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Chapter 22
Defenses against
Lectures by
Gregory Ahearn
University of North Florida
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc..
22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 There are three lines of defense that the
body has against invading organisms that
could kill us.
• External barriers, such as the skin, keep
microbes out of the body.
• Nonspecific internal defenses combat invading
• The immune system targets specific microbes.
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Levels of defense
against infection
Nonspecific External Barriers
Mucous membranes
If these barriers are penetrated,
the body responds with
Nonspecific Internal Defenses
Phagocytic and natural killer cells Inflammation Fever
If the nonspecific defenses are insufficient,
the body responds with
Specific Immune Response
Cell-mediated immunity
Humoral immunity
Fig. 22-1
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The skin and mucous membranes are
nonspecific external barriers to invasion.
• The skin is dry and does not provide the water
or nutrients that microbes need to survive.
• Skin also secretes sweat and oil, which
contain natural antibiotics, such as lactic acid,
that kills bacteria and fungus.
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The skin and mucous membranes are
nonspecific external barriers to invasion
• The stomach is acidic and has proteindigesting enzymes.
• Mucous membranes of the gut, respiratory
tract, and urogenital tracts secrete mucus with
antibacterial enzymes, such as lysozyme, that
destroys bacteria.
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The protective function of mucus
Bacteria trapped
by mucus and cilia
Fig. 22-2
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Nonspecific internal defenses combat
• These defenses attack a wide variety of
microbes rather than target specific invaders;
they fall into three main categories:
• Phagocytic cells
• Natural killer cells
• The inflammatory response
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Phagocytic cells and natural killer cells
destroy invading microbes.
• Phagocytic cells engulf and digest microbes;
one important type is the macrophage.
• Macrophages ingest microbes by
phagocytosis, consuming bacteria and foreign
substances that penetrate the mucous
membranes of the skin.
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The attack of the macrophages
Bacteria visible
through a hole in
the macrophage
(a) A macrophage leaves a capillary
and enters a wound
(b) A macrophage stuffed with
bacteria that it has ingested
Fig. 22-3
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Phagocytic cells and natural killer cells
destroy invading microbes (continued).
• Viruses leave their proteins on the surface of
infected body cells and are recognized by
natural killer cells.
• Natural killer cells destroy infected body cells
by secreting pore-forming proteins that attach
to the infected cells plasma membrane and
make holes through which the cytoplasm
leaks, killing the cell and the viruses it
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The inflammatory response defends against
local infections.
• Damaged cells release histamine into the
• Histamine increases blood flow to the area of
the wound.
• The area around the wound becomes red and
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The inflammatory response defends against
local infections (continued).
• Other chemicals from the wound cause blood
clotting, which closes off the wound to
additional microbes.
• Still other chemicals from the wound attract
macrophages, that eat the bacteria.
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 The inflammatory response
Tissue damage carries
bacteria into the wound
Wounded cells
release chemicals (red)
that stimulate mast cells
Mast cells release
histamine (blue)
Histamine increases capillary
blood flow and permeability
Phagocytes leave the
capillaries and ingest bacteria
and dead cells
Fig. 22-4
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Fever combats large-scale infections.
• A fever is produced after a population of
microbes becomes established; it slows
microbial reproduction and increases the
body’s defenses.
• Macrophages release hormones, called
endogenous pyrogens, as they respond to an
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22.1 How Does The Body Defend Against
 Fever combats large-scale infections
• These endogenous pyrogens travel to
hypothalamus (the body’s thermostat) and
alter body temperature, causing a fever; fever
slows bacterial reproduction.
• Fever helps fight viral infections by inducing
infected cells to release interferon, which
helps uninfected cells resist viral attack.
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22.2 What Are The Key Characteristics Of
The Immune System?
 The immune system targets specific
invading organisms.
• It is composed of an army of separate cells
that is coordinated in its actions through the
use of hormones, receptors, cells, antigens,
and antibodies.
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22.2 What Are The Key Characteristics Of
The Immune System?
 The immune system targets specific
invading organisms (continued).
