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Review of Biochemistry
Name: ________________________________________
Learning Goals
Explain isotopes, radioisotopes
Explain how the parent isotope will decay into the daughter isotope using
carbon 14 as an example. Include an explanation of a half-life and how it can be
used to predict the age of organic compounds. Draw and label a graph of
radioactive decay.
Explain organic compounds
Compare intramolecular forces to intermolecular forces
Explain physical bonds like hydrogen bonds
Compare hydrophobic and hydrophillic
Explain an ion and give examples
Identify the 4 groups of organic compounds and their characteristics
Nucleic acids
For carbohydrates, you need to;
know the monomer structure of glucose (ie: draw it or identify it in a model)
know the monomer is a saccharide and these saccharides make polymers.
identify functional groups in the glucose.
explain what disaccharides and polysaccharides are with examples.
explain isomers.
know that monomers are held by glycosidic linkages.
draw diagrams and explain condensation & hydrolysis reactions to join
For lipids, you need to;
know the monomer structure of triglyceride (ie: glycerol + 3 fatty acids)
draw the monomer and identify it in a model.
know that the monomer cannot form a polymer.
know that the lipid has a non-polar fatty acid region and , in the case of a
phospholipid, a polar phosphate group in place of one fatty acid chain.
know the functional groups on fatty acids and glycerol.
compare steroids to lipids.
draw diagrams and explain condensation & hydrolysis reactions to join
molecules together.
For proteins, you need to;
know that the monomer is amino acid.
know there are 20 different amino acids and the basic structure is an amine
group, a carboxyl group and a side “R” group along with a H atom. It is the R
group that will determine the type of amino acid.
know there are essential and non-essential amino acids.
know how these monomers can attach using peptide bonds to form polymers
called polypeptides. The polypeptides can fold by attaching the R groups
together (ie: the R groups are polar, non-polar, electrically charged, etc.) to form
secondary and tertiary structures. You can then attach different polypeptides to
form a quaternary structure.
know that the polypeptide is the primary structure.
the shape that the protein forms will determine what it will act upon.
draw diagrams and explain condensation & hydrolysis reactions to join
(1.3) Explain the following reactions in words & diagrams:
 neutralization (acid-base, pH, buffers),
 redox (reduction –oxidation),
 condensation/hydrolysis (forming or breaking polymers)
(1.3) Explain enzymes in terms of;
 the type of molecule (enzymes vs co-enzymes)
 its functions ( catalyst, how it affects rate of chemical reactions, activation
 how it works ( active sites, substrate, enzyme-substrate complex, induced fit
 it conditions of function (temperature, pH, inhibitors, activators, allosteric site)
(activity) Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Nutrients & Indicators
(activity)Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Amylase & Starch
(activity) Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Dialysis Tubing
(activity) Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Half Life of the M&Mium
(activity) Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Beef Liver Enzyme
(activity) Explain the purpose, background and conclusions for the activity
Effects of Saltwater and Fresh water on Potato Cells
(2.1 and the power point), compare prokaryotes to eukaryotes and explain the following
cell structures AND be able to identify them in a plant-animal cell diagrams
 nucleus (DNA, nucleolus)
 rough & smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
 Golgi apparatus (steps in protein excretion),
 lysosomes, peroxisomes, vacuoles, vesicles,
 chloroplasts,
 mitochondria,
 cell wall,
 cytoskeleton,
 cilia, flagella,
 cell membrane (fluid mosaic model, phospholipids & membrane proteins)
(2.2) Explain and compare 3 types of membrane transport;
 passive transport (diffusion, osmosis & facilitated diffusion),
 active transport (primary & secondary)
 membrane assisted transport (endocytosis & exocytosis)
(2.2) Explain 3 osmotic conditions (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic) with examples and
3 factors that affect the rate of diffusion with examples