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Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question. To receive the highest
score, be sure to leave nothing blank.
A section of DNA is transcribed to produce a strand of mRNA. The original DNA has
the following sequence of nitrogen bases:
Transcription results in the mRNA sequence of:
Transcription in this case will result in
A) a mutated protein that is potentially harmful.
B) the correct sequence of amino acids in the synthesized protein.
C) a situation where protein synthesis does not "stop" translating.
the incorrect sequence of amino acids of amino acids in the synthesized
Horses are much larger today than their two-foot tall ancestor, mesohippus. Geologists
believe the change in size was the result of changing environments, from tropical forests to a
grassland habitat.
Larger size would be an advantage for survival in this new habitat because
A) taller horses could reach the leaves that grow high on trees.
B) larger horses could find food easier than the shorter horses.
C) the larger horses were better camouflaged than the smaller horses.
D) larger horses had longer legs and could run f aster to escape predators.
3) A student conducts a science fair project to determine whether or not eating peanut butter
increases short-term memory.
What would probably NOT be a major concern for the student doing a science fair project?
A) Picking test subjects of similar age and intelligence.
B) Providing each test subject with the same amount of peanut butter.
C) Making certain that none of her test subjects get the same memory test.
D) Keeping the brand of peanut butter consistent throughout the experiment.
4) Tina conducted an experiment to test her hypothesis. Her hypothesis was that by crushing
aspirin and putting it into potting soil increases the growth rate of tomato plants. The results
of the experiment show that there was no significant difference in the growth rates between
the control and the experimental groups. What should Tina do with the results of this
A) Assume that there was something wrong with the aspirin or plants.
B) Publish the results of the experiment and claim the converse of the hypothesis is true.
Assume she did the experiment incorrectly, ignore the results, and conduct the
experiment again.
Use the results to look at the situation in a new way, learn, and reapply it by altering
the hypothesis and conduct another experiment to test her new hypothesis.
The graph shows the changes in population of black bears in rural Michigan during a single
year. Complete depletion of food supply for black bears most likely occurred during the
month of
A) April.
B) February.
C) July.
D) September.
Animals such as bears that consume both plants and other animals are referred to as
A) cannibals
B) carnivores
C) herbivores
D) omnivores
7) The correct order of stages in the primary succession of a volcanic island environment is
illustrated by
A) shrubs-mosses-coconut trees-sea grasses
B) volcanic rock-lichen-mosses-sea grasses
C) volcanic rock-shrubs-coconut trees-sea grasses
D) volcanic rock-sea grasses-coconut trees-shrubs
8) People increase erosion in forested areas by
A) tilling the soil.
B) polluting the air.
C) cutting down trees.
D) planting invasive species.
During mitosis, chromosomes are moved and separated through the use spindles composed
of ________________ structures .
A) endoplasmode
B) integument
C) macrofilament
D) microtubule
10) All of the following are found in a chloroplast EXCEPT
A) stroma.
B) cristae.
C) chlorophyll.
D) thylakoid membrane.
11) In which situation will the reaction rate INCREASE?
A) when a catalyst is added
B) when the temperature drops
C) when the pressure is lowered
D) when the molecules are large and bulky
12) Which type of RNA carries a genetic code from DNA to the ribosome?
13) Which trait was most important in the development and advancement of modern fish?
A) a lower jaw
B) eggs with shells
C) 4-chambered heart
D) live birth of young
14) Which plant cell organelle uses light energy to produce sugar?
A) chloroplast
B) mitochondria
C) nucleus
D) ribosome
According to the Punnett square: R represents the dominant gene for blue feathers and r
represents the recessive gene for red feathers. Two heterozygous birds have one offspring.
What percent chance does it have for red feathers?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 75%
D) 100%
16) In the semi arid regions of China, the country's inhabitants have practiced water harvesting
for generations. Water harvesting is the process of collecting rainfall and/or runoff for later
use. How does this water conservation method help the environment?
A) Water harvesting causes drought-like conditions the rest of the year.
B) Keeping the water for later use leads to over farming and land degredation.
C) Water harvesting causes the area to become uninhabitable the rest of the year.
By collecting runoff during the rainy season much of the land degredation caused
by water erosion is prevented.
17) The model of evolutionary change in which different species slowly develop in a step-bystep fashion is called
A) gradualism.
B) convergence.
C) punctuated equilibrium.
D) ecological competition.
In the picture, groups of pigments that capture light energy are located on the
A) cell membrane.
B) stromal membrane.
C) thylakoid membrane.
D) chloroplast outer membrane.
19) What is the MAIN cause of accelerated erosion?
A) strong winds
B) flash floods
C) human activity
D) movement of glaciers
20) In the hills of North Carolina, several different species of wrens live in one large pine tree.
This is possible because the wrens
A) must have the resource competition from the other wren species.
B) eat different foods found in and on the tree.
C) have different natural enemies.
D) breed at different times.
21) Which of the following statements BEST describes how mutations are related to evolution?
A) There is not a strong relationship between mutations and evolution.
Natural selection causes evolution, which causes more mutations to appear in the
DNA of the species.
Mutations are changes in DNA that produce weaker organisms that die, so these
are eliminated by evolution.
Mutations lead to new genes, which may have an advantage over the old forms,
causing the species to evolve.
A student carries out an experiment on the growth of Aspergillus, a common fungus, in
petri dishes maintained under different temperatures.
According to the table, at what temperature does this fungus grow best?
A) 20°C
B) 25°C
C) 40°C
D) —10°C
23) The venus fly trap is a plant that attracts insects and digests them. This plant would best
be classified as a:
A) carnivore.
B) decomposer.
C) fungus.
D) herbivore.
24) A DNA molecule has the sequence GCATCCGA. What is the mRNA sequence resulting for
this DNA code?
25) Lipids that are ______________ form animal body fat that is used for stored energy and
A) hydrogenated
B) reconstituted
C) saturated
D) unsaturated
26) Which situation is a good illustration of a biologically resistant species?
A) A mule, despite being the product of two different species (a horse and a donkey).
A staph bacteria in a hospital that is not killed by penicillin or several other
An alligator. Alligators still survive, despite being dated by fossils to the time of
A species of African cichlid fish, which is thought to have rapidly evolved, along
with 500 other similar species.
27) A catalyzed reaction will have a _____ activation energy, and this leads to a _____ in the
reaction rate.
A) lower, decrease
B) lower, increase
C) higher, decrease
D) higher, increase
28) All BUT one factor contributes to natural selection. That factor is
A) mutation.
B) random mating.
C) genetic drift.
D) environmental factors.
29) Scientists say that climate data from nine different countries indicate that every country
will be hit with major climate changes during this century. How can scientists make such
A) by
B) by
C) by
D) by
looking at historical weather data.
analyzing layers deep within Earth.
creating a computer model from data collected.
compiling weather forecasts from each country.
In a recent experiment, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer was compared to two different antibacterial soaps. Students washed their hands using the products and warm water for two
minutes, and then dried their hands with a paper towel. The standard of comparison was
rubbing hands vigorously for 2 minutes in warm water, without any soap or sanitizer, and
then drying with a paper towel. The sanitizer advertisement claimed to kill bacteria more
effectively than any anti-bacterial soap. After washing, hands were swabbed and then the
swab applied to a culture plate and incubated. Finally, the bacterial cultures were counted.
Based on the procedures and data, which of these is the MOST appropriate conclusion?
A) The experiment is not valid; there is no control.
B) The advertiser's claims are true; the hand sanitizer worked best.
C) Both soaps did a better job killing bacteria than the hand sanitizer.
The control situation was as effective as the hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial
31) The cellular process of creating two new DNA molecules from one original copy is called
replication. Which statement is the BEST description of this process?
A) DNA opens up and RNA copies it.
B) DNA opens up and completely unwinds to make two new molecules.
C) DNA opens up and each strand is used as a template for a new strand.
D) RNA opens up the DNA and uses each strand as a template for a new strand.
The table above shows the relative size of the genomes(total DNA in the nucleus), number of genes,
and number of chromosomes for a variety of different organisms. Based on the chart, what is the
relationship between the complexity of an organism and the number of chromosomes that it has?
A) There is a strong tendency for advanced organisms to have more chromosomes.
B) There is a strong tendency for advanced organisms to have fewer chromosomes.
There is no relationship at all between the complexity of an organism and the
number of chromosomes.
There is a weak link between advanced organisms and more chromosomes, but
some organisms do not follow this rule.
The petri dish pictured is MOST LIKELY to be used for what purpose in a laboratory?
A) for
B) for
C) for
D) for
culturing bacteria
growing plant specimens
holding chemical samples
measuring small set amounts of a liquid
This organelle carries
A) chlorophyll.
B) food molecules.
C) digestive enzymes.
D) genetic information.
The organism shown is frequently used in genetic engineering because
A) its DNA is single stranded.
B) it has a complex single chromosome.
C) it has a simple, circular chromosome.
D) it has only twenty, complex chromosomes.
With the prom approaching, Carl wanted everything to be just right. One thing that was not
“just right” was his complexion. Carl watched movie star after movie star on television talk
about the great results they had when using Zero Zits blemish cream. Carl decided to try
the product. He bought a tube and carefully followed the directions. With the prom only ten
days away, Carl was hoping to look his best. The results of Zero Zits use can be seen in the
What is the MOST valid conclusion regarding Carl’s experience with Zero Zits?
A) Carl used the cream incorrectly.
B) The cream removed all of Carl's blemishes.
C) Carl's diet caused many more blemishes to develop.
D) Initially the cream seemed to work but new blemishes developed.
A team of scientists examining the effects of drought conditions on fish populations assembled the
data shown. The data are collected from automated stations that monitor water levels in a stream.
The scientists suspect that one of the automated stations may be malfunctioning. Based on the
data shown, which monitoring station is most likely malfunctioning and reporting erroneous data?
A) Station
B) Station
C) Station
D) Station
Carol's biology class was given the task of measuring the thickness of a leaf. They were
given no instructions from the teacher but would be graded on accuracy. Each team
devised their own method to measure the thickness of the leaf.
Which technique SHOULD provide the most accurate measurement?
A) Direct measurement using a microscope.
B) Direct measurement using a centimeter ruler.
Indirect measure by finding the total thickness of 5 leaves and then dividing that
number by 5.
Indirect measure by finding the total thickness of 25 leaves and then dividing
that number by 25.
In the picture, the vertical stacks of disks are called
A) grana.
B) stomata.
C) stroma.
D) thylakoids.
During which month is the bacteria population just under 1 million?
A) January
B) July
C) March
D) May
41) What is the primary function of most bacteria in a food web?
A) producer
B) predator
C) decomposer
D) primary consumers
42) Ticks suck blood from a host organism. This is an example of
A) commensalism.
B) competition.
C) mutualism.
D) parasitism.
The diagram shows a type of extinct dinosaur called a Pterosaur, a type of flying mammal
called a bat, and a type of bird called a Cormorant. All of these organisms have wings that
look and work alike, but were not evolved from a common ancestor. Which term is used to
descibe body structures that look alike and serve a similar function but are not descended
from a common ancestor?
A) Analagous structures
B) Vestigial structures
C) Evolutionary features
D) Homologous structures
44) This is the study of biological inheritance.
A) biology
B) ecology
C) genetics
D) urology
45) This is a type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit.
A) commensalism
B) competition
C) mutualism
D) parasitism