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Professor Simon Berkovich
Department of Computer Science
The George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052
Connotation of Life Beyond Molecular biology
The worldview of physics and biology
One of the profoundest enigmas of nature is
the contrast of dead and living matter
( H. Weyl
Biology – “Disease of Matter” an anomaly from the standpoint of straightforward physics
There’s nothing in the known laws of physics to compel matter
to organize itself into life.
P. Davis
Even when all the possible scientific questions have been answered,
the problems of life remain completely untouched
L. Wittgenstein
How memories are stored in the brain is not likely to be
affected by the discovery of the final theory
S. Weinberg
Interrelation of Life and quantum mechanics
Quantum entanglement
is a resource, like energy
Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy
Living matter involves intensive
control operations
Quantum mechanisc is not
applicable to the description
of macromolecules, let alone
the dynamics of cells
Biological information processing
requires Cloud Computing
Dalai Lama: Religion Without Quantum Physics
Is an Incomplete Picture of Reality
Preliminary notes on cellular automaton construction of the Physical Universe:
a priori advantages - automatic inertia and relativity
The key point – an inherent physical attribute resulting in quantum mechanics
Preferential direction for
moving elementary particles
3d exploratory designs
“Game of Life”
For biological
Information processing
the main requirement is
Cloud Computing
Will be given further
Quantum mechanics weirdness
Most successful theory of of Nature
About 1/3 of GNP comes from quantum mechanics.
Basically, there is no branch of Natural Science that
is not affected somehow by quantum mechanics
But it is an algorithmic construction rather than a scientific theory
In the decades since quantum mechanics was discovered,
physicists and philosophers have not stop arguing over what it means.
They will probably be debating it a century from now.
Many physicists doubted that a rational explanation of quantum
phenomena would ever be found
"If you think you understand quantum theory . . . you don't understand quantum theory."
So, what should be studied?
Efforts to understand quantum mechanics
1927 Fifth Solvay Conference
On Electrons and Photons,
Wikipedia gives ~ 15 variants for
interpretation of quaqntum mechanics
17 of the 29 attendees were or
became Nobel Prize winners,
“An interpretation of quantum mechanics is essentially
an answer to the question: ’What is the state vector?’
Antohny Sudbery,
Quantum mechancs and the particles of nature,
Cambridge,University Press, 1989, p.212 7
Principles of
Quantum Mechanics
Adjustments to established activities do not
help: what is needed is one simple robust
principle – a single missing element that
goes to the very foundations of physics
Why Complex
Quantum States
with imaginary numbers
are absolutely real 8
Unidirectional anisotropy of the basic inertial frame of reference
Mechanistic description of Nature ---- Galilean relativity:
all inertial frames of reference are equivalent (not exactly right)
Elementary particles --- appear from cellular automaton relocations
Matter exists only in motion --- Generative Velocity - Vg
This quantum
direction is of
medical significance
300 – 600 km/sec (controversial data)
Physics splits in
two types of objects
Macro objects and separated micro objects in between
Bulk bodies are not affected by the unidirectional anisotropy,
described by Euclidean Coordinates  Newtonian mechanics (1)
Isolated particles are affected by the unidirectional anisotropy,
characterized by inclination with respect to Vg  quantum mechanics (2)
Mesoworld --- erratic behavior and the problem of biological complexity
Quantum Mechanics foundation: presenting quantum states by complex numbers
-α -v
State of a micro object is presented by a three parameters:
α - inclination angle of its velocity v with respect to Vg : RANGE - π/2 < α < π/2
Θ - turning angle in the plane orthogonal to Vg:
mod 2π
Sign of α --- is the attribute of spin alleged to intrinsic angular momentum:
The pairs <α), Θ> present quantum state vectors
as complex numbers I Ψ > = α • eiΘ
Wave-particle duality. Example - free moving particle:
Ψ = A exp(i • px • x/ħ) -, real undulations with Θ
A mathematical curiosity
Quantum Physicists Find Pi
in a Very Strange Place
Surprisingly, there's a hidden connection between π
and Quantum Mechanics. A formula for the energy
states of the hydrogen atom reveals out of the blue:
Tamar Friedmann and C. R. Hagen, University of Rochester
Quantum mechanical derivation of the Wallis formula for π
So, quantum mechanics formalism is a mathematical abstraction
Notably, our construction incorporates a range variable: 0..π/2
Modus operandi of quantum mechanics
Two processes: covert evolution and overt measurement
Cellular automaton particle exists as long as it moves sticking to the direction Vg
Thus, a micro particle --- IΨ > -- moves without a trajectory meaning that it relocates from
one place to another by motions whose velocity at certain moments may essentially deviate
from the generative velocity Vg; so the particle disappears intermittently until reinstating at
one of its composition states, where 1,2, 3… are the eigenstates of an applied operator,
This expression is assumed
normalized, so the particle collapses in one of the eigenstate,say, n, with the probability Cn 2
The measuring apparatus detecting the corresponding eigenvalue gets in the same eigenstate.
