from its mathematical description to its experimental
... kinds of interactions allow the production of entanglement, how it behaves under specific unitary evolution and how is entanglement affected by the presence of noisy environments. Following the last point, it is essential to understand how entanglement behaves in realistic situations where unavoidab ...
... kinds of interactions allow the production of entanglement, how it behaves under specific unitary evolution and how is entanglement affected by the presence of noisy environments. Following the last point, it is essential to understand how entanglement behaves in realistic situations where unavoidab ...
tgd as a generalized number theory
... 3.4.7 How infinite integers could correspond to p-adic effective topologies? . . . . . . 198 3.4.8 An alternative interpretation for the hierarchy of functions defined by infinite primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 3.5 Does the notion of infi ...
... 3.4.7 How infinite integers could correspond to p-adic effective topologies? . . . . . . 198 3.4.8 An alternative interpretation for the hierarchy of functions defined by infinite primes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 3.5 Does the notion of infi ...
Exact Results for Thermodynamics of the Hydrogen Plasma
... The previous exact asymptotic expansions are suitable for regimes where the system is almost fully ionized. The purpose of the present paper is to derive a similar expansion in the so-called Saha regime, where a non-vanishing fraction of charges is recombined into hydrogen atoms. That regime was int ...
... The previous exact asymptotic expansions are suitable for regimes where the system is almost fully ionized. The purpose of the present paper is to derive a similar expansion in the so-called Saha regime, where a non-vanishing fraction of charges is recombined into hydrogen atoms. That regime was int ...
Classification of topological quantum matter with
... states give rise to a quantized transverse Hall conductivity. These edge states arise due to a nontrivial wave function topology, that can be measured in terms of a quantized topological invariant, i.e., the Chern or TKNN number (Kohmoto, 1985; Thouless et al., 1982). This invariant, which is propor ...
... states give rise to a quantized transverse Hall conductivity. These edge states arise due to a nontrivial wave function topology, that can be measured in terms of a quantized topological invariant, i.e., the Chern or TKNN number (Kohmoto, 1985; Thouless et al., 1982). This invariant, which is propor ...
Finger Search in Grammar-Compressed Strings
... Grammar-based compression, where one replaces a long string by a small context-free grammar that generates the string, is a simple and powerful paradigm that captures many popular compression schemes. Given a grammar, the random access problem is to compactly represent the grammar while supporting r ...
... Grammar-based compression, where one replaces a long string by a small context-free grammar that generates the string, is a simple and powerful paradigm that captures many popular compression schemes. Given a grammar, the random access problem is to compactly represent the grammar while supporting r ...
Kondo Effect in Mesoscopic Quantum Dots
... reservoir, labeled by their momentum and spin. The second term is the quantized energy of localized electrons in a single spin-degenerate state near EF – all other quantum dot levels are assumed to be either completely full (well below EF) or completely empty (well above EF), and hence can be safely ...
... reservoir, labeled by their momentum and spin. The second term is the quantized energy of localized electrons in a single spin-degenerate state near EF – all other quantum dot levels are assumed to be either completely full (well below EF) or completely empty (well above EF), and hence can be safely ...
... published his theory, which he and his coworkers applied to numerous problems. It is by now well known that these two theories, which are called semiclassical and which were developed independently, are equivalent. The next step consisted in the development of the laser quantum theory which allows o ...
... published his theory, which he and his coworkers applied to numerous problems. It is by now well known that these two theories, which are called semiclassical and which were developed independently, are equivalent. The next step consisted in the development of the laser quantum theory which allows o ...
Physik-Department Technische Universität München
... received from my advisors has helped my personal improvement and I am convinced their precious teachings will stand at the basis of my future research projects. I hope the benefit I have gained from my Munich experience has been reciprocal and also Rudolf and Achim have taken a positive advantage of ...
... received from my advisors has helped my personal improvement and I am convinced their precious teachings will stand at the basis of my future research projects. I hope the benefit I have gained from my Munich experience has been reciprocal and also Rudolf and Achim have taken a positive advantage of ...
Full-Text PDF
... index of a non-empty subset A ⊆ V is the smallest integer j, such that A ∈ Ej . If the compatibility stack represents the k-compatibility relations of a set of observables, then the index of A is exactly the index of incompatibility as given by Definition 3. It is clear that the normalization, monot ...
... index of a non-empty subset A ⊆ V is the smallest integer j, such that A ∈ Ej . If the compatibility stack represents the k-compatibility relations of a set of observables, then the index of A is exactly the index of incompatibility as given by Definition 3. It is clear that the normalization, monot ...
Dirac and Majorana edge states in graphene and topological
... Graphene was first analysed in 1947 by Wallace [1], and the term “graphene” was invented in 1962 by Boehm and co-authors [2]. However, it was not until 2005, after graphene was synthesized in the group of Geim [3], that there appeared an explosion of research activity, culminating in the Nobel prize ...
... Graphene was first analysed in 1947 by Wallace [1], and the term “graphene” was invented in 1962 by Boehm and co-authors [2]. However, it was not until 2005, after graphene was synthesized in the group of Geim [3], that there appeared an explosion of research activity, culminating in the Nobel prize ...