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WHEREAS: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that “Climate change
threatens human health and well-being in many ways, including impacts from increased
extreme weather events, wildfire, decreased air quality, and illnesses transmitted by
food, water, and diseases carriers such as mosquitoes and ticks;” and
WHEREAS: According to the Lancet Commission, Climate change is the biggest global
health threat of the 21st century, while tackling climate change could be the greatest
global health opportunity of the 21st century; and
WHEREAS: Low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately
affected by climate change and existing inequities in chronic disease rates and
socioeconomic conditions, such as poverty or lack of access to healthy foods or parks,
can increase vulnerability to climate change health impacts; and
WHEREAS: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports than an average of
618 people in the United States die from heat-related illness each year, and the
California Climate Change Action Team has estimated that the rising average
temperature in California will result in up to 4,300 additional deaths in 2025; and
WHEREAS: The California Medical Association Foundation states that one of its aims is
to “increase public understanding that climate change is an important public health
issue and to build public support for climate change solutions;” and
WHEREAS: The California Medical Association recognizes that climate change threatens
the health and well-being of California patients and support efforts to educate patients
and the medical community regarding the potential adverse health effects of global
climate change; and
WHEREAS: The American Medical Association “recognizes the importance of physician
involvement in policymaking at the state, national, and global level and supports efforts
to search for novel, comprehensive, and economically sensitive approaches to
mitigating climate change to protect the health of the public; and recognizes that
whatever the etiology of global climate change, policymakers should work to reduce
human contributions to such changes;” and
WHEREAS: The American Lung Association in California “recognizes that climate
change is among the greatest threats to public health we will face this century.
Californians are already experiencing climate change effects including increasing air
pollution, more frequent and severe heat waves, longer wildfire seasons, severe drought
conditions and other threats to lung health;” and
WHEREAS: [Insert County Specific Climate Change Data here].
It is therefore
RESOLVED: That the [Insert organization name here] recognizes that climate change
threatens the health and well-being of the patients we serve, with disproportionate
negative impacts to underserved communities and communities of color.
RESOLVED: That the [Insert organization name here] support efforts to educate our
patients and the medical community regarding the potential adverse health effects of
global climate change.
RESOLVED: That the [Insert organization name here] encourage our health care
institutions to review and improve their carbon footprint and that of their supply chain,
and also encourage them to prepare for climate impacts.
RESOLVED: That the [Insert organization name here] support efforts to communicate
with our local, state, and national legislators, and request that they take action to adapt
to and mitigate the effects of climate change.
RESOLVED: That the [Insert organization name here].