• It attacks one kind of microbe, overcomes it,
and provides future protection against that
particular microbe but to no others.
• That is why the immune response is specific in
its effect.
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22.2 What Are The Key Characteristics Of
The Immune System?
 The immune system consists of cells and
molecules dispersed throughout the body.
• The immune system includes blood cells
called lymphocytes that are clustered in the
thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, and throughout
the blood.
• The immune cells produce proteins called
antibodies and cytokines, which help destroy
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22.2 What Are The Key Characteristics Of
The Immune System?
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22.2 What Are The Key Characteristics Of
The Immune System?
 Immune cells originate in the bone marrow.
• Two important lymphocytes are the B cells
and T cells, which originate in the bone
marrow and bring about the immune
• Step 1: recognition of the invader
• Step 2: launch the attack
• Step 3: retention of a memory of the invader
for future protection
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Immune cells recognize invader’s complex
• Invading microbes have surface proteins that
act as antigens against which the immune
cells generate other specific proteins, called
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibodies and T-cell receptors recognize
and bind to antigens.
• Antibody proteins are produced by B cells,
and may remain attached to the surface of the
cell that produced them or may be released
into the blood plasma.
• T-cell receptor proteins are produced by T
cells and always remain attached to the
surfaces of the T cells that produced them;
they are never secreted into the plasma.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibodies both recognize and help to
destroy invaders.
• Antibodies are Y-shaped molecules composed
of a pair of large (heavy) chains and a pair of
small (light) chains.
• Both heavy and light chains have constant
and variable regions each.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibody structure
Variable regions form
antigen binding sites
Constant regions are
the same in all antibodies
of a given type
Fig. 22-5
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibodies both recognize and help to
destroy invaders (continued).
• The variable regions form binding sites for
specific antigens on microbes.
• After the B cell antibody binds to an antigen
on a microbe, the B cell engulfs the antigenbearing microbe and removes it.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibodies
B cell
(a) Antibody receptor function
(b) Antibody effector function
Fig. 22-6
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 T-cell receptors recognize invaders and help
to trigger the immune response.
• T-cell receptors are only found on the surfaces
of T cells, and have both similarities and
differences from antibodies.
• Like antibodies, they consist of peptide chains
that form highly specific binding sites for
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 T-cell receptors recognize invaders and help
to trigger the immune response (continued).
• Unlike antibodies, T-cell receptors are not
released into the bloodstream.
• T-cell receptors trigger a response in the T cell
only when it encounters an antigen on the
surface of a cancerous or infected cell.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 The immune system can recognize millions
of different molecules.
• Immune cells produce millions of types of
antibodies and T-cell receptors capable of
binding to almost all of the possible antigens a
person might encounter.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 The immune system can recognize millions
of different molecules (continued).
• Antibodies and T-cell receptors are proteins,
and proteins are encoded by genes; there are
21,000 genes in the human genome.
• This means that a relatively small number of
genes must code for millions of antibodies and
T-cell receptors.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibody genes are assembled from several
segments of DNA.
• B cell genes do not code for entire antibodies,
but instead, code for antibody fragments that
can be pieced together in millions of
• Each B cell has DNA to produce the constant
regions of antibodies but different pieces of
DNA for the variable parts, so that each B cell
makes a unique antibody.
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Recombination of segments of DNA from
antibody genes
D1 D2
(a) Genes for parts of the heavy chain (top) and light chain (bottom) of antibodies
V2 D11 J4
V80 J2
V87 D8
V101 J5
V111 D40 J1
Cell 1
Cell 2
(b) Complete antibody genes in three different B cells
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 3
(c) Antibodies synthesized by these three B cells
Fig. 22-7
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibody genes are assembled from several
segments of DNA (continued).
• Some immunologists think that perhaps 15–20
billion different antibodies are possible.
• T-cell receptors are made of different genes,
but the process is similar.
• There are more parts available for T-cell
receptor genes, so there may be as many as a
quadrillion (1015) different possible T-cell
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 Antibodies are not tailor-made for antigens.
