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Name _​Answer Key
Pd ___
Life Science
STUDY GUIDE ​Unit 4 ​Life Over Time
Lessons 2, 3 and 4
TEST Date: 2/17/2017
Charles Darwin lived in the ​1800’s​.
1. In biology, the process by which populations change over time, is referred to as ​evolution​. This term can also be
defined as “changes in the hereditary features of a type of organism over time”.
2. A ​population​ includes all of the individuals of a species that live in an area at the same time.
3. The practice by which humans select plants and animals for breeding based on desired traits is ​artificial
4. The remains or imprints of once-living organisms, sometimes found in layers of rock, are called​ fossils​.
5. Scientists compare the ​DNA​ of organisms to tell if they may be closely related.
6. A group of organisms that look alike and can reproduce among themselves is a ​species​.
7. Inherited traits that help organisms survive and reproduce are ​adaptations​.
8. The term ​extinction​ means “when all members of a species have died because no individuals have traits that help
them survive and reproduce in the changed environment”.
9. Structural traits shared by organisms or similar structures with different functions are known as ​common
10. relative dating​ determines whether a fossil formed before or after another fossil while ​absolute dating​ estimates
the age of a fossil in years based on information from radioactive elements in rocks near a fossil.
11. Punctuated equilibrium​ is the idea of rapid evolution of species with few intermediate forms while ​gradualism​ is
the idea of evolution occurring as a slow change of one species to another.
12. Camouflage​ is when an organism blends into its environment. This is why hunters wear it.
13. Embryology​ is the study of the development of the embryos of organisms.
14. A trait that makes an individual different from other members of its species is a ​variation​.
15. When organisms inherit advantageous traits that help them survive and reproduce it is known as ​natural
16. What did Darwin discover about the finches on​ the islands he visited ​AND why did he think the variation was
Darwin discovered that the finches on the island had different beaks that were specialized for eating
certain types of food. He believed that the birds may have evolved from one species of finch.
17. What did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck think about acquired traits and why was his idea incorrect?
Jean Baptiste Lamarck believed that acquired traits, like muscle size, could be passed from parent
to offspring. This is incorrect because acquired traits do not become a part of your DNA.
18. How did Charles Lyell’s ideas influence Darwin’s ideas?
Darwin reasoned that if the Earth were very old, there would be enough time for small changes in life
forms to add up.
19. What are the factors that limit population growth?
Disease, predation and competition
20. What are the four parts of “natural selection” and briefly describe each?
1. Overpopulation: more offspring are produced than the environment can support.
2. Genetic Variation: natural differences within a population
3. Selection: individuals with a particular trait are more likely to survive and reproduce
4. Adaptation: traits that help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment may become more
21. How do fossils form in sedimentary rock?
(1) Dead organism is covered by a layer of sediment or mud, (2) More sediment settles on top of the
organism, (3) Minerals in sediment may seep into the organism and replace the body’s materials
with minerals that harden over time.