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Name _______________________
Let’s take a look back!
– Photosynthesis: ________________________________________________
Occurs only in plants or organisms with plastids like chlorophyll
Carbon dioxide is taken in
Oxygen is ____________________________
Also requires light & H2O
Cellular Respiration: chemical process where carbohydrates are broken down to be a quick source of ____.
– Location: mostly within mitochondria, first part in cytoplasm
– ______________________________
______ Types:
1. Aerobic: _____________________________
2. Anaerobic: ___________________________
____ Stages:
1. Glycolysis
2. Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle)
3. Electron Transport Chain
Three Stages:
1. Glycolysis = _________________________
2. Citric Acid Cycle = ____________________
3. Electron Transport Chain = _____________
1. Glycolysis: _______________________________________________________________
Occurs in ____________________
Costs 2 ATP to START reaction
Breaks _______________________________________________________ (pyruvate) (goes to
Krebs Cyele)
Makes total of ____ ATPs
At end of reaction, net of 2 ATP available to cell, and
2. Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle)
Occurs in __________________________ (matrix: space enclosed by inner membrane)
2 cycles occur at the same time (1 for each pyruvate)
Each cycle produces _____ ATP
Yields (_______________):
1. _____________________
2. _________ & __________
-Go to ETC
3. _____________________
-Released as waste
3. _______________________________________________________________
Takes place in and across inner mitochondrial membrane.
NADH from glycolysis & Krebs and FADH2 from Krebs unload
electrons at ETC. Energy is used to make ATP.
Result: __________________________________
– ____________________________________________________
– Oxidative Phosphorylation
ADP is converted to ATP by adding a phosphate group.
But wait! What if there was not enough oxygen? Could cellular respiration still have taken
_______! Anaerobic Respiration or ___________________________ takes place!
– ___ Kinds:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
– Both kinds ______________________________________________
– How many ATPs does that mean they make? ______ ATPs
1. _________________________ Fermentation
– ___________________
– Produces burning feeling in muscle cells
– Occurs when body is worked to the point that more oxygen is being used than taken in
– Produces __________________________________________________________
2. _________________
– ______________________
– Carried out by some bacteria and yeast
– Used to bake bread and make wine
– Produces _____________________________________________________
Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration
Fermentation vs. Cellular Respiration
Check It!
1. The process by which mitochondria break down food molecules to produce ATP is called ________.
A. photosynthesis
B. cellular respiration
C. the light-independent reaction
D. the Calvin cycle
2. The three stages of cellular respiration are ________.
A. Carbon fixation, the Calvin cycle, and the electron transport chain
B. glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain
C. glycolysis, the electron transport chain, and the citric acid cycle
D. the light-dependent reactions, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain
3. Which of the following yields the greatest net ATP?
A. Lactic acid fermentation
B. Alcoholic fermentation
C. Calvin cycle
D. Cellular respiration
Overall Energy Transfers in Cellular Respiration