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Download Advertising Agencies - Greer Middle College
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Advertising Agencies “Busy as a bee” 5 Types of Advertising Agencies In-House Agency Full-Service Agency Creative Boutique Media-Buying Services Interactive Agencies Specializes in helping clients prepare ads for new interactive media like the internet. Provides a wide range of services to meet a client’s complete advertising needs. Specializes in buying media time and space like radio and television. An ad department in a company whose main business is not advertising. Specializes in developing creative concepts, creative text, and artistic services. Advertising Industry Individual Roles Account Services Marketing Services Creative Services • Keeps the agency teams working on the account on schedule and within budget. • Includes research, sales promotions, event sponsorship, and public relations. • Develops the advertising message (words and images to deliver the message) Advertising Industry Individual Roles Production Services • Brings the images and words to life for radio and television commercials. Media Service • Help the client choose the most effective media options within the client’s budget. Administrative Services • Includes the accounting, personnel, billing and sales departments of an ad agency. Advertising Agency Fees Often paid on a commission (percentage based on how much the advertiser spends on media)