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Florida International University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Miami, Florida
Humanoid Robots + Artificial
Intelligence: Technology and Its Impact
Mechanical Engineering Group:
Garrick Gomez
Damian Jackson
David Bueno
Luis Lausell
EGN 1033
Technology Humans and Society
Summer 2005
Dr. Tosunoglu
Table of Contents
David Bueno – Prepared introduction and conclusion (PowerPoint presentation and
Luis Lausell – Prepared current humanoid and artificial intelligence projects
(PowerPoint presentation and report).
Garrick Gomez (Team Leader) – Prepared the abstract, effects on society (PowerPoint
presentation and report), robot takeover (PowerPoint), put together report and PowerPoint
Damian Jackson – Prepared possibility of robot takeover (report).
Robots are one of the main topics in science today, they’ve helped us in various
ways such as manufacturing products and simplifying the many tasks we humans
perform. The improvements of our robots are taking us towards creation of humanoid
robots and Artificial Intelligence. We are getting to a point of time where robots are no
longer simple arms with three joints; they are sophisticated machines with a goal to
imitate a human body and mind. There are many companies currently working on
humanoid robots with artificial intelligence to benefit our society and human race, but the
question lies, would they ever take over?
Today, as we speak, we live in an ever-changing and evolving society. This is a
time of innovation, discovery, and of gadgets and advanced technology. Out of the
technologically advanced “information age”, technology has risen over our sight and has
opened a window with an innovative idea which will change the way humans and
machines interact; this phenomenon is called Artificial Intelligence. Artificial
Intelligence, also known as AI, refers to the ability of a computer or other machine (such
as robots) to perform activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. The
objective of robotics is to implement AI into highly evolved robots called humanoid
robots: these are assembled specifically to resemble humans with features such as a torso
with a head, two arms and two legs. These androids together with AI promote an endless
amount of applications for the benefit of humans and society.
Additionally, there are many current projects in robotics and AI development,
many of them arising from countries such as the United States and Japan. In fact, one of
the most significant projects having started from MIT is that of the Cog project. The
engineers at MIT designed Cog to be able to learn all things needed in order to create a
humanoid robot, thus expanding Cog’s AI with time. Learning objectives include Cog’s
ability to track a target smoothly with his head as well as seeking objects through trial
and error. Another of MIT’s current project is Kismet, a robot being used to research
social interactions between robots and humans. Kismet’s physical features allow it to
produce facial expressions depending on how its state of mood. For instance, Kismet’s AI
allows it to get mad, sad, bored or happy. Perhaps in the near future Kismet might be able
to have a conversation with a stranger about a particular subject. A significant quality of
this robot is that it’s self-programmable; in other words, all it needs to learn is a “trainer”
to interact with him.
Moreover, Honda, the worldwide known car maker, has also invested valuable
time in the humanoid AI robotic industry. Similar to the robot Kismet, Honda itself
introduced ASIMO in late 2002; at the time, ASIMO was the world’s first humanoid
robot to possess several intelligent capabilities, such as approaching people and greeting
them. Other types of human interaction include following, moving, running and even
recognizing faces as well as addressing those persons by their name. Furthermore,
ASIMO has network capabilities like that of the internet, which allows it to provide
information such as the weather and news. In blatant words, many see ASIMO as
tomorrow’s receptionist.
On January 2003, Honda began renting ASIMO units to public institutions and
companies in order to perform tasks on Mars, on the battlefield, or at home. These
accomplishments were successful thanks to the cooperation of Honda along side NASA,
the U.S. Army and many other organizations, which invested millions of dollars in
humanoid robot research and developments with AI.
Robots that resemble humans both physically and mentally can help society by
doing tedious tasks; especially those that human are not capable of achieving. Today,
robots have helped humans and society in itself, specifically in the labor force, by
executing long accurate assignments. For instance, there are many disabled persons and
elderly people in need of assistance i.e. the everyday chores; robots that think and look
like humans may be able to accomplish these necessary tasks. A key factor to have in
mind is the fact that many duties could be performed by robots on a higher degree.
