Exact Results for Thermodynamics of the Hydrogen Plasma
... for pressure and free energy up to order ρ 2 at fixed non-zero temperature, in a closed analytical form (see also Ref. [39]). When ρ goes to zero, the system becomes fully ionized (see Ref. [43] for a rigorous proof). At order ρ 2 , the recombination of a small fraction of charges into hydrogen atom ...
... for pressure and free energy up to order ρ 2 at fixed non-zero temperature, in a closed analytical form (see also Ref. [39]). When ρ goes to zero, the system becomes fully ionized (see Ref. [43] for a rigorous proof). At order ρ 2 , the recombination of a small fraction of charges into hydrogen atom ...
ZnO Quantum Dots: Physical Properties and Optoelectronic
... that there are two exciton levels that have large oscillator strengths. They are the first level with jMz j ¼ 1, which is The concept of the exciton dead layer can be traced back the exciton ground state, and the second level with Mz ¼ 0. to Pekar.18 It states that the exciton is totally reflected f ...
... that there are two exciton levels that have large oscillator strengths. They are the first level with jMz j ¼ 1, which is The concept of the exciton dead layer can be traced back the exciton ground state, and the second level with Mz ¼ 0. to Pekar.18 It states that the exciton is totally reflected f ...
from its mathematical description to its experimental
... The first strong criticism to quantum theory came with the Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen’s (EPR) paper “Can quantum-mechanical description of the physical reality be considered complete?” [EPR35]. These authors recognized that, although quantum theory could catch many physical effects, it allowed wei ...
... The first strong criticism to quantum theory came with the Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen’s (EPR) paper “Can quantum-mechanical description of the physical reality be considered complete?” [EPR35]. These authors recognized that, although quantum theory could catch many physical effects, it allowed wei ...
Relativistic Quantum Information: developments in Quantum
... General relativity is the theory that describes gravity which is currently accepted in the frame of modern physics. It fits all the phenomenology previously observed and successfully predicted a plethora of experimental results. Not only has it been experimentally tested a number of times but its ap ...
... General relativity is the theory that describes gravity which is currently accepted in the frame of modern physics. It fits all the phenomenology previously observed and successfully predicted a plethora of experimental results. Not only has it been experimentally tested a number of times but its ap ...
quantum computing
... Quantum computing is a very new, fascinating, promising and puzzling scientific adventure in which we witness a merging and mutual influence of two of the most significant developments in science and technology of 20th century—quantum mechanics and computing. An adventure that may lead not only to t ...
... Quantum computing is a very new, fascinating, promising and puzzling scientific adventure in which we witness a merging and mutual influence of two of the most significant developments in science and technology of 20th century—quantum mechanics and computing. An adventure that may lead not only to t ...
Class XI worksheet - Indian School Muscat
... What are the drawbacks of the Bohr model of an atom? ...
... What are the drawbacks of the Bohr model of an atom? ...
`Nonclassical` states in quantum optics: a `squeezed` review of the
... If σx < 1/2, then function P (α) must assume negative values, thus it cannot be interpreted as a classical probability [32]. Another example of a ‘nonclassical’ state is a superposition of two different coherent states [33]. As a matter of fact, all pure states, excepting the coherent states, are ‘n ...
... If σx < 1/2, then function P (α) must assume negative values, thus it cannot be interpreted as a classical probability [32]. Another example of a ‘nonclassical’ state is a superposition of two different coherent states [33]. As a matter of fact, all pure states, excepting the coherent states, are ‘n ...
Quantum Information Processing with
... quantum processor comprised of superconducting qubits coupled in the circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) architecture. In the realization of circuit QED, two superconducting ‘transmon’ charge qubits are capacitively coupled to a one-dimensional microwave transmission line resonator which serves as ...
... quantum processor comprised of superconducting qubits coupled in the circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) architecture. In the realization of circuit QED, two superconducting ‘transmon’ charge qubits are capacitively coupled to a one-dimensional microwave transmission line resonator which serves as ...
The electronic properties of graphene
... fact, Linus Pauling proposed in the 1950s that, on the basis of the electronic properties of benzene, graphene should be a resonant valence bond 共RVB兲 structure 共Pauling, 1972兲. RVB states have become popular in the literature of transition-metal oxides, and particularly in studies of cuprate-oxide ...
... fact, Linus Pauling proposed in the 1950s that, on the basis of the electronic properties of benzene, graphene should be a resonant valence bond 共RVB兲 structure 共Pauling, 1972兲. RVB states have become popular in the literature of transition-metal oxides, and particularly in studies of cuprate-oxide ...
Quantum Wavepacket Dynamics in Molecular and Trapped Ion Systems Dong Wang
... Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, a laser pulse with a very short duration should have a very broad energy width. When a laser pulse with duration around 100 fs is used to excite a small molecule, usually several vibrational levels in the upper excited state are excited simultaneously. The superpo ...
... Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, a laser pulse with a very short duration should have a very broad energy width. When a laser pulse with duration around 100 fs is used to excite a small molecule, usually several vibrational levels in the upper excited state are excited simultaneously. The superpo ...
