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Name: ___________________________ Hour: ______
Chapter 11 Notes - Introduction to Genetics
What is Inheritance?
•Every living thing has a set of characteristics inherited from its parent
or parents.
•Genetics ____________________________________________.
11-1 The Work of Gregor Mendel
•He was an Austrian monk
•He worked with different ________________________ (pure bred) ____________________ .
•Pea plants were a good choice because:
•They were ___________________________
•Seed in _____________________
•Mendel worked with 7 different traits:
Genes and Dominance
•What is a trait?
•Tall vs.. Short – _______________
•Round vs. Wrinkled – _______________________
•Mendel called the original plants the ______(parent) generation
•Offspring =______ generation
•If you cross two parents with different traits, the offspring are called
Mendel’s F1 Cross
This is what Mendel saw.
The offspring had the characteristics of only
one of its parents
Mendel concluded:
1. Inheritance is determined by ____________ that are passed from one generation to the next
2. Chemical factors that determine traits are called ___________
3. Different forms of the same gene are called ____________
Example: Gene for ___________
Alleles: _______________________
4. _______________________________________________ : Some alleles are dominant and
some alleles are recessive.
•_________________________________ are always expressed
•_________________________________ are can only be expressed when the dominant allele
is not present
•Mendel wondered if the recessive alleles had dissapeared or were they still present in the F 1 plants
•He decided to allow all seven kinds of F1 hybrids to produce F2 offspring.
•Mendel looked at the results of his F1 and F2 crosses:
tall plants x short plants
( ____________________________________________________________ )
tall plants x tall plants
This is What Mendel Saw
•Because the trait, _________, ___________________, Mendel reasoned that the ____________ for
tallness and shortness had ______________________ from each other when gametes
(__________________) form.
T = Tall
t = short
F1 : the F1 plant
produces 2 kinds
of sex cells
11-2 Probability and Punnett Squares
•The chances that a particular event will happen is called ______________________.
•The principles of probability can be used to ________________ the outcomes of
Punnett Squares
•_________________________ can be used to determine the genetic _____________________ that
might result from a ________________________.
•The _______________ in a Punnett Square represent ______________:
•Capital Letters = ________________________________ (____)
•Lowercase Letters = ________________________________ (____)
Punnett Square Terms
•___________________________ = True Breeding (__________)
•___________________________ = Hybrid
•___________________________ = Physical Characteristics
•___________________________ = Genetic Makeup
Predicting Averages
•Probabilities can _____________ the average outcome of ______________________________.
•The larger the number of offspring resulting from a cross, the closer the results will be to the
expected values.
P - _________________
G – ____________
11-3 Independent Assortment
•What happens if there is ________________________________?
•Does inheriting a certain gene for seed color affect the inheritance of another trait like plant height?
2 Factor Crosses
•Mendel performed experiment to follow ______________________________ as they passed from
one generation to the next.
•These experiments are known as ___________________ (__________________) crosses.
•Mendel crossed plants that were true-breeding for two different traits.
•Round, yellow peas
•Genotype ______________
•Wrinkled green peas
•Genotype ______________
Which traits are dominant and which traits are recessive?
RRYY x rryy
Why are there so many boxes?
•Each parent can produce ______________________ kinds of sex cells (________________)
•Each gamete has an _________________________ of combining with each of the other parents 4
types of gametes.
F2: Dihybrid Cross
•Each of the offspring in the example are hybrids for _____________________ - ________________
•Mendel crossed these offspring to produce another generation of plants (F2)
•If the genotype of each parent is RrYy, What kinds of gametes will each parent produce?
•Parent 1: RrYy
•_____ _____ _____ _____
•Parent 2: RrYy
•______ ______ _____ _____
•The results of the F2 cross showed that the alleles for the two different traits segregated
________________________ into the gametes.
•The offspring from this cross showed a _______________________ of the different
Summary of Mendel’s Principles
•Inherited traits are determined by __________. Genes are passed from parents to offspring
•Some forms of the gene may be _________________ and others may be _________________
•The genes ___________________ during meiosis so only one copy of a gene goes into the gamete
•Alleles for different genes usually segregate _______________________ of one another.
Exceptions to Mendel’s Principles
•Some alleles are _______________________________________________________, and many
traits are controlled by ______________________________ or _____________________________.
Incomplete Dominance
•One allele is ______________________________ dominant over another.
•The heterozygous phenotype is somewhere _______________________ the two homozygous
•R = red flowers
•r = white flowers
•Rr = pink flowers.
•___________ alleles ___________________ to the phenotype of the organism
•Example: Horses, allele for red hair is codominant with allele for white hair.
Animals with both alleles ___________________ red and white hairs. The color
is called roan.
Multiple Alleles
•A particular trait has ____________________________________ alleles.
•You only inherit two of those alleles at a time.
•Examples: coat color in rabbits, hair color in humans, and _________________________________.
Human Blood Types ;
Polygenic Traits
•Traits produced by the interaction of _______________________.
•Examples: _______________________________, height, cystic fibrosis
Applying Mendel’s Principles
•Albinism in humans is caused by a __________________ trait.
•If two people with normal skin color have a child with albinism, what are the odds that a second child
will also have albinism?
A = normal, a = albino
•Chances for a normal child?
•Changes for an albino child?
11-4 Meiosis
•Multicellular organisms use ____________ to _____________________ that lost due to
_______________ or damage or to ___________.
•These cells (_____________________) are identical to the parent cells because all of the DNA is
first copied and then two copies of the DNA separate when the daughter cells form.
•______________________________________________________________________________ .
Meiosis is Different
•Multicellular organisms _____________________________.
•In order to keep the number of chromosomes the same from generation to generation, the
_________________ have to reduce the number of chromosomes to one half of the number that you
find in a somatic cell (body cell)
Meiosis I
•The chromosomes have replicated during S phase of the cell cycle.
•During _______________, the chromosomes become visible and the
chromosomes pair off--that is chromosomes that carry the same information
called ________________, and form structures called ____________.
•Something important happens during this process--the homologous chromosomes can twist around
each other and some times they break off. When they re-attach, they may attach to the other
•This event is called ________________________ and is an important
process in genetics.
•After prophase I, the tetrads of chromosomes line up at
the equator of the cell for ________________
•In _________________________, the pairs of chromosomes separate from each
other. _________________________________________________________of
each type of chromosome.
•In __________________, two daughter cells form. Each of these cells have
__________________ _______________ of chromosomes that we wstarted
Meiosis II
•In this second cell division, the two daughter cells from meiosis I undergo one more cell division
•The steps in this cells division are very much the same as mitosis except the DNA is _______ copied
• ___________________:
• ___________________:
• ___________________:
• ___________________:
chromosomes become visible
chromosomes line up at the equator
centromeres split, and the copies of the DNA are pulled apart
4 daughter cells form.
Products of Meiosis
• _______________________
• Cells are ___________________________________________ to the parent cell
• _________________________ may have ________________________________ from the
maternal and paternal chromosomes.
Additional Notes: