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EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field
theories to particle physics, condensed
matter and quantum optics
Thursday 09 October 2014 - Friday 10 October 2014
Institute for Advanced Study of the TUM and TUM Graduate School
Book of abstracts
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter
and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Monday 08 May 2017
Table of contents
Study Heavy quarkonium(-like) states production and decay with NREFT
Holography as effective field theory
................................................................................................ 1
Quantum simulation of correlated-hopping models with fermions in optical lattices
Possible new resonances in a strongly interacting electroweak-Higgs sector
. 3
............................................................................... 3
Could there be a phase transition related to the Higgs mechanism in the early universe?
Finite temperature properties in graphene
.............................................................. 3
Bypassing Elitzur's theorem: Non-Abelian dualities and order parameters of non-Abelian topological matter
Applications of non-relativistic effective theories
............................................ 2
Attractive Fermi gases at infinite coupling: a scale invariant and nearly perfect fluid
Gauge physics and the Higgs mechanism in Majorana Chains
Chiral transport equation from the quantum Dirac Hamiltonian and the on-shell effective field theory
Heavy particles in a thermal medium and effective field theories
......... 4
Sommerfeld enhancements in the pair annihilation of neutralinos and charginos: a non-relativistic EFT
approach ................................................................................................................................... 5
Quantum-impurity approach to correlated condensed matter exemplified for layered cobaltates
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for quarkonium hybrids
.................. 5
................................................................. 6
Sommerfeld enhancements in the pair annihilation of neutralinos and charginos: a non-relativistic EFT
approach ................................................................................................................................... 6
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an optical lattice
Van der Waals forces in pNRQED and pNRQCD
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for hybrid Quarkonium
Three-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials in chiral EFT
Summary and open discussion
............................................................. 7
....................................................................................................... 7
Higgs in the cosmological context, phase transitions
........................................................................... 7
Graphene at finite T
Chiral fermion fluid
..................................................................................................................... 7
Heavy particles in a thermal medium
Summary and open discussion
.............................................................................................. 7
....................................................................................................... 7
Prospects and Challenges in Monte Carlo simulations of Lattice QCD
.................................................... 8
Quantum-impurity approach to correlated condensed matter exemplified for layered cobaltates
Lattice gauge theories in the Tensor Network language
....................................................................... 8
Automating Feynman diagram calculations with FeynArts and FormCalc
Summary and open discussion
Gauge physics and the Higgs mechanism in Majorana chains
............................................ 8
............................................................... 8
Quantum simulation of correlated-hopping models with fermions in optical lattices
Symmetry breaking in the graphene
................................................................................................ 9
....................................................................................................... 9
WG6 presentation and short talk: "Holography as effective field theory"
Matrix Product States
....................................................................................................... 8
Possible new resonances in a strongly interacting electroweak-Higgs sector
Summary and open discussion
.................. 8
................................................. 9
................................................................................................................... 9
Bypassing Elitzur's theorem: "Non-Abelian dualities and order parameters of non-Abelian topological matter"
Summary and open discussion
....................................................................................................... 9
Brief introduction to transport coefficients
Interaction induced quantum­valley Hall effect in graphene
Numerical solution of the Boltzman equation in Fermi gas
Transport coefficients in heavy ion collisions
................................................................. 10
............................................................................... 10
....................................................................................................... 10
A selective overview of tools for automating certain symbolic computations in quantum field theory
Study of Heavy quarkonium(­like) states production and decay with NREFT
Finite 2D Systems: Projected Entangled Pair States Algorithms
Summary and open discussion
.................................................................................... 10
Transport coefficients in superfluid neutron stars
Summary and open discussion
........... 10
........................................... 11
............................................................. 11
....................................................................................................... 11
A short overview of transport coefficients in heavy ion collisions
.......................................................... 11
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an optical lattice
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an optical lattice
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Study Heavy quarkonium(-like) states production and decay with NREFT
II. Institut für Theoretische Physik - Universität Hamburg
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Despite of the great success of the non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT), explanation the huge heavy
quarkonium production and decay data in a consistent way is still a big challenge. In this talk, we will first
briefly review the current status of theoretical calculations confronting the experimental measurements. Then,
some possible ways for resolving the conflicts in particular the J/\psi polarization puzzle will be discussed.
