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DNA Technology
Justin Sanford
A new piece of technology has just been created to help scientists to identify a
variety of different animals and plants. The DNA barcoder allows scientists to use data
from a tiny gene to distinguish one type of animal from another. The DNA barcoder is
being used in the Rainforest of Costa Rica to help scientists find new species of
butterflies and other insects. A more urban way that it is being used is in New York,
where scientists are currently using the new technology to see if the fish in restaurants are
actually the right type of fish. This astounding new piece of technology is helping
scientists find new types of animals and plants worldwide.
The Human Genome Project
Taylor Nemetz
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international research effort to map
out and sequence all of the genes in our species, Homo Sapiens. Thanks to this project, all
of the genes in our bodies –together known as the genome- are now able to be identified
and categorized. The Human Genome Project was a major breakthrough because with the
ability to read a human’s genes, many medical-related situations have been improved,
such as earlier detection of diseases caused by genetics, improved diagnosis of disease,
gene therapy for disease, and pharmacogenomics, or “custom drugs.” Recently, scientists
have used genetic technologies to attempt to map out the genome of animals such as the
mouse, and have been successful in the development of tools such as “knock out” and
“knock in” genes, which involve things such as replacing genes with altered versions or
altering a mouse gene in its original location. Using the “knock in” and “knock out”
procedures in mouse models, researchers at the Jackson Laboratory are trying to better
understand human diseases such as Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer, Glaucoma,
Type 1 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Epilepsy, and several others.
Genetic Engineering
James Rosso
Genetic Engineering scientists and analysts are realizing and discovering that in
the upcoming years, genetic engineering of all different species will be the spur in the
economy’s side for the upcoming centuries. Recent discoveries have discovered that the
cloning of an organism will not necessarily create and exact replica, and those
characteristics such as personality, and sometimes even appearance, may not be able to
be copied. Genetic engineering has already had an enormous influence on the agricultural
aspect of America and other countries, feeding and infusing our crops with growth
hormones and naturally occurring pesticides (considered safe for humans to consume).
Some scientists suggest that genetic engineering will place natures last stand, evolution,
into artificial means, and that the population as we know it will end up being altered to
our (mankinds) tastes. However, despite the growing dangers and radical side effects of
genetic engineering, genetic engineering does have a silver lining; if used correctly,
genetic engineering can lead to abolishment of certain genetic disorders and diseases, i.e.
cancers, downs, Huntington’s disease, etc…
Genetic Engineering
Brett Hilcox
Artemisinin is a compound that can digest the explosive TNT and has trace quantities of
a medicine that can be used against malaria, this compound can be genetically engineered
to change color of a plant in the presents of TNT and such. So if this could be made
cheaply by bacteria all this things could be done. Basic genetic engineering is taking
segments of genes and putting them in other organisms but when doing it the other
organism, there must be a promoter that is a virus that spreads quickly and stops the
organism’s growth and defense so it becomes unpredictable. Global powers at play,
genetically engineered corn soy insects and domesticated animals have been introduced
these are more unpredictable and the risk of these genetically engineered animals and
plants is the risk of them getting out of a lab and polluting the surrounding ecosystem.