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Code: 1
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) Reduction of a substance can mostly occur in the living cells by:
(a) Addition of oxygen
(b) Removal of electrons
(c) Addition of electrons
(d) Addition of hydrogen
2) Starting with succinate as a substrate, oxidative phosphorylation results in :
(a) production of 3 ATP
(b) production of 2 ATP
(c) production of 1 ATP
(d) production of no ATP
3) The F0 subunitof ATP synthase is found:
a) on matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
b) inter membrane of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
c) inter membrane of the outer mitochondrial membrane.
d) outer surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane.
4) Quantitative study of energy relationships in biological systems obeys:
(a) Bioenergetics
(b) Laws of chemical energetic
(c) Laws of thermo chemistry
(d) Laws of thermodynamics
5) Which of the following is obtained by anaerobic respiration from yeast and bacteria.
(a) NAD+
(b) alcohol
(c) CO2
(d) all of these.
1) L-amino acid oxidase transfers hydrogen atoms from its substrate to oxygen forming
……………………………… and contains …………………………….as coenzyme.
2) Superoxide radicals can be detoxified by …………………………………….
3) Electron transport chain collects chemical energy by transferring
……………………………………..from organic molecules to……………………...
4) Iron sulfur protein is associated with …………………………and ………………………in the electron
transport chain.
5) Some oxidases form H2O2 e.g. ……………………………and…………………………………..
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 2
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) H2O2 can be produced by all of the following enzymes except:
(a) Monoamine oxidase.
(b) cytochrome oxidase
(c) L-amino acid oxidase
(d) glucose oxidase
2) Site II of ATP production lies in between:
(a) FAD and Coenzyme Q
(b) NAD and FMN
(c) Cytochrome b and Cytochrome c1
(d) Cytochrome a and Cytochrome a3
3) The internal energy of a system is:
(a) The potential energy in the form of covalent bonds
(b) The energy stored in ATP molecules
(c) The energy used for biological processes
(d) The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy
4) Which of following is TRUE:
(a) Uncouplers allow to proceeds respiratory chain with ATP formation.
(b) Oligomycin inhibit site I of ATP production.
(c) Rotenone is a specific site inhibitor for electron transport system.
(d) Calcium injection inhibit ATP synthase enzyme.
5) The end products of anaerobic bacteria effect on pyruvic acid are
(a) O2, NADH+H+ and ethanol
(b) CO2 , acetaldehyde and NADH+H+
(c) CO2 , O2 and ethanol
(d) CO2 , ethanol and NAD+.
1) Enzymes which incorporate oxygen into a substrate are called: …………………………
2) In an eukaryotic cell, the enzymes of the electron transport chain are embedded in
3) During aerobic respiration …………………………………....donates reducing equivalents to the
electron transport chain at the lowest redox potential.
4) When hydrogen ions are pumped from the intermembrane space across the inner membrane
and into the mitochondrial matrix, the result is the formation of …………………….
5) The primary role of oxygen in ETC is to act as an acceptor for ………………and………………..,
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 3
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) One of the following enzymes is FAD linked dehydrogenase:
a) Malate dehydrogenase
b) Malic enzyme
c) isocitrate dehydrogenase
d) Xanthine oxidase
2) The electrochemical potential difference across inner mitochondrial membrane is due to all the
following except:
a) accumulation of protons inside the mitochondrial matrix.
b) Proton translocation to the intermembrane space.
c) accumulation of protons outside the inner mitochondrial membrane.
d) more acidity outside the inner mitochondrial membrane.
3) If Gibbs free energy equals zero, the reaction is considered:
a) Spontaneous exergonic reaction
b) Spontaneous endergonic reaction
c) reaction at equilibrium
d) non-spontaneous reaction
4)Which of the following is a high energy compounds?
(a)Glucose 6 phosphate
(b) Fructose 6 phosphate
(c) Creatine phosphate
(d) Glycerol 3 phosphate
5) Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates electrons to oxygen is
(a) Cyt. B
(b) Cyt. c
(c) Cyt. a1
(d) Cyt. a3.
1) Microsomal hydroxylase system contains a mono-oxygenase enzyme called ………………….
2)During electron transport, protons are pumped out of the mitochondrion at all
complexes except …………………………………..
3) The primary function of the mitochondria is the production of ………………by a process
4) Muscle cells in oxygen deprivation convert pyruvate to …………………and……………….
5)Ubiquinone can carry two hydrogen atoms forming ……………………….or one hydrogen
atom forming………………………..
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 4
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) Mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is :
(a) FMN-linked dehydrogenase
(b) Aerobic dehydrogenase
(c) Anaerobic dehydrogenase
(d) NAD+-linked dehydrogenase
2) ATP production by ATP synthase is due to:
(a) Rotation of F1 subunit.
(b) flow of protons through γ subunit
(c) flow of hydrogen ions through the multiple C- protein subunits.
