creative activity
Account management
Public relations
Mass Media Depend on Ad
• The Ad business and the media industries are
interdependent --- what happened in the ad
business directly affects the media industry.
• The Ad business is very dependent on the
economic health.
• The price for the TV time for a 30-second
commercial is $100,000- $3 million for a widely
watched program like Super Bowl.
• The price to create a TV commercial can run as
much as $1 million a minute.
• Different types of media deliver different types
of audiences.
• The media compete with each other for the
advertising dollars and some media are better
than others for particular products
Advertising Business Delivers New
• The future of Ad will accommodate to the
international market, new media technology and
changing demographics
• Advertising agencies use advanced technology to
track demographics to help deliver the audience
the advertiser wants
Advertising Business Delivers New
• Marketing programs adapt to reach new audience
• International advertising campaigns are becoming
more common for global products, like McDonald’s,
Coca-Cola, Starbucks
• The creation of International advertising campaigns.
• More in PR
Leading Ad agencies
Olgivy and Mather
Saatchi & Saatchi
Omnicom Group
R&R Partners
Cannes Lion Award of Creativity
Dubai Lynx
• The Cannes Lions International Festival of
Creativity is considered the largest gathering of
worldwide advertising professionals, designers,
digital innovators and marketers.
• Dubai Lynx: