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Student Performance Task
Course: Honors Psychology
Unit: 8
Task: Psychological Disorder Brochure
Time Frame: 1 week
Overarching Understanding:
The students will understand the common symptoms, causes, and treatments for
multiple psychological disorders.
Enduring Understanding:
 The symptoms and treatments of each psychological disorder varies in the symptoms
experienced by each individual.
Essential Question:
 What are the primary symptoms and treatments to multiple psychological disorders?
 Students, acting as a psychologist, are to research a category of psychological and find
their symptoms, causes, and treatments. Students should be able to differentiate
between each category and understand the possible causes of each.
Standard: See attached rubric
Performance Task Blueprint
Honors Psychology
Unit: 8
Topic Area: Psychological Disorders and Therapy
Time Frame: 4 weeks
Students will create a brochure that includes several key pieces of information
pertaining to one category of psychological disorder.
Students are to work in small groups to produce a brochure that outlines the
specific information about several psychological disorders.
The audience is anyone interested in the symptoms and causes of multiple
categories of psychological disorders.
You are a psychologist trying to explain to an audience how a category of how
psychological disorders affects behavior and multiple treatments for each disorder.
Product or
Create a brochure and present the information to the class.
See attached rubric
When the Mind Splits
A Project
For Your Enjoyment
Directions: The following project will allow each of you to explore an area of psychology
unbeknownst to most. Did you know that in your lifetime you are more likely to be stricken with a
psychological disorder than any form of cancer? Psychopathology is the study of the causes, processes,
and manifestations of mental disorders. Each of you will dive into the world of mental instability and
volatility and hopefully come out with a clear, healthy mind. However, there are no guarantees.
Honors Psychology
The Brochure
You will be working in groups of 2-3. You are to make a tri-fold brochure about a mental disorder. Your teacher must
approve the mental disorder.
Your brochure must contain the following information: The bold words in all caps are meant to guide you.
The Check List
A picture or graphic that illustrates your category of disorder
Name of the disorder
Place on the cover: Honors Psychology, and Hillcrest High School
A vignette
(small story) that illustrates some of the characteristics of the category of disorder
Specific Disorders:
List and briefly describe the symptoms of 5-7 disorders in your category
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (the educational part of the brochure)
State some of the accepted explanations for this category of disorder, such as biological,
psychoanalytical, behavioral, and cognitive theories, etc.
What are the diagnostic criteria for your disorders?
State some of the accepted therapeutic processes for the disorder. Include therapies from the
different perspectives in psychology.
Are there any popular books (and movies) about your topic that we can watch as a class? (find
and list at least 3)
Good Websites to check out? (find and list at least 3)
You will need to list the web sites you used for gathering information, your textbook, and any
other resources.
 In this section include your name(s), Honors Psychology, teacher name and school name.
You will be using Microsoft Publisher to complete this product. Worth 50 points!
Group Pre-Conference
Group name: __________________________________________________
Group Members: 1) _____________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________
DSM-IV category: ______________________
Group Member Tasks:
1) ________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________
Mental Disorder Categories
Major DSM-IV Categories
Anxiety Disorders
 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
 Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Trichotillomania
Somatoform Disorders
 Somatization Disorder
 Hypochondriasis
 Conversion Disorder
 Somatoform Pain Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
 Depersonalization
 Dissociative Amnesia
 Dissociative Fugue
 Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple
Mood Disorders
 Major Depression
 Bipolar I Disorder
 Bipolar II Disorder
 SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
 Dysthymia Disorder
 Cyclothymic Disorder
Psychotic Disorders
 Paranoid schizophrenia
 Disorganized schizophrenia
 Catatonic Schizophrenia
 Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
 Delusional Disorder
Personality Disorders
 Borderline
 Antisocial
 Dependent
 Narcissistic
 Paranoid
Sexual Dysfunctions
 Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
 Sexual Aversion Disorder
 Dyspareunia
 Vaginismus
 Gender Identity Disorder
 Exhibitionism
 Fetishism
 Frotteurism
 Pedophilia
 Masochism
 Sadism
A picture or graphic
Name of the disorder
Place on the cover: Honors Psychology and name of school
A vignette
Specific Disorders:
Questions to prosecution
 What is your definition of insanity?
 How would you convince the jury that
Andrea Yates was “insane” at the time
of the crime
 Yates drowned her five children in a
bathtub. Why isn’t this murder?
 Yates waited until her husband left for
work before drowning her children.
Doesn’t this prove that she knew what
she was doing?
Questions to defense:
 How would you convince the jury that
Andrea Yates was “sane” at the time of
the crime
 Andrea Yates was hospitalized for
depression, 2 suicide attempts, and a
nervous breakdown…in your opinion,
why don’t these facts give proof of
 Do you disagree with the insanity
defense plea or just that Yates does not
fit the criteria for using it?
1. Write a brief introduction for your side
of the case
2. List 3 facts to prove your side
3. List 3 questions to ask opposing side