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 MARKETING (One mark) questions 1. What is market? 2. Write any one function of marketing. 3. Write any one element of marketing mix. 4. Mention any one object of branding. 5. Write any one of the indirect channel of distribution. 6. Write any one of the channel of distribution. 7. Write any one type of advertising media. 8. Name any one form of outdoor advertising. 9. Write any one type of salesman. 10. Expand MLM. 11. What do you mean by channels of distribution? 12. What is personal selling? 13. Mention any one quality of salesman? 14. What is branding? 15. Write any one essential quality of a good advertisement copy. ANSWERS 1. Market means getting together of buyers and sellers personally or impersonally through mail, telephone, telegraph, internet or any other means of communication. 2. Buying and assembling. 3. Product mix. 4. To motivate the people to purchase the product. 5. Manufacturer wholesaler retailer consumer. 6. Manufacturer consumer. 7. TV advertising. 8. Posters. 9. Retailer salesman. 10.Multi Level Marketing. 11.Channel of distribution is the route used by a manufacturer for sending goods to consumer. 12. Personal selling is the ability to persuade people to buy goods or services at a profit to the sellers and with the benefit to the buyer. 13.Good manners, Good memory. 14.Branding is a process by which a product or service is branded.E.g:‐ OnidaTV 15.Attention value, Educative value. TWO MARK QUESTIONS 1. What is advertising? 2. What is marketing mix? 3. Write any two channels of distribution. 4. State any two objectives of advertisement. 5. What is an advertisement copy? 6. Write any two disadvantages of press advertising. 7. Write any two types of outdoor advertising. 8. Mention any two disadvantages of window display. 9. Write any two advantages of TV advertising. 10. Give the meaning of salesmanship. 11. Who is a promotional salesman? 12. Who is a specialty salesman? 13. What is publicity? 14. What is network marketing? 15. What is window display? 16. Mention any three types of salesman. 17. What is meant by Demonstration? 18. What is meant by fairs? 19. What is exhibition? 20. What do you mean by seminars? 21. What are public relations? 22. What is grading? ANSWERS 1. According to American marketing Association advertising means” Any paid form of non‐personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor”. The media used are print, broadcast and direct. 2. According to Philip kotler,”a marketing mix is the set of controllable variables that the firm can use to influence the buyer’s responses.” 3. The channels of distribution are: a) Manufacturer retailer consumer. b) Manufacturer wholesaler retailer consumers. 4. The objectives of advertisement are: a) To create demand for new product. b) To face competition. 5. Advertisement copy means information about a product or service, which the advertiser wants to convey it the public. 6. The disadvantages of press advertising are: a) Short life b) Greater percentage of wastage. 7. The types of outdoor advertising are: a) Painted displays b) Skywriting. 8. The disadvantage of window display are: a) The serious drawback of window display is its limited appeal. b) It appeals only to those people who visit the shop where the products are displayed. 9. The advantages of TV advertising are: a) Attracting illiterate people. b) Educative. 10. According to Garifield Blake “salesmanship consists of wining the buyer’s confidence for the seller’s house and goods, thereby wining regular and permanent customers.” 11. Promotional salesman is a salesman who is appointed by the manufacturer to sell new products. He is also called a pioneer salesman. 12. A specialty salesman is a salesman who is appointed by a manufacturer to sell the specialty goods.Eg :‐TV ,computers 13. Publicity is a non –personal stimulation of demand for a product, service or business unit by planning commercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favorable presentation on radio, TV or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor. 14. Network marketing is a system of selling product under which the buyer works as the customer and also dealer for the product. It is system of selling product under which a buyer of the product works as both user and the dealer. 15. A window display is an advertising medium under which the products are displayed behind the glass windows of the shop. 16. The types of salesmen are: a) Manufacturers’ salesmen b) Wholesaler salesmen c) Retailers’ salesmen 17. Demonstration is technique of demand creation under which the complete details products are explained to the people. 18. Fairs means assembling of people at a particular place periodically to celebrate an event which may be social, religious or cultural. 19. The exhibitions are also known as trade show. It refers to an opportunity given to the people to inspect and buy the product after inspecting the product of various manufacturers at one place. 20. Seminars are the type of publicity under which the information is conveyed by experts to the selected people. 21. Public relation is a process of creating and maintaining cordial and continuous relationship between business concern and general public. 22. Grading is a division of product into different grades on the basis of some established standards. FIVE MARKS QUESTIONS 1. Mention any five objectives of advertising. 2. State the essential features of good advertising copy. 3. Explain the different types of salesmen. 4. State any five advantages of salesmen ship. 5. Distinguish between marketing and selling. 6. Bring out the difference between advertising and salesmen ship. ANSWERS 1. The objectives of advertising are: 1). To create demand for new product Advertising is essential to create demand for a new product. It is very essential to inform the production of new product to the dealers and to the consumers. 2).To maintains and expands the existing market Advertising is essential to maintain and expand demand for the existing product. Advertising is essential to inform dealers and the consumers the continuity of the production and availability of product. 3).To warn the public Advertising is essential to worn the public against various unfair and restrictive trade practices such as over pricing, imitation, hoarding and so on. 4).To improve dealers relations Advertising is needed to improve the relation of dealers with the manufacturers. The details of dealers are given in the advertisement which improves the dealers towards the manufacturers. 5).To build up reputation Advertising is essential to build up the reputation of the concern and its goodwill. 2.