(d) Proton translocation to intermembrane space
3) The following are considered as standard conditions for a given reaction except:
(a) Temperature 25ºC
(b) initial concentration of 1 mol/L of the substrate
(c) Pressure of one atmosphere
(d) initial concentration of 2 mol/L of the product
4) Regarding respiratory chain, which of the following is TRUE:
(a) Co – enzyme Q (ubiquinone) is a fixed carrier.
(b) Atractyloside inhibit the transport of ADP into the mitochondria.
(c) Cytochrome oxidase reaction is a reversible reaction
(d) 2, 4 Dinitrophenol helps coupling of oxidation with phosphorylation.
5) When the change of energy (Δ G) is positive, so:
(a) energy flowed out of the system
(b) energy flowed into the system
(c) energy flowed out of the system is more than energy flowed into the system
(d) The overall reaction of this system is exorgonic.
1) When reducing equivalents enter the respiratory chain through NAD the P:O ratio is……..
2)……………………… a water-soluble electron donor while ………………….is a water-soluble
electron acceptor.
3) Hydrogen ions flowing through a cylinder causing it to rotate like rushing steam turns a
water wheel is an analogy that best describes……………………………………………...
4) At the end of the electron transport chain, ………………..lastly accepts the electrons.
5) Coenzyme Q forms a bridge between ……………………..which can carry 2 hydrogen atoms,
and …………………….which can carry one electron only.
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 5
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) One function of cytochrome P450 is:
a) Microsomal reduction of vitamin D.
b) Mitocondrial production of estrogen.
c) Mitocondrial detoxication of xenobioticc
d) Microsomal conjugation of carcinogens.
2) All of the following dissociate oxidation from phosphorylation except:
a) Calcium
b) Rotenone
c) Thyroxine
d) Progesterone
3) ATP is produced at substrate level from all of the following except:
a) Creatine phosphate
b) phosphoenol pyruvate
c) Glucose-6-phosphate
d) 1,3-diphosphoglycerate
4) Regarding the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation
(a) Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the cytosol of the cell
(b) Water soluble vitamins are not involved
(c) Increased concentration of 2, 4 Dinitrophenol decrease P/O ratio to zero
(d) Calcium inhibit the ATP synthase enzyme.
5) A high energy phosphate bond is found in:
a) 1.3-diphosphoglycerate
b) Glucose-1-phosphate
c) Glucose-6-phosphate
d) None of the above
1) Cyanide inhibits phosphorylation at ………………………………
2) The cytochrome oxidase complex accepts electrons from……………………. and donates
electrons to……………………………….
3) During oxidative phosphorylation, a proton gradient will be generated by………………..
and used for ………………….synthesis.
4) Lactic acid is produced by human muscles during severe exercise during of lack of
5) Atractyloside (herbicide) that inhibits …………………………………..which is responsible for the
transport of ………………..into the mitochondria and the transport ………………out of the
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 6
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) Electron transport chain is a chain of catalyst of :
a) decreasing affinity for electrons acceptance
b) increasing affinity for electrons acceptance
c) equal affinity for electrons acceptance
d) increasing affinity for hydrogen removal.
2) During muscle contraction under anaerobic conditions, NAD+ is regenerated by:
a) Lactate dehydrogenase
b) Pyruvate decarboxylase
c) Malate dehydrogenase
d) Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
3) The first law of thermodynamics states:
a) all living organisms are composed of cells
b)systems tend to go towards entropy
c) usable energy cannot be transformed from one type to another
d) energy can neither be created nor destroyed
4) Regarding the respiratory chain:
(a) Uncouplers directly inhibit ATP synthase enzyme
(b) Require vitamin B12
(c) Complexes are found in the outer mitochondrial membrane
(d) The complexes are inter-connected via mobile carriers
5) ADP can receive a phosphate group from:
a) Fructose-6-phosphate
b) Glycerol-3-phosphate
c) Creatine phosphate
d) None of the above.
1) F0 component of ATP synthase is inhibited by ……………………………
2) Loss of electrons from a substance is called ………………..while addition of electrons to a
substance is called…………………………….
3) ATP synthesis during oxidative phosphorylation is forced by
………………………………………………on both sides of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
4)The mobile components of ETC are ……………………………and.
5) Phosphate ester bonds in ………………………………and ………………………………….are considered
as low energy bonds.
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 7
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) NAD+ can carry :
a) two electrons
b) two protons
c) One hydrogen plus one electron
d) One proton plus one electron
2) All of the following reactions occur in glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle except:
a) Reduction of FAD
b) Oxidation of DHAP
c) Oxidation of NADH+H
d) Oxidation of glycerol-3-phosphate
3) An endergonic reaction:
a) proceeds spontaneously
b) does not require activation energy
c) releases energy
d) requires energy
4) Which of following is TRUE regarding the biological oxidation
(a) 2, 4 Dinitrophenol inhibits ATP synthase.
