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Survival of the Fittest
It’s all about traits
Acquired Traits
Happen After Birth
Pierced Ears
Learning a Skill
It’s all about traits
Inherited Traits
Programmed at Birth
skin eye hair color
face shape
sight, taste, smell
An ADAPTATION is an inherited trait
that helps an organism survive
For it to be an adaptation, most members of
the population must have the same trait
Adaptations can be physical or behavioral
Make a Concept Map as we go…
Draw a large circle in the center of your page and write
ADAPTATION in the center. Write the definition of adaptation
under the word. When words appear in orange, write them
Physical Adaptation
(make an arm off the center and
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
(write this on the other side of the
physical adaptation line)
Example: Camouflage
(write this as a finger off of the
physical arm)
Body coloring that helps
an organism blend in
with its surroundings is
called camouflage.
This leaf insect is protected
from predators eating it
because it lives on trees and
blends in with the leaves.
Physical Adaptation
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
Example: Camouflage
Body coloring that helps
an organism blend in
with its surroundings is
called camouflage.
The camouflage of this crab
spider is an adaptation that
lets it blend in with flower
petals – until lunch flies by…
Physical Adaptation
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
Example: Mimicry
Some organisms look like
other organisms that
are poisonous or
dangerous. They are
protected because of
the way they look.
Tasty Viceeroy butterfly on the left,
poisonous Monarch butterfly on the
The Viceroy is protected by
mimicing the color of the Monarch.
Bee story.
Physical Adaptation
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
Example: Specialized
Some organisms have
adapted special body
parts that make them
well suited to their
These African elephants live in a
hot climate. Large ears help
dissipate the heat by bringing blood
close to the skin surface.
What other adaptations do
elephants have?
Physical Adaptation
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
Example: Flight
All birds have hollow
bones and feathers.
This allows most
members of the bird
family to fly.
Humans and other mammals have
marrow inside their bones. Bird
bones are hollow.
How would hollow bones help a
bird to fly?
Physical Adaptation
How an Organism
LOOKS or its structure
Example: Swimming
Fish have adapted to
marine life by having
scales and using fins to
This catfish has many fins that
allow it to glide through the
muddy river bottoms.
What other adaptation is unique
to catfish?
Behavioral Adaptation
from the center and label it.)
What an organism
DOES (write this on the other
side of the arm)
Some traits are
passed down as
instincts or
behaviors. These
behaviors help the
organism survive.
Draw another arm out
Behavioral Adaptation
Example: Hunting and
stalking (write examples
as fingers)
Hunting behavior is
coded in an
animal’s genes. It is
an instinct.
This tiger is stalking prey. This
behavioral adaptation helps it get
food, and ensures that the
species will survive.
Behavioral Adaptation
Example: Hibernating
Hibernating conserves
an organism’s
energy resources
and helps it survive
when food is
Mammals aren’t the only ones
that have adapted to cold weather
by hibernating. Turtles, frogs, and
some snakes share the same
Behavioral Adaptation
Example: Mating
Many animals have
adapted mating
behavior to ensure
that the strongest
males pass on their
These bull elk are battling to
determine which one is the
strongest. The winner gets to
mate with all of the cow elk.
What are some physical adaptations of
this porcupine?
What are some behavioral adaptations
of this cheetah?
What are some physical adaptations of
this cactus?
What environment are these
mushrooms best suited for?
Natural Selection (make an arm)
The organisms that are best suited to the
environment will live and be able to pass on
their genes by reproducing.
Organisms that are not well suited to the
environment will die before they can
“Survival of the Fittest”
(write under arm)
Natural Selection
Remember the
Peppered Moth?
Listen to the story of
the peppered moth
and write a finger.
Speciation (make a new arm)
When a group of
organisms are
isolated in a new
environment, the
traits that are best
suited to that new
environment will be
passed on.
After MANY
generations, a
whole new species
may be formed.
Snowshoe Hares
and Jackrabbits
Both descended from
a common ancestor
Live in very different
Charles Darwin (make a new arm)
Was a Brittish
Wrote 19 books in his
Studied science by
observing the natural
Buried in Westminster
Charles Darwin (make a new arm)
Charles Darwin sailed on a ship named the
It may have been the defining experience of
his life.
It may have also ruined his health.
A poisonous bug bite caused chronic illness:
ulcer, diverticulitis and gall bladder disease.
He studied marine life and flora and fauna of
South America for the five year trip.
Charles Darwin
Darwin’s theory stated that the diversity of
organisms on earth is the result of billions of
years of adaptations to changing
environments. (under arm)
He didn’t coin the phrase “survival of the
He did develop the idea of natural selection.
Charles Darwin
Most famous for his
discoveries on the
Galapagos Islands.
Near the end of his
discovery tour
Western tip of S.A.
near Ecuador
Charles Darwin
Studied many plants
and animals.
Famous for making
observations and
measurements of
finches. Size, color,
habitat, beaks.
Charles Darwin
Also studied Blue
Footed Boobies
These unique
animals were not
found anywhere in
Discovery Mini-Video