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National 3 Biology
Cell Biology
Homework 1: Structure and Variety of Cells and their
1. Make a drawing of
an animal cell with 3 parts labelled
a plant cell with 6 parts labelled
2. Complete the table below to show the function of each cell
Tick the correct boxes to show if each part is found in a plant
cell and/or an animal cell.
Part of Cell
cell membrane
cell wall
3. Name 2 micro-organisms that can be used to make useful
4. Which micro-organism can be used to make yoghurt and
5. Which micro-organism can be used to make beer and bread?
field of view = 120 units
Field of view = 600 units
Calculate the average diameter of 1 of these cells.
Space for working
Answer _________ units
End of homework 1
Homework 2 - DNA and DNA Profiling
Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
The chromosomes, found in the nucleus of every body cell, are made
up of a substance called DNA. The function of DNA is to pass on
inherited information. For example, the instructions to produce a
person’s eye colour, height, heart rate and skin colour are contained
in their DNA.
At fertilisation the baby receives DNA from its mother and DNA
from its father. So the baby’s DNA is completely unique and
therefore the baby will be different from its parents and from
every other human. These differences in a person’s DNA bring
about variation in a population.
An individual’s DNA can be broken down by scientists into small
fragments and a DNA profile produced. In the example below a
suspect left a hair at a crime scene. The police forensic scientist
produced the person’s DNA profile, using the hair and also produced
the DNA profile of 4 people found leaving the scene of the crime.
Each profile is shown as distinct banding patterns on the diagram
Suspect 1
Suspect 2
Suspect 3
Suspect 4
1. Where in a cell is DNA found? ________________________ (1)
2. Why is DNA important for the development of a new human
_________________________________________________ (1)
3. How does a person’s DNA bring about variation in the population?
_________________________________________________ (1)
4. How can a DNA profile be produced?
_________________________________________________ (1)
5. In the example above a DNA profile was produced from a
person’s hair, left at a crime scene. The DNA profiles of 4 suspects,
seen leaving the scene of the crime, were also produced from swabs
taken by the police from their cheek lining.
(a) Which suspect left the hair at the crime scene?
(b) One witness said that she was sure that two of the people she
saw leaving the crime scene were identical twin sisters. Does the
evidence support her statement or not? Give a reason for your
answer. _____________________________________________
________________________________________________ (2)
6. State one benefit and one risk (or disadvantage) of DNA
End of homework 2
Homework 3 – Micro organisms
1. Write the shape of the bacterial cells in the boxes provided.
2. Match all the description to the type of organism
The largest and most versatile of the microbes
Smaller than bacteria
Used in brewing and baking
Used to make yogurt
Most of these make us ill
3. If a bacteria divides every 20mins and you start of with 1 bacteria, how many will
there be after 1hr?
4. Draw and label a viral cell in the space below
Homework 4 – Uses of Micro organism
1. Name two useful substances made using bacteria
2. What is a bio-fuel?
_________________________________________________ (2)
3. Choose one disease, name the organism which causes the
infection, state how the disease is transmitted and describe the
symtoms it causes.
Disease _____________________________________
Organism ____________________________________
Transmission method ____________________________
Symtoms _____________________________________
4. The graph shows the increase in antibiotic resistance of three
different microbes.
(a) What year was there 20% resistance in MRSA?
(b) What is the percentage resistance to antibiotics of VRE in 1989?
End of homework 4