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Basics of Chemistry
Module 12 – 12’
 Chemistry - Science that deals with the
composition, structures, and properties of
matter and how matter changes under
different chemical conditions
 Organic Chemistry – is the study of
substances that contain carbon
 All living things are made up of compounds
that contain carbon
 Organic compounds will burn
 Inorganic Chemistry – branch of chemistry
dealing with compounds lacking carbon
 Inorganic substances are not, and never were
 Inorganic substances will not burn
 Did You Know? Page 247
 Any substances that occupies space
 Has physical and chemical properties
 Exists in the form of solid, liquid, or gas
 The simplest form of matter
 Cannot be broken down into simpler
substances without loss of identity
 90 naturally occurring
 Identified by a letter symbol
 Periodic Table of Elements
 Smallest particle of an element that still
retains the properties of the element
 Cannot be divided into smaller substances
by ordinary chemical means
 Formed by chemically joining two or more
atoms in definite proportions
 Elemental Molecules – contain two or
more atoms of the same element that are
united in definite proportions
 Compound Molecules – chemical
combinations of two or more atoms of
different elements definite proportions and
distinct properties
 Salt or water
 Pure Hydrogen Peroxide
 Figure 12-1, 12-2, page 248
States of Matter
 Solid
 Definite shape and volume
 Liquid
 Definite volume, but not shape
 Gas
 Does not have definite volume or shape
 Table 12 -1 page 248
Physical and Chemical Properties
of Matter
 Physical Properties
 Those characteristics that can be determined
without a chemical reaction
 Do not cause a chemical change in the
identify of the substances
 Color, odor, weight, density, gravity, melting
point, boiling pint, hardness
 Chemical Properties
 Those characteristics that can only be
determined with a chemical reaction
 Cause a chemical change in the identify of the
 Chemical reaction known as oxidation creates
a chemical change in the identity of the
 Rusting iron – rust
 Burning wood - ash
 Chemical Change
 Is a change in the chemical and physical
properties of a substance by a chemical
reaction that creates a new substance or
 The result of a chemical reaction that creates
new chemicals that have new chemical and
physical properties
 Oxidation of haircolor
 Polymerization of acrylic (methacrylate) nail
Physical and Chemical Changes
 Physical Change
 A change in the form or physical properties of
a substance without the formation of a new
 No chemical reaction involved
 No new chemicals are formed
 Solid ice changes into water
 Temporary hair color changes the
appearance of hair by physically adding color
to the surface of the hair
 Oxidation-reduction – redox – chemical
reaction where the oxidizing agent is
reduced (loses oxygen) and the reducing
agent is oxidized (gains the oxygen)
 Oxidizing Agent – substance that releases
 Reducing Agent – substance that adds
hydrogen to a chemical compound or
subtracts oxygen from the compound.
 Reduction – process through which
oxygen is subtracted from or hydrogen is
added to a substance through chemical
Reduction Reaction – the above chemical
Oxidation & reduction happen at same
Did You Know - page 250
Figure 12 – 6
 Exothermic Reactions – chemical
reactions that release a significant amount
of heat
 Combustion – is a rapid oxidation of a
substance with the production of heat and
 Lighting a match
 Oxidation requires oxygen
Pure Substances and Physical
 Pure substance
 Is a chemical combination of matter
 Definite proportions
 Have unique properties
 Atoms, elements, elemental compounds
and compound molecules are pure
 Physical mixture is a physical combination
of matter in any proportion
 Properties of a physical mixture are the
combined properties of the substances in the
 Saltwater
 Figure 12-7, PP 251
 Tale 12-2, PP 251
 Physical Mixtures – physical combination
of matter
 Mixed in any proportion
 Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide
Solutions, Suspensions, and
 Solution is a stable mixture of 2 or more
mixable substances
 Solids, liquids, gaseous
 Solute is the substance that is dissolved in
a solution
 Solvent is the substance that dissolves the
solute to form a solution
 Usually a liquid
 No change in chemical composition
 Miscible liquids are mutually soluble,
meaning that they can be mixed into
stable solutions
 Mixed in any proportion without separating
 Water and alcohol
 Immiscible liquids are not capable of being
mixed into stable solutions
 Water and oil
 Suspension is an unstable mixture of
undissolved particles in a liquid
Particles visible to the naked eye
Not usually transparent
May e colored
Oil and vinegar
 Emulsion is an unstable mixture of 2 or
more immiscible substances united with
the aid of an emulsifier
 Emulsify means “to form an emulsion”
 Emulsifier – an ingredient that brings 2
normally incompatible material together &
binds them into uniform & fairly stable
 Surfactants – substances that allow oil &
water to mix or emulsify
Surfactant – contraction fir surface active
Table 12 – 3 page 253
 Oil-in-water emulsion
 Water-in-oil emulsion
 Other physical mixtures
 Figure 12-9, 12-10 – page 254
 Did You Know - Page 255
Common Chemical Product
 Volatile alcohols
 Aklanolamines
 Ammonia
 Glycerin
 Silicones
 Volatile Organic Compounds
Potential Hydrogen (pH)
 Water & pH
 The pH Scale
 Acids & Alkalis
 Acid-Alkali Neutralization Reactions
 Chemistry will help you in the Salon
 Figure 12 – 13 page 258