Examples that follow the preceding idea are painting cars and assembling products in
mass production. Today’s goal for robots is to resemble a human mind and body so that
the task of performing ‘human jobs’ is facilitated for them.
One effect on society is that humanoid robots with AI will replace many jobs,
causing a change in jobs and therefore creating a shift in the economy. Throughout
history there has been a change in economy with technological advancements: the
continuance will only change our way of life. We humans have been able to deal with
the change in the past with electricity and machines, and the same will occur today:
society will be in a better situation because many tasks may be accomplished by a single
command to a robot.
Taking the preceding information into consideration, let us direct our attention to
the following model:
“Robot Take Over”. Is it science fiction or a future reality? This is a question that
has been on the minds of many Americans for several decades. The truth, however, is that
this is the result of a misinterpretation that has gone way too far. When people hear about
humanoid robots with artificial intelligence, they think that there is a consciousness
inside watching and studying humans while plotting a takeover. Remember though that
this is not the case. The truth is as follows: artificial intelligence is not real intelligence at
all. On the contrary, it merely imitates intelligence. Take a calculator for example. The
user enters the problem 64 x 16 and the calculator displays the number 1024. Now, if you
were to ask a five year old boy the same question, chances are that he could not answer.
Does that make the little boy less intelligent than the calculator? Let’s assume that this
calculator is an eight digit basic calculator. Ten years from now, the little boy will be a
teenager in high school learning algebra and geometry. Now let’s take a math equation
like 2X + 6 = 12. The teenager has the knowledge and capability to solve this equation.
The calculator on the other hand still only has the ability to solve basic arithmetic. Now
which one is more intelligent? The fact is there isn’t any competition here. The person is
neither more nor less intelligent, for the calculator has no intelligence at all. Intelligence
by definition is the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations.
The calculator never learned how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. That knowledge
was simply programmed into its CPU by a human programmer. The boy on the other
hand learned addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and then proceeding to the
teachings of algebra and geometry. The truth is that the calculator can’t learn anything
beyond arithmetic. People may think that a computer and an eight digit calculator are
completely different, but the fact is that they are exactly the same. The only difference is
that a computer is capable of carrying out more complicated instructions. Let’s take a
supercomputer for example. Most people think that a supercomputer is capable of
performing any and every given task. The fact is that if you try to make a supercomputer
perform a task it hasn’t been programmed to do, it won’t do it. Let’s go back to the little
five year old boy. Say that one person tells the little boy that 2 + 2 = 4 and another person
tells him that 2 + 2 = 5. The little boy knows something is wrong; therefore, he will
investigate and decide for himself which of the two options are truly correct. A computer
however cannot make that same decision for once a program has been written into a
computer, it will not question it. So if a computer is programmed to display the number 5
when 2 + 2 is entered, the computer will simply follow the programming without
questioning its credibility. Also this computer will not investigate whether 2 + 2 = 5 is
right or wrong. Now, let’s move on to robots. Right now, there is a robot that is capable
of having a conversation with humans. However, this robot only mimics a response that a
human would make. Note that this robot is also programmed to mimic human emotions.
However, it cannot choose which emotion it prefers. When asked a question, the robot
gives the best logical response. It is true that it can be programmed to give random
responses, but random does not go hand in hand with choice.
In conclusion, it is evident to see that “Artificial Intelligence” is advancing and
evolving before our very eyes. The advances made by Honda and MIT are the proof.
Computers and AI are quickly implementing themselves into our daily lives, and there
will come a day when you will ask your robotic chef to cook you some lasagna while
your other robotic friend gives you a massage. However, as advanced as Artificial
Intelligence might get, they will not take over humanity like in the movies. It is important
not to forget that they are only machines, and they are programmed to do exactly what a
human wants them to.