• The immune system does not design
antibodies to fit invading antigens.
• Instead, it randomly synthesizes millions of
different antibodies, and this array is simply
there, waiting for an appropriate antigen.
• Virtually every antigen can be bound by at
least a few antibodies because of the
immense numbers of antibodies present in the
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
Animation—The Immune Response
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22.3 How Does The Immune System
Recognize Invaders?
 The immune system distinguishes “self”
from “non-self”.
• It does so by destroying immune cells that
respond to the body’s own molecules and
retaining those that do not.
• Some cell-surface proteins, called the major
histocompatibility complex (MHC), are unique
to each person.
• Transplants are rejected because the immune
system of the recipient recognizes the MHC of
the donor as foreign antigens.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 The immune system launches two types of
attack on invading microbes.
• Humoral immunity: B cells and the antibodies
they secrete attack invaders before they enter
body cells.
• Cell-mediated immunity: T-cells attack
invaders after they have entered body cells.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 An immune response takes time to develop.
• Although the immune system has millions of
different types of antibodies and T-cell
receptors, there are only a few of each type at
any one time in the body.
• Therefore, the immune system takes time to
recognize the invader, multiply, and
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 It usually takes one or two weeks to mount a
good response; it is then a race to
overcome the multiplying microbes.
(amount of
to antigen
time since exposure (weeks)
Fig. 22-8
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Humoral immunity is produced by antibodies
dissolved in blood.
• The B cell that binds to a particular antigen
starts to divide very rapidly, making more of
itself with its particular antibody; this is called
clonal selection.
• The daughter cells differentiate into two kinds
of cells: memory B cells and plasma cells.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Clonal selection among B cells by invading
B cell
(b) Selected B cells differentiate into plasma cells
Fig. 22-9
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Humoral immunity is produced by antibodies
dissolved in blood (continued).
• Plasma cells make thousands of copies of the
antibody that originally bound the antigen.
• Memory B cells do not release antibodies, but
rather, remember the antigen that started the
process for a future immunity event.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Humoral antibodies have multiple modes of
• Humoral immunity is produced by antibodies
in the blood, which combats invading
molecules or microbes in three ways.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Circulating
antibodies may
bind to a foreign snake
molecule, virus, enzyme
or cell and render
it harmless, a
process called
Antibodies block the
active site of the toxic
enzymes in snake venom
Fig. 22-10
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Antibodies
may coat the
Variable regions of
surface of an
antibodies bind to a
microbe; the constant
regions are exposed
virus, or cell,
Constant regions of
make it easier
the antibodies bind to the
surface of a macrophage,
promoting phagocytosis
for phagocytic
cells to
destroy them.
Fig. 22-11
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 When antibodies bind to antigens on the
surface of a microbe, they attract other
proteins, called complement proteins.
• Some complement proteins punch holes in the
plasma membrane of the microbe.
• Others promote phagocytosis of the invaders.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Humoral immunity fights invaders that are outside
• Because antibodies are large proteins that usually do
not cross plasma membranes, humoral immunity
defends against invaders that are in the blood or
extracellular fluid.
• Bacteria, toxic molecules that are in venoms or are
released by bacteria, some fungi, and protists are all
susceptible to the humoral immune response.
• Viruses that penetrate the body’s cells are only
vulnerable to antibodies when they are outside a body
cell, and are safe when they are inside a cell.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Cell-mediated immunity is produced by cytotoxic
T cells.
• Cytotoxic T cells are the body’s defense against
cancerous cells or cells invaded by viruses.
• T-cell receptors on T-cell plasma membranes bind to
viral antigens on the surface of an infected cell.
• After binding to a viral antigen, the T cell releases a
pore-forming protein that punches holes in the
infected cell’s plasma membrane, killing the infected
• This prevents the replication of the enclosed viruses.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Both humoral and cell-mediated immunity are
enhanced by helper T cells.
• Helper T cells bear receptors that bind to antigens,
either on the surfaces of infected cells or of
macrophages that have engulfed and digested
invading microbes.