Thisl eigenstate is absorbed by macrobody’s Vg, and after some time turns into zero-vector.
So, the boundary between quantum and classical phenomena Is determined acording
to the suggested separation of micro and macro worlds
The instrumentally created reality of quanrtum mechanics has nothing to do with human
consciousness as delineated by the famous Shcrödinger’s Cat Paradox
Quantum effect applied to drifting particles:
V << V g
Stern-Gerlach apparatus
Components of V
Orthogonal to
Velocity Vg
Splitting particle beams with
inhomogeneous magnetic field
The surmised mechanism of spin is sensitive
to absolute orientation of the apparatus
Various tests of such kind of effects can be undertaken
by putting this apparatus on a turntable
Entanglement --- “the greatest mystery in Physics”
The Einstein, Podolsky,Rosen paraox
The Einstein, Podolsky,Rosen paper ends by saying:
While we have thus shown that the wave function does not provide a
a complete description of the physical reality, we left open the question
of whether or not such a description exists.
We believe, however, that such a theory is possible.
The original EPR effect for velocities is just mildly confusing, yet it becomes
completely unacceptable with later reformulation for spins and polarizations
<if quantum nonlocality> “is correct,
it signifies the end of physics as a science”
A. Einstein
The EPR paradox for spins and polarizations --- illusion of non locality
Photon’s momentum is p= kħ and polarization is associated with its projections;
drifting is applied to the measurement apparatus rather than tothe particle; Vg << C.
A copy of the experimental
setup with point symmetry
A famous allegory of Bertelmann’s socks
Producing the illusion
of non-locality
The expected values of spin can be
precalculated from astronomical stands.
This may ompromise using quantum
entangelement for secure communication
Quantum link to non-existing photon
Anton Zeilinger, a physicist at the University of Vienna,
agrees that the experiment demonstrates just how
slippery the concepts of quantum mechanics are.
"It's really neat because it shows more or less that
quantum events are outside our everyday notions
of space and time."
As for how the Israelis physicists entangled two photons
that never coexist, the technique is rather complex.
They start by producing two photons (1 & 2) and
entangling.them The first photon (1) is immediately
measured, destroying it and fixing the state of the second
photon (2).Now a second pair of entangled photons (3 &
4) is created. hey then use a technique called “projection
measurement” to entangle 2 and 3
— which, by association, entangles 1 and 4.
Even though photons 1 and never coexisted,
they know the state of 4 is the exact opposite of 1.
As we’ve covered before,
entanglement seems to occur
instantly, even if the particles are
on opposite ends of the universe.
This experiment shows how
entanglement exists through time,
as well as space — or, in scientific
terms, the non-locality of
quantum mechanics in spacetime.
Polarization of photons: quantum effect
as a result of drift in measurements: c >>Vg
Linear polarization is produced
by changing directions of photons
motion by reflection, refraction,
selective absorption, and scattering
Simplest case
of correlation
Quantum interference –- mystery in its most strange form
A phenomenon, which is absolutely impossible to explain in any classical way
Richard Feynman
Photons or particles of matter
(like an electron)
produce a wave pattern
when two slits are used
“Interference between two different photons never occurs” ----- Dirac
Single particle interference – how can it happen?
Unusual physical effect --- short term memory due to quantum detection
Every act of quantum measurement leaves an imprint of a quantum state
The detecting place of the screen falls in the eigenstate - the same as that of the particle
Atoms in this place get some inclination to Vg that gradually straightens out.The process
of memory retention is a kind of spin relaxation lasting seconds and even much more.
Mikael Afzelius, Nicolas Gisin, Hugues de Reidmatten,
“Quantum Memory for Photons “, Phyics Tooay, Dec. 2015, pp.42-47
Testing quantum detection memory
Prediction: After a regular two-slit exposure, the same interference pattern should stay
when one slit is blocked. Such an effect might have been already observed
Daniel L. Alkon, “Either-OR’ Two slit Interference: Stable Coherent Propagation of Individual
Photons Through Separate Slits Biophysical Journal, Volume 80, May 2001, 2056-2061
Outcomes may depend on the screen material, its temperature, wave
lengths, and my be affected by spatial orientation of the apparatus.
N.B. Observations may have to be prepared in the darkness
What does this imply for Biology?