Next, we will propose to apply the non-relativistic QCD factorization formulism to study the production of
the newly discovered heavy quarkonium or quarkonium like "X,Y,Z" states in e+e−, pp collisions and other
possible channels. In the end, we will summarize the resent works of our group in studying the heavy
quarkonium production with NREFT approach.
Holography as effective field theory
Instituto de Fisica Teorica CSIC/UAM
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
I will briefly review the idea of the AdS/CFT correspondence (holography). Then I will concentrate on how it
can be used to construct (toy) models of strongly coupled systems at finite temperature and density and which
lessens can be extraced from this holographic approach. Some of the topics will include: holographic
formulation of hydrodyamics, anomalous transport, holographic superdluids and Goldstone modes and
holographic studies of thermalization.
Quantum simulation of correlated-hopping models with fermions in
optical lattices
Mr. DI LIBERTO, Marco 1
Utrecht University
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
By using a modulated magnetic field in a Feshbach resonance for ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices,
we show that it is possible to engineer a class of models usually referred to as correlated-hopping models.
These models differ from the Hubbard model in exhibiting additional density-dependent interaction terms
that affect the hopping processes. In addition to the spin-SU(2) symmetry, they also possess a charge-SU(2)
symmetry, which opens the possibility of investigating the $\eta$-pairing mechanism for superconductivity
introduced by Yang for the Hubbard model. We discuss the known solution of the model in 1D (where $\eta$
states have been found in the degenerate manifold of the ground state) and show that, away from the
integrable point, quantum Monte Carlo simulations at half filling predict the emergence of a phase with
coexisting incommensurate spin and charge order.
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Possible new resonances in a strongly interacting electroweak-Higgs
Authors: LLANES-ESTRADA, Felipe J. 1; Prof. DOBADO, Antonio 2
Co-Author: Mr. RAFAEL, Delgado 3
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Univ. Complutense Madrid
Corresponding Authors: [email protected], [email protected]
If there is new physics in the electroweak breaking sector, the failed LHC searches suggest a mass gap, so the
Higgs itself can be a Goldstone boson (as are the longitudinal vector bosons too). We can then formulate an
effective theory for their interactions. With it, we have calculated the one-loop scattering amplitude among
these four Goldstone bosons.
Since the perturbative amplitude is polynomial in the energy, it breaks unitarity at a few TeV, depending on
the scale of new physics.
We employ standard unitarization methods based on dispersion relations to extend the perturbative
amplitudes to higher energy, and study possible new resonances. This includes a curious one that can be
generated by the hh-WW channel coupling alone, even if the perturbative elastic interaction vanishes.
Attractive Fermi gases at infinite coupling: a scale invariant and nearly
perfect fluid
Prof. ZWERGER, Wilhelm 1
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Ultracold Fermi gases near a Feshbach resonance allow one to realize a gaseous state with an effectively
infinite coupling strength of a zero range, two-body interaction. The resulting unitary Fermi gas defines a
scale invariant, nonrelativistic many-body problem. It exhibits universal features both in equilibirium and in
dynamic properties. In particular, it is an almost perfect fluid, with a quantum limited spin diffusion constant
of order $\hbar/m$ and a viscosity to entropy density ratio near the fundamental bound $\hbar/(4\pi k_B)$.
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Gauge physics and the Higgs mechanism in Majorana Chains
Dr. COBANERA, Emilio 1
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
We investigate the effect of quantum phase slips on a helical quantum wire coupled to a superconductor by
proximity. The effective low-energy description of the wire is that of a Majorana chain minimally coupled to a
dynamical Z2 gauge field. Hence the wire emulates a matter-coupled gauge theory, with fermion parity
playing the role of the gauged global symmetry. Quantum phase slips lift the ground state degeneracy
associated with unpaired Majorana edge modes at the ends of the chain, a change that can be understood as a
transition between the confined and the Higgs-mechanism regimes of the gauge theory. We identify the
quantization of thermal conductance at the transition as a robust experimental feature separating the two
regimes. We explain this result by establishing a relation between thermal conductance and the
Fredenhagen-Marcu string order-parameter for confinement in gauge theories.
Bypassing Elitzur's theorem: Non-Abelian dualities and order parameters
of non-Abelian topological matter
Dr. COBANERA, Emilio 1
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
We exploit a new theory of duality transformations to obtain non-Abelian dualities for models of non-Abelian
topological quantum matter. The dual models display local symmetries but also admit local order parameters.
In this way, non-Abelian dualities allow us to bypass Elitzur's theorem.