• When a helper T cell receptor binds to an appropriate
invading cell antigen, the T cells multiply rapidly and
release chemicals, called cytokines.
• Cytokines stimulate the division of B cells and
cytotoxic T cells, which respond to the same invasion.
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22.4 How Does The Immune System
Launch An Attack?
 Both humoral and cell-mediated immunity
are enhanced by helper T cells (continued).
• Both B cells and cytotoxic T cells only make a
significant defense against disease if they
receive stimulation by cytokines from helper T
• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which
causes AIDS, kills off helper T cells, leading to
an ineffective defense against many diseases.
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Targets invaders outside cells
(e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi,
protists, and toxins)
Stimulate both humoral and
cell-mediated immunity by
releasing cytokines
Targets defective body cells
(e.g., infected cells and
cancer cells), transplants
B-cell antibodies
bind to viral
antigens and
stimulate the B
cells to divide and
Viral antigens
presented on
the surfaces of
and infected
infected cell
T-cell receptors
bind to viral
B cell
helper T cell
cytotoxic T cell
Cytokines released by helper
T cells stimulate B cells and
cytotoxic T cells
memory B cell
T cell
T cell
cytotoxic T cell
Plasma cells
secrete antibodies
into the blood and
extracellular fluid
Memory cells
confer future
immunity to this
Cytotoxic T cells
release poreforming proteins
that destroy
infected cells
Fig. 22-12
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22.5 How Does The Immune System
Remember Its Past Victories?
 During the early stages of a disease—while
B cells, cytotoxic T cell, and helper T cells
are dividing rapidly—some of their daughter
cells differentiate into memory cells that may
survive for years.
• If the body is re-invaded by this same type of
microbe, the memory cells will recognize the
invader and mount an immune response.
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22.5 How Does The Immune System
Remember Its Past Victories?
 At a second infection, memory cells produce
a second immune response that is so fast
and large that the microbes are destroyed
before any noticeable symptoms appear.
(amount of
or years
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time since exposure (weeks)
Fig. 22-13
22.5 How Does The Immune System
Remember Its Past Victories?
Animation—Humoral vs. Cell-mediated Immunity
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22.5 How Does The Immune System
Remember Its Past Victories?
Animation—Humoral Immunity
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22.6 How Does Medical Care Assist The
Immune Response?
 Antibiotics slow down microbial
• Organisms affected by antibiotics include
bacteria, fungi, and protists.
• Antibiotics do not destroy every single
disease-causing microbe in the body, but they
may kill enough of them to give the immune
system time to finish the job.
• Some microbes become resistant to
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22.6 How Does Medical Care Assist The
Immune Response?
 Drugs are available that target different
stages of a viral cycle of infection, which
include the following:
• Attachment to a host cell
• Replication of viral parts using the host cell’s
• Assembly of the virus within the host cell
• Release of the virus into the extracellular fluid
to infect new cells
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22.6 How Does Medical Care Assist The
Immune Response?
 Vaccinations stimulate the development of
memory cells.
• A vaccine exposes an individual to antigens produced
by a disease organism to stimulate an immune
• Vaccines often consist of weakened or killed disease
microbes or antigens from the disease organism,
which are synthesized using genetic engineering.
• When the body is exposed to these antigens, it
produces swarms of memory cells that confer
immunity against living microbes of the same type.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Allergies are misdirected immune
• A foreign substance, such as pollen, enters
the bloodstream and is recognized as an
antigen by a B cell.
• The B cell then proliferates, producing plasma
cells that secrete antibodies against the pollen
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Allergies are misdirected immune responses
• The allergy antibodies bind to the membranes
of mast cells of the respiratory and digestive
tracts, triggering release of histamine.
• Histamine causes leaky capillaries and other
symptoms of the immune response.
• In the lungs, histamine causes mucus
secretion that results in a runny nose,
sneezing, and congestion.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 An allergic reaction
First exposure to pollen
(yellow) stimulates B cells to
produce “allergy” plasma cells
Plasma cells
produce allergy
Allergy antibodies
bind to mast cells
Reexposure to
pollen results in pollen
binding to allergy
antibodies on mast cells
Binding of pollen
stimulates mast cells to
release histamine (blue),
triggering the
inflammatory response
Fig. 22-14
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 An autoimmune disease is an immune
response against the body’s own cells.