(b) Cytochrome c is a fixed component of ETC.
(c) Niacin is not involved
(d) Uncouplers allow respiratory chain to proceed without producing ATP
5) The compound having the lowest redox potential among the following is:
a) Hydrogen
b) NAD
c) Cytochrome b
d) Cytochrome a.
1) Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation are …………………………….substances that
increase the ……………………………of inner mitochondrial membrane to……………………...
2)The first enzyme complex of the electron transport chain is called………………………………….
3) When hydrogen ions are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix across the inner
membrane and into the intermembrane space, the result is the creation of .……………………
4) Coenzyme Q transfer the electrons directly to……………………………….
5)ATP can be produced at substrate level in the muscles from ………………… and
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 8
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) Hydrogen can be transferred to ubiquinone by the following enzyme:
a) Succinate dehydrogenase
b) Ubiquinol dehydrogenase
c) Cytochrome oxidase
d) NAD+-linked dehydrogenase
2) Malate dehydrogenase is responsible for:
a) Reduction of malate to form oxaloacetate
b) Oxidation of oxaloacetate to form malate
c) Reduction of oxaloacetate to form malate
d) Reduction of FAD to FADH2
3) Oxygen:
a) has a negative redox potential, thus easily reduces other molecules
b) has a high positive redox potential, thus easily reduces other molecules
c) has a high positive redox potential, thus easily oxidizes other molecules
d) has a negative redox potential, thus easily oxidizes other molecules
4) Which of following is not related to the mitochondria
(a) Glycolysis
(b) electron transfer is involved in ETC
(d) H2O soluble vitamins are involved
(e) Uncouplers prevent formation of ATP
5) The compound having the highest redox potential among the following is:
a) Coenzyme Q
b) NAD
c) Cytochrome c
d) Cytochrome b.
1) Extra-mitochondrial NADH can be oxidized in the respiratory chain with the help of two
pathways called ………………………..and ………………………………………….
2) A "stepwise" manner of energy release occurs in ……………………………………………...
3) The protons (H+) are released from Coenzyme Q in ………………………………………….while the
electrons are transferred to………………………...
4) The reactions that occur in living cells may be …………………………reactions releasing free
energy or ……………………………reactions which require energy.
5) In chemiosmotic phosphorylation, ADP + Pi is converted to ATP by the flow of
………………………..through ATP synthase
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 9
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) The following component is considered one of the fixed components of ECT:
a) Succinate
b) Coenzyme Q
c) Cytochrome C
d) Cytochrome a3
2) Energy generated from NADH+H oxidation by lactate dehydrogenase is :
a) One ATP
b) No energy produced
c) 2 ATP
a) 3 ATP
3) Biologically, which of the following has the highest redox potential?
a) carbohydrates
b) oxygen
c) ammonia
d) proteins
4) The overall goal the electron transport system is the formation of
(a) ATP in one large oxidation reaction
(b) water
(c) protons
(d) ATP in small stepwise units.
5) Cytochrome oxidase is inhibited by all the following except:
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Hydrogen sulphide
c) Oligomycin
d) Cyanide
1) Hydrogen peroxide may be detoxified by ……………………….and …………………………
2) Living cells generate ATP by …………………………..and ……………………………………………
3) The internal energy of a system is the sum of …………………….and ………………………………
4) …………………………….is caused by pumping out of protons and is required for …………
5)Usually in living cells, ……………………reactions are exergonic and the ……………………….
reactions are endergonic.
Student Score:……………………/10
Code: 10
Medical Biochemistry Department
Quiz (1)
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
2 year
(Biological oxidation)
Student name:………………………………………………………………………………………………
Score: 10 points
Student Section:………………………… Student number:………………………………….
Time: 10 min
A) Choose the correct answer:
1) IN ETC , ionic oxygen:
a) Carries no electrons
b) Carries one electrons
c) Carries two electrons
d) reacts with two hydrogen atoms
2) All of the following substrates cannot pass through the inner mitochondrial membrane except:
b) Oxaloacetate
c) malate
d) acyl CoA
3) Final acceptor of electrons in respiratory chain is:
b) Cytochrome a3
c) Water
d) Oxygen
4) Life without air would be
(a) reductional.
(b) free from oxidative damage.
(c) impossible
(d) anaerobic.
5) L-amino acid oxidase contains:
a) FAD
b) FMN
d) NAD
1) The hepatic microsomal system contains …………………………and it is responsible for the
metabolism of ……………………………….
2) Oxidative phosphorylation couples ……………………and……………………………..
3) ATP synthase is located in the…………………………………………….
4) ……………………….subunits of the F1 subunit is responsible of ATP synthesis.
5) In human, cytosolic NADH+H+ is oxidized by …………………….enzyme
……………..and gives no energy but serves to regenerate……………………..
Student Score:……………………/10
in absence of