E Cobanera, G Ortiz, and E Knill, Nuc. Phys. B 877, 574 (2013)
Applications of non-relativistic effective theories
Prof. SOTO RIERA, Joan 1
Universitat de Barcelona
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Could there be a phase transition related to the Higgs mechanism in the
early universe?
LAINE, Mikko 1
University of Bern
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
LHC and other future experiments might either confirm the structure of the Standard Model Higgs sector or
unravel something else; in either case, the findings may have cosmological significance. In this talk the current
understanding concerning the thermodynamics of the Higgs sector is reviewed, both for the Standard Model
and for selected extensions thereof. Subsequently open challenges for numerical and analytic work are
Finite temperature properties in graphene
Mr. FRITZ, Lars 1
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universiteit Utrecht
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Within this short presentation I will discuss some of the finite temperature (transport) properties of graphene
and will most importantly mention the close relationship between graphene and quantum critical matter.
Chiral transport equation from the quantum Dirac Hamiltonian and the
on-shell effective field theory
Author: Dr. MANUEL, Cristina 1
Co-Author: Dr. TORRES-RINCON, Jua 2
Subatech, Nantes
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
We derive the relativistic chiral transport equation for massless fermions and antifermions by performing a
semiclassical Foldy-Wouthuysen diagonalization of the quantum Dirac Hamiltonian and then taking the
massless limit. The Berry connection naturally emerges in the diagonalization process to modify the classical
equations of motion of a fermion in an electromagnetic field. We provide support to our result by an
alternative computation using an effective field theory for fermions and antifermions: the on-shell effective
field theory. In this formalism, the off-shell fermionic modes are integrated out to generate an effective
Lagrangian for the quasi-on-shell fermions/antifermions. From the transport equation, we explicitly show
how the axial and gauge anomalies are not modified at finite temperature and density . We also check that
this transport approach allows to describe the anomalous gauge polarization tensor that appears in the Hard
Thermal (and/or Dense) effective field theory. We also construct an energy density associated to the gauge
collective modes of the chiral relativistic plasma, valid in the case of small couplings or weak fields, which can
be the basis for the study of their dynamical evolution.
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Heavy particles in a thermal medium and effective field theories
Prof. BRAMBILLA, Nora 1; Dr. VAIRO, Antonio 2; Dr. ESCOBEDO, Miguel 2; Mr. BIONDINI, Simone 2
Techniche Universitaet Muenchen
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Effective field theories are a powerful tool to describe systematically multi-scale systems. When considering
particles and their interactions in a thermal medium, at least one thermodynamical scale appears in the field
theoretical treatment: the temperature. Recently effective field theories have been exploited to address the
propagation and the dynamics of heavy particles in medium. In particular we discuss the example of heavy
quarkonia in a weakly coupled quark gluon plasma and non-relativistic neutrinos in a thermal bath of
standard model particles.
Sommerfeld enhancements in the pair annihilation of neutralinos and
charginos: a non-relativistic EFT approach
Instituto de Física Corpúscular
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
I will present an EFT formalism, the non-relativistic MSSM, designed to calculate the radiative corrections that
enhance the pair-annihilation rates of neutralinos and charginos whose relative motion is characterized by a
nonrelativistic velocity. The construction of the NRMSSM builds upon the non-relativistic EFT used for heavy
quarkonia, extending the scope of applicability of the latter to a situation where there is more than one heavy
particle species, and where massive mediators exchanged among the heavy particles generate additional
long-range interactions. The framework allows to consider general MSSM scenarios where the LSP is an
arbitrary admixture of the electroweak gauginos and to account for the co-annihilations with all the
neutralino and charginos which are nearly mass degenerate with the LSP.
Quantum-impurity approach to correlated condensed matter exemplified
for layered cobaltates
University of Hamburg
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
By means of mapping the correlated electron problem on a lattice to
the one of a quantum impurity within a self-consistent bath, the numerical solution of model as well as
realistic interacting many-body challenges in solid-state physics becomes feasible. Modern quantum Monte
Carlo techniques are ideally suited to handle the resulting dynamical-mean field theory (DMFT) and its
extensions to treat explicit k-dependent electronic self energies.
I will briefly review the basic theoretical aspects and show applications to the sodium cobaltate NaxCoO2
system which exhibits intricate competing orders with doping x.