The following are the essential features of a good advertising copy 1). Attention value Attention value means drawing and holding the attention of people. A good advertisement copy is one, which as attention value. It should draw the attention of people. People should be motivated to read the contents of advertisement. 2). Convincing value Convincing value means convincing the people about various special benefits of using the advertised product. A good advertisement copy is one which has convincing value. This is more essential when there is a severe competition. 3). Educative value Educative value means the information, which enlargers the knowledge of people. A good advertisement copy is one, which as educative value. It should improve the knowledge of the people. 4). Sentimental value A good advertisement copy is one which has sentimental value it should respect the sentiment of people. This is essential in a country where the people in different area follow different customs and traditions in their day to day life. 5). Fulfilling government restriction In addition to the above qualities, the advertisement copy should also fulfill the government restriction. Vulgarity and indecency in the advertisement should be avoided. 3. Types of salesmen are: 1)
Manufacturers’ salesmen Wholesalers salesmen Retailers salesmen 1).Manufacturer’s salesmen A Manufacturers’ salesman is a salesman, who is appointed by a manufacturer for serving different objectives. Every manufacturer appoints salesmen for different purposes. The types of manufacturers’ salesmen are: a).Promotional salesmen A promotional salesman is a salesman, who is appointed by a manufacturer to sell a new product. b).Dealers servicing salesmen A dealers servicing salesman is a salesmen, who is appointed by a manufacturer to maintain and expand the established market. c).Merchandising salesmen A merchandising salesman is a salesman, who is appointed by a manufacturer to build up reputation of the business. d).Specialty salesmen A specialty salesman is a salesman who is appointed by a manufacturer to sell the specialty goods. 2).Wholesalers’ salesmen A salesman who is appointed by a wholesaler to sell the goods to retailers and industrial users is called wholesalers salesman. a).Outdoor salesmen Outdoor salesmen visit different areas, meet the retailers and industrial users and collect the orders from them. b).Indoor salesmen Indoor salesmen are entrusted with works of selling goods to those customers who visit the shops. 3). Retailers salesmen A salesman who is appointed by a retailer to sell goods to consumers is called retailers salesman. a). Outdoor salesmen An outdoor salesman is a salesman, who is appointed to sell the goods in different areas. b). Indoor salesmen An indoor salesman is a salesman who is appointed to sell the goods in the shop. 4. The following are the advantages of salesmen ship 1). To creates demand for new product. 2). To maintains demand for the existing product. 3). To build up reputation of the seller. 4). To help buyers to buy right type of goods at right price. 5). To assist the middlemen. 5. Selling It creates ownership utilities It is product oriented It involves exchange of goods for money Marketing It creates time, place and ownership utilities It is consumer oriented It includes various activities which help the movement of goods from the It is last stage of manufacturing cycle
It gives importance and the sale of product production place to consumption place It begins with the manufacturing cycle and continues till the sale of goods It gives importance on satisfying the needs of the consumers 6. Advertising It is more expensive Market information cannot be collected through advertising It is one way communication It is time saving process It has mass appeal Salesmanship
It is less expensive
Market information can be collected through salesman It is two way communication It is time consuming process It has limited appeal. TEN MARKS QUESTIONS 1. Explain the various functions of marketing. 2. What are the various outdoor advertising Medias? Explain. 3. Explain the qualities of successful salesmen. 4. Explain the methods of remunerating salesman with its merits and demerits. 5. What is advertisement copy? Explain the essentials of good advertisement copy. ANSWERS 1. All those activities which are operated to pass the original product from the producers to the ultimate consumers are called the functions of marketing. Its important functions are:‐ 1.
