Download Ch. 6/7 Objectives 1. Identify the different phases of Mitosis and

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Ch. 6/7 Objectives
Identify the different phases of Mitosis and Meiosis
Describe differences between Mitosis and Meiosis
Identify the products of Meiosis and Mitosis
What is the difference between Anaphase I and Anaphase II of meiosis?
Define haploid and diploid
Define genotype, phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive,
genetics, heredity, gametes, and zygote.
7. Make a monohybrid (4-box) Punnett Square for Bb x Bb. What are the genotypic and
phenotypic ratios of the Punnett Square?
8. Determine the gametes of a dihybrid cross. HhFf and Hhff. What are the possible
gametes of each individual?
9. Complete the dihybrid Punnett Square of the individuals in #8. What are the
genotypic and phenotypic ratios?
Identify the differences between sex-chromosomes and autosomes.
Explain what a karyotype is. How can you determine mistakes and sex through
a karyotype?
12. Make a Punnett Square to illustrate the probability of having a boy or girl.
13. Make a pedigree, with 10 individuals, for one trait. Make a key and include ALL
possible genotypes for each individual.
List the four major blood types. Who are the universal recipient and donor?
What is a genetic disorder? What is the differences between recessive,
dominant, trisomy, and monosomy disorders? List a genetic disorder and explain how
it is caused.
What is a sex-linked trait? Complete a sex-linked Punnett square for normal
father, but a mother who carries the gene for muscular dystrophy. Find the probability
of having an infected child.
Know the following genetic disorders, including their cause: Down Syndrome,
Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter, Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia, and Colorblindness.
Be able to answer general questions about Lorenzo’s Oil.
a. What was Lorenzo’s disorder?
b. What system does it involve?
c. How did he get it?
d. What are the symptoms?
e. Explain the treatment?
f. Is there a cure?
Complete pg. 197 #1-6 and pg. 223 #1-6. Attach you answers!
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