Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 407
... to the graphene pseudospin rather than real spin), although it is arrived at starting purely from the tight-binding Schrödinger equation for carbon in a honeycomb lattice with two atoms per unit cell. This mapping of the low energy, long-wavelength electronic structure of graphene onto the massless ...
... to the graphene pseudospin rather than real spin), although it is arrived at starting purely from the tight-binding Schrödinger equation for carbon in a honeycomb lattice with two atoms per unit cell. This mapping of the low energy, long-wavelength electronic structure of graphene onto the massless ...
A cold strontium Rydberg gas - AtMol Home
... [5, 6]. If this dressing was performed for degenerate ground state atoms [7], i.e. atoms in a strontium Bose-Einstein condensate [8, 9], with attractive interactions, it could lead to the production of three-dimensional bright solitons, or ”matter-wave bullets” [1, 10]. The presence of doubly excite ...
... [5, 6]. If this dressing was performed for degenerate ground state atoms [7], i.e. atoms in a strontium Bose-Einstein condensate [8, 9], with attractive interactions, it could lead to the production of three-dimensional bright solitons, or ”matter-wave bullets” [1, 10]. The presence of doubly excite ...
Are mirror worlds opaque?
... language of gauge theories, the mirror particles are all singlets under the standard G ≡ SU(3) ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U (1)Y gauge interactions. Instead the mirror particles interact with a set of mirror gauge particles, so that the gauge symmetry of the theory is doubled, i.e., G ⊗ G (the ordinary particles ar ...
... language of gauge theories, the mirror particles are all singlets under the standard G ≡ SU(3) ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U (1)Y gauge interactions. Instead the mirror particles interact with a set of mirror gauge particles, so that the gauge symmetry of the theory is doubled, i.e., G ⊗ G (the ordinary particles ar ...
Vivien SCHMITT Design, fabrication and test of a four - Iramis
... of the 2N computational basis states of the register, but can be any coherent superposition of them. In this scheme, the qubits should be logical qubits protected against decoherence processes detrimental for quantum coherence, and thus for the computation performed. The five criteria to meet for ma ...
... of the 2N computational basis states of the register, but can be any coherent superposition of them. In this scheme, the qubits should be logical qubits protected against decoherence processes detrimental for quantum coherence, and thus for the computation performed. The five criteria to meet for ma ...
Chapter 10
... t d 25. The linear speed of a point on Earth’s surface depends on its distance from the axis of rotation. To solve for the linear speed, we use v = r, where r is the radius of its orbit. A point on Earth at a latitude of 40° moves along a circular path of radius r = R cos 40°, where R is the radi ...
... t d 25. The linear speed of a point on Earth’s surface depends on its distance from the axis of rotation. To solve for the linear speed, we use v = r, where r is the radius of its orbit. A point on Earth at a latitude of 40° moves along a circular path of radius r = R cos 40°, where R is the radi ...
... V. Gribov was not satisfied by the Mandelstam explanation of the confinement in QCD as the anti-Meissner effect and suggested a new idea based on the existence of light quarks in Physica Scripta T 15, 164 (1987). He used an analogy with a nucleus having a large electric charge. It is known that, if thi ...
... V. Gribov was not satisfied by the Mandelstam explanation of the confinement in QCD as the anti-Meissner effect and suggested a new idea based on the existence of light quarks in Physica Scripta T 15, 164 (1987). He used an analogy with a nucleus having a large electric charge. It is known that, if thi ...
David - Collegiate Quiz Bowl Packet
... Questions by David Farris and editors—round 1 1. They are bounded by Seifert (pron. SEE-fert) surfaces, and different projections of one are related by Reidemeister (REE-de-my-ster) moves. Their invariants include the fundamental group of their complements and the HOMFLY, Alexander and Jones polynom ...
... Questions by David Farris and editors—round 1 1. They are bounded by Seifert (pron. SEE-fert) surfaces, and different projections of one are related by Reidemeister (REE-de-my-ster) moves. Their invariants include the fundamental group of their complements and the HOMFLY, Alexander and Jones polynom ...
Relativistic coupled cluster theory - in molecular properties and in
... of this effect on a different problem, namely the simulation of X-ray spectroscopy for actinides. As X-ray spectroscopy probes the core-region of a molecule, relativity has to be considered from the outset. Besides, one needs to carefully treat open-shells present in such problems since they lead to ...
... of this effect on a different problem, namely the simulation of X-ray spectroscopy for actinides. As X-ray spectroscopy probes the core-region of a molecule, relativity has to be considered from the outset. Besides, one needs to carefully treat open-shells present in such problems since they lead to ...
... early suggestions [41, 42, 48]. In the quantum theory of corresponding states, one defines a dimensionless parameter η which is related to the ratio of the zero-point energy to the molecular binding energy. This parameter determines whether the system will be gaseous down to zero temperature. For la ...
... early suggestions [41, 42, 48]. In the quantum theory of corresponding states, one defines a dimensionless parameter η which is related to the ratio of the zero-point energy to the molecular binding energy. This parameter determines whether the system will be gaseous down to zero temperature. For la ...