Download Finals Study Guide Part 1

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Final Study Session (in class instructions)
• Create 2 questions for each topic listed in the
following slide
• Write on a piece of binder paper
• You can work with the person sitting next to
you (each makes one)
• Use notes, study guides, papers
• I will check them off with ten minutes left
• No ‘What…’ questions!
• Discuss, Identify, How, Compare, Describe,
Show, Diagram, Explain, Summarize
Finals Study Guide Part 1
You’ll need to know…
Producers, consumers, decomposers
Food Chain, Food Web and how related
Energy Pyramid and how to Interpret
Population Change- how does it change?
Cell Structures and their Function
Cells vs. Viruses
Photosynthesis vs. Cell Respiration
Movement of Molecules across membranes
Enzymes and Macromolecules
Chapters 1-9
Finals Study Guide Part 2
You’ll need to know…
Mitosis and Meiosis
Steps of both and how to tell them apart
Making a Punnett Square for 1 trait and 2
• Dominant vs. Recessive
• Probabilities of offspring
• Chapters 10 and 11