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Biology Honors Final Exam Review Sheet
We have covered the chapter and sections listed below. This exam will only cover material from this semester, which
includes the chapters/sections listed below. Review each section, the vocabulary terms, and overarching concepts. The
Chapter Study Guides in your textbook may be a good starting point for refreshing your memory of the Key Concepts we
have learned this semester.
Unit 6-Genetics (11.1-11.4)
11.1 The work of Gregor Mendel
The Experiments of Gregor Mendel
Describe experiments, principle of dominance, principle of segregation
11.2 Applying Mendel’s Principles
Probability and Punnett Squares
Independent Assortment
A Summary of Mendel’s Principles
o Inheritance of characteristics is determined by genes, which are passed from parents to offspring
o Where two or more forms of a gene exist, some are dominant and some are recessive
o In sexually reproducing organisms, each adult has two copies (they got one from each of their parents).
These genes segregate from each other when gametes are formed
o Alleles for separate genes usually segregate independently from each other
11.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance
Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles
o Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Multiple Alleles, Polygenic Traits
o Genes and the Environment
11.4 Meiosis
Chromosome Number
o Diploid cells vs. Haploid Cells
Phases of Meiosis
o Meiosis 1- results in two cells that have a different mix of genes than the original cell
 Prophase 1
 tetrad
 crossing over
 Metaphase 1
 Anaphase 1
 Telophase 1
 Cytokinesis
o Meiosis II- second division, ends in 4 cells, each with one chromosome for each gene
 Prophase II
 Metaphase II
 Anaphase II
 Telophase II
 Cytokinesis II
o Gametes to zygotes
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis
Gene linkage and gene maps
Unit 7- Human Genetics- 12.2, 14.1, 14.2
12.2 The Structure of DNA
The Components of DNA
Solving the Structure of DNA
o Chargaff’s Rule
o Franklin’s X-ray diffraction
o The work of Watson and Crick
The double helix model
o Antiparallel strands
o Hydrogen Bonding
o Base Pairing
14.1 Human Chromosomes
o Genome- all of the genetic info carried in our DNA
o Sex Chromosomes
o Autosomal Chromosomes
Transmission of human traits
o Dominant and Recessive Alleles
o Codominant and multiple alleles
o Sex Linked inheritance
o X- chromosome inactivation
Human pedigrees
14.2 Human Genetic Disorders
From molecule to phenotype
Disorders caused by individual genes
o Sickle cell disease
o Cystic Fibrosis
o Huntington’s disease
Chromosomal disorders
o Trisomy 21
o Turner’s syndrome
o Klinefelter’s syndrome
Unit 8- Ecology (3.1-3.3, 4.2)
3.1 What is Ecology?
Studying our living planet
o The science of ecology
o Levels of organization
 Individual organism
 Population
 Community
 Ecosystem
 Biome
 Biosphere
Biotic and abiotic factors
Ecological methods
o Observation
o Experimentation
o Modeling
3.2 Energy, Producers, and Consumers
Primary Producers
o Energy from the sun
o Life without light
o Types of consumers
 Carnivores- kill and eat other animals
 Scavengers- animals that consume dead carcasses
 Decomposers- chemically break down organic matter, make detritus
 Herbivores- eat producers
 Omnivores- eats plants and animals
 Detritivores- eates detritus (small pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains)
3.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems
Food Chains and Food Webs
o Food chains
o Food webs
Trophic Levels and ecological pyramids
o Pyramids of energy
o Pyramids of biomass
o Pyramids of Numbers
4.2 Niches and Community Interactions
The Niche
o Tolerance
o Defining the niche
 Biological aspects of the niche
 Physical aspects of the niche
 Interspecific vs Intraspecific
o Competitive Exclusion Principle
o Dividing Resources (resource partitioning)
Predator- Prey RelationshipsHerbivore- Plant Relationships
Keystone species
o Mutualism
o Parasitism
o Commensalism
Unit 9- Animals (25.1-25.2, 29.1-29.2)
25.1 What is an animal?
Characteristics of Animals
Types of Animals
o Invertebrates
o Chordates
 4 characteristics at some point in life
What Animals do to survive
o Maintaining homeostasis
 Gathering and Responding to information
 Obtaining and distributing oxygen and nutrients
 Collecting and Eliminating CO2 and Other Wastes
o Reproducing
25.2 Animal Body Plans and Evolution
Features of Body Plans
o Levels of Organizationo Body Symmetry
o Differentiation of Germ Layers
 Endoderm
 Mesoderm
 Ectoderm
o Formation of a body cavity
 Coelomates
 Acelomates
 Pseudocoelomates
o Patterns of Embryological Development
 Zygote
 Blastula
 Blastopore
 Protostomes
 Deuterostomes
o Segmentation: Repeating Parts
o Cephalization
o Limb Formation (legs, flippers, wings)
Leave out the second Green heading that covers cladograms—we did not cover this in class!
29.1 Elements of Behavior
Behavior and Evolution
Innate Behavior
Learned behavior
o Habituation
o Classical Conditioning
o Operant Conditioning
o Insight Learning
Complex Behaviors
o Imprinting
Behavioral Cycles
o Circadian rhythms
Seasonal changes
 Hibernation
 Migration
Social Behavior
o Courtshipo Territoriality and aggressiono Animal Societies
o Visual Signals
o Chemical signals
o Sound signals
o Language
Unit 10- Human Body Systems
For ONE human body system, describe the following in detail:
Main structures and their specific functions
How does it help body maintain homeostasis
Reproductive System/ Fertilization and Development
Sexual Development
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Fertilization and Early Development
Later Development
Multiple Choice
o Some of these are fill in the blank style with 4 choices.
o True/false—filled in on bubble sheet True=A False=B
Written Essay
Questions? Email Ms. Simonton at [email protected]