... Quantum computing is a potential. There are already results convincingly demonstrating that for some important practical problems quantum computers are theoretically exponentially more powerful than classical computers. Such results, as Shor's factorization algorithm, can be seen as apt killers for ...
... Quantum computing is a potential. There are already results convincingly demonstrating that for some important practical problems quantum computers are theoretically exponentially more powerful than classical computers. Such results, as Shor's factorization algorithm, can be seen as apt killers for ...
Quantum dots on bilayer graphene made on a substrate of boron
... one and a hundred) are free. The de Broglie-wavelength of these free electrons is comparable to the size of the dot, due to which the electrons occupy discrete energy levels and have a discrete excitation spectrum. A quantum dot has another characteristic called the charging energy; this is the ener ...
... one and a hundred) are free. The de Broglie-wavelength of these free electrons is comparable to the size of the dot, due to which the electrons occupy discrete energy levels and have a discrete excitation spectrum. A quantum dot has another characteristic called the charging energy; this is the ener ...
How to detect fluctuating stripes in the high-temperature superconductors E. Fradkin
... In Sec. II we discuss basic scaling considerations that govern the relevant length, frequency, and energy scales of fluctuating order in the neighborhood of a quantum critical point, and the consequences of the pinning induced by disorder and other perturbations. We show that it is the low-frequency ...
... In Sec. II we discuss basic scaling considerations that govern the relevant length, frequency, and energy scales of fluctuating order in the neighborhood of a quantum critical point, and the consequences of the pinning induced by disorder and other perturbations. We show that it is the low-frequency ...
Novel Systems and Methods for Quantum
... storage of photons in atomic ensembles. We describe experiments demonstrating the potential of our optimization algorithms for quantum communication and computation applications. Next, we combine the technique of photon storage with strong atom-atom interactions to propose a robust protocol for impl ...
... storage of photons in atomic ensembles. We describe experiments demonstrating the potential of our optimization algorithms for quantum communication and computation applications. Next, we combine the technique of photon storage with strong atom-atom interactions to propose a robust protocol for impl ...
DE C - MSU College of Engineering
... An asymmetric triangular quantum well was grown by molecular‐beam epitaxy using a digital alloy composition grading method. A high‐resolution electron micrograph (HREM), a computational model, and room‐temperature photoluminescence were used to extract the spatial compositional dependence of the qua ...
... An asymmetric triangular quantum well was grown by molecular‐beam epitaxy using a digital alloy composition grading method. A high‐resolution electron micrograph (HREM), a computational model, and room‐temperature photoluminescence were used to extract the spatial compositional dependence of the qua ...
The fourth age of quantum chemistry - of Attila G. Császár
... a rigid or at least semirigid structure, or maybe to a handful of (semi-)rigid structures or conformations.33 Electronic structure theory34–36 has been quite successful in yielding equilibrium quantities which can be related to experimental observables but are distinct from them. Quantitative agreem ...
... a rigid or at least semirigid structure, or maybe to a handful of (semi-)rigid structures or conformations.33 Electronic structure theory34–36 has been quite successful in yielding equilibrium quantities which can be related to experimental observables but are distinct from them. Quantitative agreem ...
Individual Trapped Atoms for Cavity QED Quantum
... cooling beams in an optical lattice. This non-destructive imaging technique led to atomic storage times of two minutes in an optical lattice. The second part of thesis incorporated the individual atoms into a high finesse cavity. Inside this optical cavity, atoms are cooled and non-destructively obs ...
... cooling beams in an optical lattice. This non-destructive imaging technique led to atomic storage times of two minutes in an optical lattice. The second part of thesis incorporated the individual atoms into a high finesse cavity. Inside this optical cavity, atoms are cooled and non-destructively obs ...
A WYSIWYG Simulation Tool for Investigating the Circuit Model of
... of operation, but leaves it up to the applications to solve specific problems which compares to the relationship between quantum mechanics and specific physical theories. Quantum computation is a subset of quantum mechanics and therefore it demands some knowledge of its superset. As discussed by [1] ...
... of operation, but leaves it up to the applications to solve specific problems which compares to the relationship between quantum mechanics and specific physical theories. Quantum computation is a subset of quantum mechanics and therefore it demands some knowledge of its superset. As discussed by [1] ...
Quantum Hall Effect and Electromechanics in Graphene
... There is a correlation between VHall and ∆Eν , which can be explained by considering inter-LL scattering. The origin of the inter-LL scattering is likely to be the strong local electric field that mixes the electron and hole wavefunctions [5, 34, 35] providing a finite rate for inelastic transitions ...
... There is a correlation between VHall and ∆Eν , which can be explained by considering inter-LL scattering. The origin of the inter-LL scattering is likely to be the strong local electric field that mixes the electron and hole wavefunctions [5, 34, 35] providing a finite rate for inelastic transitions ...
- Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy
... difficulty in building a large quantum computer lies mainly in the fact that the quantum mechanical system cannot be shielded well enough from the environment resulting in erroneous calculations. In quantum physics this is known as decoherence which is responsible for the fact that we do not experie ...
... difficulty in building a large quantum computer lies mainly in the fact that the quantum mechanical system cannot be shielded well enough from the environment resulting in erroneous calculations. In quantum physics this is known as decoherence which is responsible for the fact that we do not experie ...