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Quality Protein Maize in Kenya: Dissemination of
New and Emerging Technologies in Africa
(DONATA Project)
Quality Protein Maize (QPM) contains nearly
twice as much usable protein as other maize
grown in Kenya.
The majority of people in Kenya depend on
maize as their principal daily food, for
weaning babies, and for feeding livestock.
Unfortunately normal maize has one
significant flaw, it lacks the full range of
amino acids needed to produce protein, hence
diets high in maize produce a condition
known as wet-malnutrition (a person is
receiving sufficient calories, but her or his
body malfunctions due to lack of proteins). A
chronic lack of protein in the diet leads to
QPM at Kiboko
QPM Demonstration farm
QPM KH500Q seed
QPM produces 70-100% more protein than
the most modern varieties of maize. This
protein helps the body to eliminate wetmalnutrition.
QPM comes in two varieties KH600-31Q for
medium to late maturing areas and KH500Q
for medium maturing areas.
KH631Q Maize Variety
Value added QPM
Value added QPM
KH500Q Maize Variety
Days to maturity
Days to maturity
160-170 days
Droops when dry
(prevents ear rot)
Resistant to GLS, Blight
and Rust
110-120 days
Early maturity
Drought tolerant
Yield Potential
35-40 bags per acre
Droops when dry
High protein content
Greater nutritional value for
human consumption and
animal feed
Yield Potential
35-40 bags per acre
Recommended areas
Moist-medium Altitude
High protein content
Greater nutritional value
for human consumption
and animal feed
Recommended areas
Medium altitude