Download Immune System Practice Questions 1. T lymphocytes mature in the

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Immune System Practice Questions
1. T lymphocytes mature in the ________.
A) spleen
C) thymus
B) red bone marrow
D) thyroid
2. Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against ________.
A) infectious agents including bacteria and viruses
B) foreign cells
C) cancer cells
D) all of the above
3. The nonspecific defenses are ___________.
A) barriers to entry, the inflammatory reaction, natural killer cells, and protective proteins
B) antibodies, antigens, and antimatter
C) the spleen and thymus
D) allergies, edema and regurgitation
4. Barriers to entry of microbes include __________.
A) oil skin secretions and stomach acids
B) normal harmless bacteria that prevent pathogens from taking up residence
C) mucous membranes that line the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts
D) skin that lines the outer surface of the body
E) all of the above help bar entry by microbes
5. The stomach has a basic pH inhibiting growth of bacteria.
A) True
B) False
6. The ________ reaction is a series of events occurring whenever the skin is broken due to a minor
A) allergic
D) inflammatory
B) antibody
E) suppressor Tcell
C) complement fixation
7. Any break in the skin can allow microbes to enter the body.
A) True
B) False
8. How can neutrophils and monocytes reach an infection site from the bloodstream?
A) the blood vessels rupture at a site of infection
B) neutrophils and monocytes are amoeboid and can pass through capillary walls
C) they are small and diffuse across membranes just like food and gas molecules.
D) they move upstream in the lymph system
E) the portable T lymphocyte differentiates into neutrophils and monocytes when it arrives at
the site of infection
9. What can happen to a bacterium that crosses the skin barrier and enters tissues?
A) Histamine will poison bacteria.
B) Neutrophils phagocytize the bacteria.
C) Bacteria liberate a growth factor that in turn increases the numbers of white blood cells that
attack bacteria.
D) All human tissues reject the bacterium and destroy it with lysosomes.
10. When monocytes leave the bloodstream, they differentiate into ________.
A) complement proteins
D) macrophages
B) antibodies
E) suppressor Tcells
C) interferon
11. Some tissues have ______ that routinely act as scavengers, devouring old blood cells and other
A) resident macrophages
C) backup neutrophils
B) suppressor Tcells
D) complimentary Bcells
12. Pus indicates that ______________.
A) body tissues are dying
C) too much lymph has built up
B) the body is trying to overcome
D) the inflammatory response has failed to
defend against bacterial invasion
13. Complement is activated when ________ .
A) the inflammatory response has failed to defend against bacterial invasion
B) antibodies have failed to defend against bacterial invasion
C) microbes enter the body
D) interferon is produced by viruses
14. Complement proteins bind to the surface of microbes already coated with antibodies, and release
chemicals that attract phagocytes to the scene.
A) True
B) False
15. A virus-infected cell produces and secretes _______.
A) allergin
D) complement
B) antigen
E) interferon
C) antibody
16. A/an ________ is usually a protein or polysaccharide chain of a glycoprotein molecule that the
body recognizes as "nonself."
A) allergen
D) complement
B) antigen
E) interferon
C) antibody
17. The immune system is chemically able to tell "self" from "nonself" based on a lock-and-key
receptor-antigen fit.
A) True
B) False
18. B lymphocytes mature in the bloodstream.
A) True
B) False
19. B cells give rise to plasma cells which produce ________.
A) allergin
D) complement
B) antigen
E) interferon
C) antibody
20. Antibodies bind with antigens in a lock-and-key manner.
A) True
B) False
21. T cells produce antibodies.
A) True
B) False
22. Certain T cells attack and destroy antigen-bearing cells.
A) True
B) False
23. A plasma cell is a mature B cell that mass produces ________.
A) allergens
D) complement
B) antigens
E) interferon
C) antibodies
24. A B cell does not clone until its antigen is present.
A) True
B) False
25. When B cells undergo clonal expansion, they produce plasma cells and memory B cells.
A) True
B) False
26. Defense by T cells is called antibody-mediated immunity.
A) True
B) False
27. Humoral immunity is so called because antibodies are present in the ________.
A) tissues
D) upper arm bone or "humerus"
B) red blood cells
E) cranium
C) blood and lymph
28. The most common type of antibody is a protein molecule with two arms.
A) True
B) False
29. There is/are ________ main types of T cell(s).
A) one
D) four
B) two
E) five
C) three
30. Which of the following is NOT a type of T cell?
A) cytotoxic T cells
C) memory T cells
B) helper T cells
D) plasma T cell
31. Cytotoxic T cells attack and destroy ________.
A) bacteria
C) cells that produce toxins or poisons
B) viruses
D) antigen-bearing cells
32. Cytotoxic T cells have storage vacuoles containing ___________.
A) antibodies
C) complement
B) perforin molecules
D) IgG
33. Perforin molecules function to ________.
A) perforate a cell membrane
B) stimulate production of complement
C) trigger production of interferon
D) label a cell for attack by cytotoxic T cells
34. Perforin molecules form holes in plasma membranes, allowing _________.
A) water and salt to enter a cell
B) vital cell contents to leak out
C) macrophages to phagocytize cells
D) IgG to bind with foreign proteins
35. ________ T cells are the only T cells involved in cell-mediated immunity.
A) Cytotoxic
C) Memory
B) Helper
D) Suppressor
36. HIV that causes AIDS infects _______.
A) helper T cells
C) suppressor T cells
B) cytotoxic T cells
D) memory T cells
37. Helper T cells regulate immunity by increasing the response of other immune cells.
A) True
B) False
38. When exposed to an antigen, helper T cells enlarge and secrete messenger molecules called
A) antibodies
D) IgG
B) perforin
E) cytokines
C) complement
39. Cytokines _________.
A) stimulate white blood cell formation
B) trigger inflammation
C) depress antibody production
D) make the body more susceptible to cancer
40. ________ are antibodies of one specific type, all produced by plasma cells derived from the same B
cell, and capable of identifying unique cells and infectious agents.
A) Lymphokines
D) Antibody-mediated immunity
B) Inflammatory reactions
E) Monoclonal antibodies
C) Complement fixations
41. With the human ABO blood types in the below transfusions, which person would safely receive
blood lacking foreign antigens?
A) a type A person received type B blood
B) a type B person received type A blood
C) a type O person received type B blood
D) a type A person received type AB blood
E) a type A person received type O blood
42. Why is hemolytic disease of the newborn (Rh conflict) described as a likely problem only when the
mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive?
A) a type Rh negative father is not possible since it is sex-linked
B) the type Rh negative is so rare that Rh negative fathers are too uncommon
C) a type Rh negative fetus in an Rh positive mother does not expose the mother to any new
antigens and therefore does not trigger any immune response
D) this was just the way the textbook gave the possible example and the reverse situation is
just as much a problem
43. When an immune system overreacts to an antigen or forms antibodies to substances that are
usually NOT recognized as foreign, it results in _______.
A) immune deficiency disease
D) edema
B) allergic response
E) hemolytic disease
C) autoimmune disease
44. Thanks to new biotechnology, there are now cures for all autoimmune diseases.
A) True
B) False
1. C
39. A
2. D
40. E
3. A
41. E
4. E
42. C
5. B
43. B
6. D
44. B
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. E
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. A
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. D
31. D
32. B
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. E