However, Quantum Mechanics does not provide breakthrough for Biology,
Biological information processing is Cloud Computing
This essential point has to be substantiated
Biology in the general picture of Nature
Internet of Things
Holographic mechanism
Quantum mechanics
Elementary particle physics
Cellular Automaton Infrastructure
Cellular Automaton Unfolding into the “Internet of Things”
Meso --- Structures and Biology
Micro --- Quantum mechanics
Clock pulses of wave trains: 10-11 sec
Full Spectrum of Stable Elementary Particles
Constant phase stretches for gravity with amplification -- ‘dark matter”
Primary driving mechanism
Cellular Automaton EThER InfraStructure (CAETERIS)
Complex numbers
for quantum states
appear from unidirectional anisotropy
Constituents of the
material world
Driving Rule of
mutual synchronization
Overview of the Cellular Automata model
with the suggested quantum mechanics concept
This concept is not an ambiguous interpretation of quantum mechanics,
but a comprehensive robust theory that makes clear testable predictions
The corner stone of the edifice of quantum mechanicsunidirectional anisotropy of the basic inertial frame of reference corroborates
cellular automaton view on the organization of the physical Universe.
In this respect, we will overview our Cellular Automaton Model
CAETERIS (Cellular Automaton ETher InfaStructure),
and rectify some inaccuracies in the reported publications
Propagation- --Drifting
Two types of solutions
  f ( z  vt )
 const
Helicoidal traveling waves
- “quasi-particles”
Phase change discretization —
rotation-propagation congruity 
maximum speed -- c
D2 4  D1 2  v  b  0
--- Characteristic equation
The paradox of instantaneous diffusion --- constant phase stretches
Shielded by phase discretization
V ~ 10 • c
Gravitation with “dark matter’ amplification
The complete collection of stable constituents of the material world
Quantum mechanics is also applicable to composite
semistable particles , like neutron
Decayng kernels --- Weak interactions --- noncoservation of parity
Quantum Mechanics on Top of the CAETHERIS
Local geometry ─ 3D lattice
Radius – 17.5 b.l.y.
Global geometry ─ Hypersurface of 4D sphere
Transformational rule ─ distributed fault-tolerant synchronization
Equation for the phase of circular counters : 
Non-linearity fault-tolerance condition: discretization of phase changes
Arbitration protocol to avoid deadlocks: the origin of CPT invariance
Dimensionless parameters (artifacts of the design): α=1/137 and ε ~1040
Two classes of solutions: "slow" spiral waves and "fast" diffusion spread
Two global periodic cycles: matter formation and diffusional wave trains
The origin of Cloud Computing --- establishment of a holographic mechanism
Holographic Universe memory with recording in moving spherical layer
The global pulse clock rate driving the physical world: 1011 Hz
The Universe is a Cyber-Physical System
combining informational and material processes
Holographic Universe
The very fast diffusion backgound is involved in
gravitation and formation of reference beam for
the holography process in what is cpnsidered
Cosmic Microwave Bakground. This revealed in
its anisotropy – “Axis of Evil and “Cold Spot “
Memory medium
Circular counters can perform memory functions
by retaining phases of their oscillations, an idea
in von Neumann’s Patent 2815488. This memory
Is the pivot factor for the interactions of macromolecules and the organization of Life
Material world
CAETERIS produces traveling wave solutions
that exactly correspond to the whole collection
of stable elementary particles of matter electron,
proton, photons and three types of neutrinos28
Genome functionality: principle of requisite variety
~ 22,000 genes
Biological information control must comply with "the basic law of requisite variety“: appropriate
selection is absolutely dependent on the processing of at least that quantity of information.
“Future work must respect this law, or be marked as futile even before it has been started"
Ashby, W. R. (1962). Principles of the self-organizing system. In H.V.Foster and G.W.Zopf
(editors), Principles of Self-Organization, Pergamon Press Oxford, pp. 255-278.
Informational processes in the Holographic universe
(1) Permanent writing in the global multilayered memory
(2) Temporal fixation of reactions in localized caches
Front pole
reference beam
Rear pole
conjugate reading
Global holographic
The enigma of “Cold Spot” in CMB evinces the Holographic Universe
Holography layer
CMB ellipsoid
03h 15m
−19° 35′
12h 27m
+12° 43′
Also, Anomalous Anisotropy,
• The origin of “Cold Spot” --- CMB view is obstructed by the reference beam
• Blueshifted Virgo galaxies are approximately opposite to the “Cold Spot” (tangent vs. chord?)
