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Input by South Africa
Five-year work programme on
impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
to climate change
21 May 2005, Bonn
• South Africa welcomes the decision to develop a
programme of work on the impacts of, vulnerability
and adaptation to climate change, and to hold an insession workshop at SBSTA-22
• Adaptation is a top priority for all countries and
particularly developing countries
• SA itself is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate
• SBSTA work programme should have a clear focus on
adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change
SA vulnerability and adaptation
• SA country study on V&A
– key findings in Initial National
• Key sectors vulnerable to climate change
– Water, health, agriculture, biodiversity &
Major Impacts
• Water – SA water-stressed under current climate,
CC induces significant reduction in water
resources, especially for marginalised
• Health – increase in potential malaria-prone
region in northern SA, threat to poorly-resourced
• Agriculture – marginal maize production
threatened, subsistence-based communities lack
• Biodiversity – SA home to several biodiversity
hotspots, CC projected to induce extinctions of
endemics, impoverishment of biomes and those
dependent on biodiversity
• It is clear that the poor are particularly vulnerable
to the impacts of climate change
Identified S&T Needs
• Integrate and co-ordinate research programmes
on vulnerability assessment, predictive
modeling, monitoring and information
• Transfer and development of scientifically
rigorous and appropriate adaptation
technologies, measures and actions.
• Give priority to funding the implementation of
adaptation measures, which are focused on
alleviating the burden borne by the poor
• The objective of the SBSTA programme of
work should be:
– To provide the scientific and technological basis
for the development of efficient and effective
adaptation implementation policies and
measures, which are responsive to local, national
and regional priorities and needs.
• Major themes:
– Methodologies, data and modelling, including
vulnerability assessments;
– Adaptation planning (e.g. integration into
sustainable development plans);
– Development, collation and refinement of
adaptation technologies, measures and actions;
– Best practice delivery mechanisms (e.g. tech
transfer mechanism);
– Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation measures
and actions.
Outcomes (1)
1. Comprehensive stocktaking and gap analysis.
2. Improved predictive tools (including
downscaling) accessible to all Parties.
3. Methodologies for rapid vulnerability
4. Early warning/monitoring systems
5. Effective adaptation technology and best
practice clearing house
6. User-friendly adaptation planning tools
Outcomes (2)
7. Recommendations for effective adaptation
projects and programmes (poverty alleviation
8. Recommendations for effective delivery
mechanisms (tech transfer, funding, capacity
building, institutional arrangements etc.).
9. Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness
of adaptation initiatives.
10. Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation measures.
11. Adaptation skills transferred to sectoral
Work Programme Structure
• 2 working groups:
– Adaptation science and planning
– Adaptation measures and actions
• Annual inter-sessional workshops
• Reporting of working groups to each SBSTA session
for the further development of this work programme.
• Recommendations for further decisions under the
SBSTA and SBI within their respective mandates.
• Link to existing scientific adaptation initiatives, e.g.
Initial specific activities
• Finalise decision on work programme
terms of reference, modalities and
structure for approval by COP 11.
• Set up expert working groups
• Conduct gap analysis
Thank you