• Some types of anemia are caused by
antibodies that destroy a person’s red blood
• Juvenile-onset diabetes begins when the
immune system attacks the insulin-secreting
cells of the pancreas.
• Rheumatoid arthritis results when the immune
system attacks cartilage in the joints.
• There are no known cures for autoimmune
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Immune deficiency diseases occur when the
body cannot mount an effective immune
response against invaders.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 There are two very different disorders in
which the immune system cannot combat
routine infections—one inherited, the other
• Severe combined immune deficiency (SCID)
is a family of genetic defects in which few or
no immune cells are formed.
• Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
is a viral infection that destroys a formerly
functional immune system.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Severe combined immune deficiency
• A child with SCID may survive the first few
months of life, protected by antibodies from
the mother during pregnancy or in her milk.
• Once these antibodies are lost, common
infections prove fatal because the child is
lacking an immune system.
• One form of therapy is to transplant bone
marrow from a healthy donor so enough
immune cells can be produced to confer
normal immune responses.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
• AIDS is caused by two viruses: human
immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and
Fig. 22-15
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
• HIV viruses harm the immune system by
destroying the helper T cells that are essential
for stimulating both cell-mediated and humoral
immune responses.
• AIDS does not kill people directly, but rather,
makes them susceptible to other diseases as
their helper T cell populations decline.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
• HIV can be transmitted only by direct contact
with body fluids containing the virus, including
blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast
• The infection can be spread by sexual activity,
by sharing needles among drug users, or by
blood transfusions.
• A woman infected with HIV can transmit the
virus to her child during pregnancy, childbirth,
or through breast feeding.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
• For persons infected with AIDS, there are two
categories of therapy.
• First, infections that result from the impaired
immune system must be treated as they
would be in any patient.
• Second, there are drugs that slow the
multiplication of HIV and slow the progress
of AIDS.
• The best solution would be to develop an
AIDS vaccine.
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
Animation—The Immune Response
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
Animation—A Detailed View of the HIV Virus
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22.7 What Happens When The Immune
System Malfunctions?
Animation—Effects of HIV on the Immune Response
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22.8 How Does The Immune System
Combat Cancer?
 Cancer is a failure of the mechanisms that
control the growth of the body’s own cells—
the body destroys itself.
• Cancer is basically the unchecked growth of
malignant tumor cells.
• A tumor is a population of cells that has
escaped the normal regulatory processes and
grows at an abnormal rate.
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22.8 How Does The Immune System
Combat Cancer?
 Most cancerous cells are recognized as
• Cancer cells normally are produced every day,
but natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells
screen the body for them and destroy most of
them before they can proliferate and spread.
• The processes that cause cancer often cause
new and slightly different proteins to appear
on the surfaces of cancer cells.
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22.8 How Does The Immune System
Combat Cancer?
 Natural killer and cytotoxic cells recognize
these as “non-self” antigens and destroy the
cytotoxic T cell
cancer cell
Fig. 22-16
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22.8 How Does The Immune System
Combat Cancer?
 Most cancerous cells are recognized as
foreign (continued).
• Some cancer cells evade detection because
they do not bear antigens that allow the
immune system to recognize them as foreign.
• Cancers such as leukemia suppress the
immune system.
• Others grow so fast that the immune system
can’t keep up.
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22.8 How Does The Immune System
Combat Cancer?
 Treatments for cancer depend on
distinguishing and selectively killing
cancerous cells.
• Surgery may not remove all of the cancer if it
has started to spread throughout the body.
• Radiation can be used to kill small clusters of
cancer cells that surgery cannot find, but the
whole body cannot be radiated without
dangerous effects.
• Chemotherapy prevents normal cell division
and can result in damage to dividing hair
follicle cells and intestinal cells.
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