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Name: _____________________________
Study Guide for Final
**Scientific Method
Steps of Scientific Method: 1. question
2. hypothesis
3. test the hypothesis
4. collect data
5. analyze results
6. draw conclusions
7. communicate results
Control vs. Variable: Control always stays the same
Variable: changes
Independent variable (manipulated variable)-changed to test a hypothesis
Dependent variable (responding variable)-changes in response to the independent
Parts of a Microscope:
Objective lenses
Coarse and fine adjustment knob
Stage clips
**Characteristics of living things:
6 characteristics of living things:
1. cells
2. sense and respond to change
3. reproduce
4. chemicals
5. use energy
6. grow & develop
4 Necessities of all living things: food, water, homeostasis, space to live
Building Blocks of Carbohydrates: simple sugars
Lipids: simple fats
Proteins: amino acids
Nucleic acids: nucleotides
**Cell organelles
Functions of: nucleus- stores DNA: control center of the cell
ER- internal delivery system of the cell
Vacuole- stores water, nutrients
Golgi body- external delivery system, packaging center
Cytoplasm- fluid inside of cell
Cell membrane-controls what goes in and out of the cell.
Animal Cells vs. Plant Cells
Animal cells-lysosomes- contain enzymes that speed up chemical reactions
Plant cells- cell wall, chloroplast, and large vacuole
**Cellular transport:
Diffusion: movement of particles from high concentration to low
Osmosis: movement of water particles from high to low concentration
Active vs. Passive: active requires ATP, passive does not
Photosynthesis reaction: carbon dioxide + water -- oxygen +glucose
Cellular respiration reaction: oxygen + glucose - carbon dioxide +
** Punnett Squares
Dominant vs. Recessive traits: dominant appears in every generation
Recessive usually skips generations
Punnett Squares: need to be able to fill in punnett and determine % &
fraction results
** DNA Structure & Mitosis and Meiosis
Nucleotides: three parts: sugar, phosphate, base
Chargaff’s Rule: A-T, G-C
Mitosis vs. Meiosis:
Mitosis: makes 2 body cells that are identical to the original cell (46
Meiosis: makes 4 sex cells that contain 23 chromosomes (1/2) in
each cell
** Evolution and Natural Selection
Theory of Natural Selection: process by which organisms that are better
adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
Adaptation: trait that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Population Vs, Community vs. Ecosystem
Niche- organism’s role in its habitat
Habitat- an environment that provides the things an organism needs to
live, grow, and reproduce.
Succession: Primary vs. Secondary
Primary- series of changes that occur in an area where no soil or organisms
Secondary- occurs in an area where organisms are being disturbed, where
soil and organisms exist.
Commensalism- one benefits and the other is not affected
Parasitism- one benefits and the other is harmed
Mutualism- both benefit
Food Chain vs. Food Web- food chain is one direct path of energy while
food webs show multiple paths of energy
Tundra- permafrost, cold, arctic areas, foxes, wolves, polar bears
Deciduous Forest- four seasons, oak trees, deer
Tropical Rainforest-diverse, lots of rainfall, humid
Temperate Rain Forest-lots of rainfall, coniferous trees, four seasons
Grasslands- bison, antelope, warm, Africa and US
Desert- less than 25 cm of rainfall, cacti, snakes
** Classification
Levels of Classification: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
Characteristics of Kingdoms: Archaebacteria: live in extreme conditions
Eubacteria: E.coli
Plantae: green, producers that carry out
** Chapter Seven:
Fungi: decomposers; absorb nutrients
Protista: multicellular; eukaryotic
Animalia: multicellular, have the ability to move
Three shapes of bacteria: rod-like, spiral, spherical
Binary fission- simple cell division where it splits into two new cells
Conjugation- bridge forms between two bacterial cells and genetic material
is exchanged
Active vs. Hidden:
Active-takes over right away
Hidden- becomes part of the hosts cell’s DNA for a longer period of time.
Human Body Systems
Part of a bone: Compact, Spongy, Marrow
Function of red and yellow marrow:
Red- makes red blood cells
Yellow- stores fat
Three types of muscle tissue and where they are located:
a. Smooth- digestive system
b. Cardiac- heart
c. Skeletal- along bones
How are involuntary and voluntary muscle different?
Involuntary- not under conscious control
Voluntary- under conscious control
Know the functions of the following organs:
Liver: Makes bile
Pancreas: Makes enzymes that help with digestion
Gallbladder: Stores bile
Stomach: mechanical and chemical digestion take place here using Pepsin
Small intestine: chemical digestion and absorption take place here
Large intestine: waste is readied for elimination from the body