• Where all the biological information processing originates
Mysterious 'Cold Spot' In The Universe –
And What's Not There - Puzzles Scientists
Behavior of macromolecules as an antithesis to quantum mechanics
Small particles
Large molecul;es
Quantum weirdness
Organized behavior
Macromolecules must have some property not
reducible to conventional phyiscs
foresight of P.L. Kapitsa
The Future of Science, 1959
Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich (1894-1984)
Russian Physicist, Nobel Laureate 1978
One of the main properties of the living matter – to reproduce itself – may appear
as a result of some unknown forces, which are yet unexplainable by the identified
laws of physics. Long sequences of atoms may attain this new property, while in
singular atoms and simple molecules this property may go unnoticeable
Informational aspect in macromolecular chemistry
Large molecular aggregates cannot just interact physically --Information Control
Analogy in the organization of
macromolecule interactions and military battles
Information disparity
In vivo and in vitro
The hardest problem in the Universe
How the protein” knows” how to fold the right way?
Real molecules fold in a fraction of a second,
while trying possible combinations would take
biliions of years. Thus, capabilities of
computational modeling are limited.
The presented theory for quantum mechanics
suggests an extra possibility of drifting effects.
It might be interesting to try it computationally
Two types of Protein Folding diseases
1. Collection of insoluble protein plaques
Amyloidoses Alzheimer
Copying folded proteins
Universe “xerox machine”
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
2. Lack of a correctly folded protein
Cystic fibrosis Cancer
Physical influencing on the organism’s control caches
Alignment with the determinative quantum direction
Does electromagnetic energy cause cancer?
Reports on slight increase in children leikemia from high voltage lines, breast
cancer risk from electricity, mobile phones –possible cancerogen in humans
Biological harm
from mere presence
of electro-magnetics
Facts are mixed up with their interpretation --- Considered EMF are too small
But it is the the exposure to electricity that may cause biological harm
Control caches of macromolecules
can be seen as a kind of aura surrounding
biological organisms similarly to various
speculations of esoteric medicine
No known methods have detected aura
Suggested actions may reveal various biological effects, starting with the EMF cancer
Analogous physical situation: outcomes just
from neighboring without apparent impact
The presented effect may influence
quantum imprints on the screen
The outcomes may be
affected by the spatial
orientation of the apparatus
The given effect supports
our before considered
approach to medical
treatment by acting on
control cache memories
of biomolecules
Overriding the information configurations by aligning with relocating material activities
Information Action by Matter (IAM) impact
Physical influences on macromolecules control caches that constitute a kind of “aura”
surrounding biological organisms can occur as a result of colliding of informational
confrgurations with electromagnetic and other material (like nuclear) activities
through their corresponding alignments. .
Comparing to the aura in esoteric medicine
Direction of the absolute
motion of the Earth
To begin with, the surmised
effect for the EMF cancer
can be dependably verified,
by a prolonged alignment,
Mitigating the risk of side effects
in treatments with IAM impacts
ionizing radiation affects matter, IAM -information
Temporal detachment of ailing organs
Blood processing in auto transfusion
Localized application of the alignment
Passing through the blood brain barrier
Blood brain barrier protects glia interface from extraneous substances
At the same time, such protection hampers application of remedies
The suggested IAM impact can reach macromolecule
configurations through the blood brain barrier. May be
essential for different untreatable neurodegeneration
conditions from malformations of proteins, like in
Alzheimer’s, “Mad cow” and various other diseases.
IAM impact
On protein
1. In accordance with the presented concept of quantum
mechanics the essence of Life is not linked to the
mysteries of quantum behavior.
2. Proper understanding of the phenomenon of Life requires
revision of fundamental physics to uncover intensive
Information processing facilities in the Physical world
With the given concept of quantum mechanics these facilities can
be realized in accordance with the suggested Cellular Automaton
model of the Universe
3. Meanwhile, biologists can already adjust their view of living systems
in terms of the supposed Internet organization. This may lead to
productive developments. Analogously, in the modern World, most
people are cognizant of the Internet influences on their existence,
although very few of them care about how it does actually work.
An example of a typical Internet outcome:
Challenging the Scientific method
Concerns of Irreproducibility
Nature 496, 7 (04 April 2013) --- proposal for promoting replication studies
In recent years, biomedical science is plagued by findings that cannot be reproduced.
Not every paper needs to be medically relevant, but at the very least they should all be reproducible.
Reproducibility separates science from mere anecdote.
Nature 487, 432 (26 July 2012) ---mandate ethics methods in papers (!?)
Erratic behavior in the mesoworld
Physics Today, Vol. 65, No. 8, August 2012, pp. 29-35
E. Barkai, Y. Garini, and R. Metzler, “Strange kinetics of single molecules in living cells”
Measurements of one molecule may not yield the dynamical behavior
of another identical molecule under the same physical conditions
and may not be reproducible and invariant under time translation
The irreproducibility of time-averaged observables in living cells poses
questions for statistical mechanics and reshapes our views on cell biology