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for quarkonium hybrids
Author: TARRUS CASTELLA, Jaume 1
Co-Authors: Mr. BERWEIN, Matthias 2; Prof. BRAMBILLA, Nora 3; Dr. VAIRO, Antonio 1
Technische Universität München
Physik Department, TU Munich
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
During the past years experimental observations have revealed the existence of a large number of states above
open flavor thresholds that can not be identified as standard heavy quarkonium states. In this talk we discuss
the possibility that some of these states are heavy quarkonium hybrids. Heavy quarkonium hybrids are states
formed by a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a color octet configuration bounded together by excited gluons.
Heavy quarkonium hybrids can be treated with an analog of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for
In a first step the energy levels of the gluonic degrees of freedom are obtained with the heavy quarks
considered static. The gluonic static energies are non-perturbative and have been computed on the lattice. In
the short distance range the static energies can be described using potential non-relativisitc QCD. In a second
step the hybrid energy levels are obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation for the heavy quarks with the
gluonic potentials defined by the static energies.
WG2 / 16
Sommerfeld enhancements in the pair annihilation of neutralinos and
charginos: a non-relativistic EFT approach
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an
optical lattice
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG2 / 18
Van der Waals forces in pNRQED and pNRQCD
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG2 / 19
Born-Oppenheimer approximation for hybrid Quarkonium
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG2 / 20
Three-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials in chiral EFT
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG2 / 21
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG4 / 22
Higgs in the cosmological context, phase transitions
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG4 / 23
Graphene at finite T
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG4 / 24
Chiral fermion fluid
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG4 / 25
Heavy particles in a thermal medium
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG4 / 26
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author:
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG1 / 27
Prospects and Challenges in Monte Carlo simulations of Lattice QCD
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG1 / 28
Quantum-impurity approach to correlated condensed matter exemplified
for layered cobaltates
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG1 / 29
Lattice gauge theories in the Tensor Network language
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG1 / 30
Automating Feynman diagram calculations with FeynArts and FormCalc
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG1 / 31
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author:
WG3 / 32
Possible new resonances in a strongly interacting electroweak-Higgs
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG3 / 33
Gauge physics and the Higgs mechanism in Majorana chains
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG3 / 34
Quantum simulation of correlated-hopping models with fermions in
optical lattices
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG3 / 35
Symmetry breaking in the graphene
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG3 / 36
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author:
WG6 / 37
WG6 presentation and short talk: "Holography as effective field theory"
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG6 / 38
Matrix Product States
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG6 / 39
Bypassing Elitzur's theorem: "Non-Abelian dualities and order parameters
of non-Abelian topological matter"
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG6 / 40
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG5 / 41
Brief introduction to transport coefficients
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG5 / 42
Interaction induced quantum­valley Hall effect in graphene
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG5 / 43
Numerical solution of the Boltzman equation in Fermi gas
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG5 / 44
Transport coefficients in heavy ion collisions
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG5 / 45
Transport coefficients in superfluid neutron stars
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG5 / 46
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author:
WG7 / 47
A selective overview of tools for automating certain symbolic
computations in quantum field theory
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG7 / 48
Study of Heavy quarkonium(­like) states production and decay with
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG7 / 49
Finite 2D Systems: Projected Entangled Pair States Algorithms
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
WG7 / 50
Summary and open discussion
Corresponding Author:
A short overview of transport coefficients in heavy ion collisions
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
We present a quick introduction to the theory, experimental extraction and current status of transport
coefficients (including damping) in heavy ion collisions. Some of the coefficients coincide with those in
familiar non-relativistic systems (viscosities, conductivities, etc.) whereas others are more germane to
high-energy physics (such as charm diffusion or jet quenching) though all have analogous phenomena in
other fields of physics. The theoretical computations in the hadron gas phase are now well anchored in
Effective Theories, whereas those in the quark-gluon plasma are more disperse with several methods being
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an
optical lattice
SOLS, Fernando 1
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Ultracold atoms held in optical lattice potentials provide an almost ideal arena for the study of coherent
quantum phenomena. We first explore the generation of synthetic gauges by controlling the switching
conditions of the driving force. For two-dimensional optical lattices, we propose a powerful and flexible
scheme which generates synthetic magnetic fields that couple only to the atom center-of-mass. We briefly
outline some possible extensions of the present work.
EUBET 2014: Applications of effective field theories to particle physics, condensed matter and quantum optics / Book of abstracts
WG2 / 53
Generation of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by split driving of an
optical lattice
Corresponding Author: [email protected]