Buying and assembling Selling Financing Market information Risk bearing Transportation Standardization and grading warehousing 1). Buying and assembling Buying is the first step in marketing. It is the marketing function which involves the selection and purchase of raw materials required for manufacturing or of finished goods for sale. Assembling is the marketing function which begins after the completion of buying. Assembling means bringing together the purchased goods from the place of purchase. 2).selling Selling is the end function of marketing it involves creations, maintenance and expansion of the market for the goods which are produced in anticipation of demand 3). Financing Financing means the provision of adequate and timely supply of finance to meet the financial requirements of the business. 4). Market information Success of a business concern dependence upon accurate information about the prevailed situation in the market. The market information means the information about the market conditions and other related matters such as buying habits of the people there expectation and needs, purchasing power and so on. 5). Risk bearing Marketing of goods surrounded by various risks. Goods may be, stolen, destroyed. These risk increase loss or reduce the profit. 6). Standardization and grading These are essential function of modern marketing standard is the indication of quality, size, content, color, taste, shape etc of a product. It conveys the ideas of the uniform quality. Grading is the system of classifying the products into various grades on the basis of establish standards. 7). Transportation It is a function of marketing which crates place utility to a product. It is a physical movement of goods and services from the production place to consumption place. 8). Warehousing Warehousing is very essential in the modern business goods are produced in large quantities in advance. So there is the time gap between the production and consumption. This time gap is bridged through warehousing. 2. Types of outdoor advertising 1). Posters Posters are an outdoor advertising medium under which the advertising matters are written on papers and pasted on walls on important places. 2). Painted displays Painted displays are an outdoor advertising medium under which the advertising messages are written directly on walls, card boards and metal sheet in prominent places. 3). Sandwich board It is an outdoor advertising medium under which a board containing advertising message is carried by a sandwich man in important places. This widely used in small towns by film theaters. 4). Car cards or vehicular advertising It is a small posters displayed in buses, taxies, train. The advertising messages are conveyed to the traveler. 5). Sky writing It is an outdoor advertising medium under which aero planes and balloons are used for advertising. 6). Electric and neon signs Electric and neon signs are a type of outdoor advertising under which tube lights and neon tubes to convey advertising massages. These are widely used by hotels, restaurants and etc. 3. Qualities of successful salesman 1).Courageous A salesman needs courageous efforts. He should be courageous to face any situations and people of any type. 2). Honesty A salesman should be honest to his employer and customers. 3). Loyalty A salesman should be loyal to his employer and customers. 4). Perseverance It is the consistent efforts of salesmen to do work under any situation in order to be successful salesman 5). Alertness A salesman should be alert and always on his toes to act readily 6). Good memory A salesmanship needs good memory to recognize customers and all the past transactions the movement he meets them 7). Imagination It’s the ability to visualize the ideas. Salesmanship needs good imagination 8). Self confidence It is the ability to rely on oneself. It is essential to get successful in every work 9). Good appearance A good physical appearance is one of the important asset for a salesman 10).Good voice Good voice is another asset for a salesman. His voice should be clear and present to draw and hold the attention of the people 4.The various methods of remunerating a salesmen are: 1.Straight salary method 2.Straight commission method 3.Salary and commission method 4.Salary and Bonus method 1. Straight salary method:‐ Under this method, a salesman is paid remuneration on tie basis, a salesman is paid a fixed salary at the end of every month, irrespective of sales made by him during the month, increment is given annually, on the tie scale of pay and after a certain number of years of efficient and faithful service, he is promoted to higher scale of pay. Merits a) Simple:‐it is simple so salesman understand this method b) Co‐operation:‐it creates co‐operation among salesman. Demerits a) No reward for efficiency:‐ as it is calculated on the time basis it doesn’t motivate the salesman to hard work b) No direct relations:‐ as this is calculated on time basis there no relation between salary and sales. 2. Straight commission method: ‐ Under this method, a salesman is paid a fixed of only a certain percentage of commission on the volume of sales, that means remuneration is paid to salesman o actual sales made by him and not on the basis of time spend by, the commission may be paid at fixed rate or slab rate on the total volume of sales This method is commonly adopted by persons dealing in automobiles, office appliances, basic raw‐
materials, chemicals, iron ore etc., Merits a) Simple:‐ this is simple when a commission is fixed at a flat rate b) Motivate to work hard:‐as this is calculated on the work basis it motivates the sales man to work hard. Demerits a) No minimum income: ‐ there is no minimum income as this method is based on principle of no work no pay. b) Non co‐operation:‐ this method creates unhealthy competition between sales men. 3.Salary and commission method:‐ Under this method the salesman are paid a certain minimum amount of salary every month besides this monthly salary the salesman are also given commission at a certain percentage on the sales affected by them over the specified quota. In addition to salary they are also given commission Merits: a. Assuring minimum income: The payment of salary assures minimum income to the salesmen b. Reward for efforts: The payment of commission recognizes the hardwork and efforts of the salesmen Demerits: a. Costly:‐ It’s a costlier method of remuneration because of salary and commission b. Not practicable: This method could be adopted only when sales done by the salesmen can be calculated 3. Salary and bonus method: ‐ the sales man are given fixed salary at the end of ever month according to certain scale, beside the fixed monthly salary, they are also given a bonus. Bonus is an extra monetary reward given to the salesman at the end of specified period say quarterly, half yearly, annually. The bonus may e paid on e certain percentage of sales affected by the salesman overt the sales quota fixed or on the basis of point system. Merits a. Minimum income: The payment of salary assures some minimum income to the salesmen b. Incentive:‐ The payment of bonus works as an incentive to the hard work. Demerits a. No direct relationship: The payment of salary and bonus does not establish relationship between salary and remuneration b. Costly:‐ This method is costly as the bonus is paid.