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Human Biology
Bio 5 - Spring 2006
Exam 1 - 75 points
Part I. Multiple Choice. Write your answer in the space provided. 1 point each.
_____ 1. Cell membranes consist mainly of a _____________.
a. carbohydrate bilayer and proteins
b. protein bilayer and phospholipids
c. phospholipid bilayer and proteins
_____ 2. Which of the following IS NOT a tissue type?
a. nervous
b. connective
c. digestive
d. muscle
_____ 3. Excess carbohydrates and proteins are stored as __________.
a. amino acids
b. fats
c. starches
d. monosaccharides
_____ 4. Skeletal muscle muscle contraction requires ___________.
a. calcium ions
b. arrival of a nerve impulse
c. ATP
d. all of the above
_____ 5. Blood pumped to the lungs returns to the heart in the ....
a. right ventricle
b. right atrium
c. left ventricle
d. left atrium
_____ 6. Which of the following is responsible for making antibodies.
a. erythrocytes
b. leucocytes
c. B-lymphocytes
d. mast cells
_____7. In the simplest kind of reflex, __________ directly signal _________________,
which act on muscle cells.
a. sensory neurons; interneurons
b. interneurons; motor neurons
c. sensory neurons; motor neurons
d. motor neurons; sensory neurons
_____ 8. ____________ detect energy associated with changes in temperature.
a. chemoreceptors
b. photoreceptors
c. thermoreceptors
d. mechanoreceptors
_____ 9. Which of the following is responsible for insulating nerve cells?
a. dendrites
b. axons
c. Schwan cells in the myelin sheath
d. cell bodies
_____ 10. Which of the following IS NOT associated with digestion?
a. gall bladder
b. thymus gland
c. salivary glands
d. pancreas
_____ 11. Development of a secondary immune response is based on populations of _____.
a. memory cells
b. circulating antibodies
c. effector B cells
d. effector cytotoxic T cells
d. are only found inside certain organisms
_____ 12. Which of the following are the breakdown products of complex carbohydrates?
a. amino acids
b. fatty acids and glycerol
c. simple sugars
d. nucleotides
_____ 13. Another name for "anaerobic cellular respiration" is ....
a. glycolysis
b. Kreb's cycle
c. oxidative phosphorylation
d. electron transport
_____ 14. The large bone in the upper arm is called the...
a. femur
b. humerus
c. clavicle
d. mandible_____ 15. The plasma
membrane contains _________ that define the identity of the cell.
a. lipids
b. carbohydrates
c. proteins
d. nucleic acids
_____ 16. The seat of emotions, found in mammals, but not well developed in reptiles, is the ...
a. hypothalamus
b. pituitary gland
c. cortex
d. limbic system
_____ 17. The action potential, the signal that moves through a single nerve cell, involves ....
a. Vitamin A
b. Golgi bodies
c. Sodium ion "pumps"
d. the "pacemaker"
_____ 18. A neuron communicates with a neighbor neuron through ....
a. neurotransmitters
b. electrical signals
c. small fibers called the "neurofibroid network”
d. resonating cell bodies
_____ 19. Which of the following is true of "reflex arcs."
a. the brain is not involved
b. the spinal cord is not involved
c. the arcs are controlled by the hypothalamus
d. the reflexes are sometimes absent even in healthy humans
_____ 20. Which of the following is a function of the liver?
a. exchanges oxygen with blood b. removes damaged cells
c. makes antibodies
d. detoxifies some poisons
_____ 21. Which of the following is a function of the kidney?
a. filters lymph and removes old leucocytes
b. filters blood and removes excess nitrogen (as urea)
c. filters plasma and removes old erthyrocytes
d. filters blood and removes old neurons
_____ 22. If a person consumes more carbohydrate than they can use, they will usually ....
a. turn a strange yellow color
b. excrete the unused carbohydrates
c. metabolize the unused carbohydrate and make fat
d. make protein from the unused carbohydrate
_____ 23. Erythrocytes are made in the ....
a. lymph nodes, especially the Thymus gland
b. red bone marrow
c. anterior pharynx
d. none of the above
_____ 24. Which of the following IS NOT a leucocyte
a. B cell
b. T cell
c. lymphocytes
d. squamous epithelial cell
e. mast cell
_____ 25. Which of the following contains oxygenated blood?
a. right atrium
b. pulmonary artery
c. pulmonary vein
d. superior vena cava
Part II. Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase. 1 point each.
1. _________ are proteins that make metabolic reactions proceed much faster than they would
on their own.
2. The "integrator" in our Negative Feedback Control Loop mechanism is usually made of
_____________ tissue.3. The heart is made up of a special muscle called
___________________ muscle.
4. The intestines, like other internal organs, are wrapped in a special muscle known as
________________ muscle.
5. In the kidney, a structure called the _________________, does the basic work.
6. An important mineral, used by erythrocytes in transporting oxygen, is ____________.
7. The "chemical cash" of the cell, at least in terms of providing energy, is the molecule known
as __________________. (abbreviation is fine!).
8. The "blueprint" for all the cells, tissues, organs and organ systems is encoded in a molecule
known as _________________ (abbreviation is fine!).
9. In order for a person to lose weight over a period of time, the _____________ consumed
must be less than the ____________ used.
10. Our bodies produce antibodies when we are exposed to an _______________.
11. The liquid, non-cellular portion of blood is called _____________.
12. Blood flows back to the heart through veins that often have _________ that block backwards
13. A non-specific, histamine releasing reaction to a factor in the environment, that is harmless
to many people, is called an
14. Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood as
15. The muscle that allows deep breathing is the ..
Part III. Matching. Write the correct letter from the list on the right, in front of the corresponding
number. 10 points.
1. liver
2. pancreas
3. kidney
4. cortex
5. gall bladder
6. thymus
7. small intestines
8. colon
9. bladder
10. salivary glands
a. releases chemicals to break down lipids
b. is largely responsible for reabsorption of water in chyme
c. provides moisture to food
d. secretes digestive enzymes for all major chemical groups
e. ureters open in to this structure
f. filters the blood and removes nitrogen wastes
g. detoxifies many poisons and stores glycogen
h. processes leucocytes to form lymphocytes
i. outermost layer of the brain
j. most vitamins, food and minerals are absorbed here
Part IV. Diagrams. For each diagram below, 1) Give the diagram a descriptive title and 2)
then follow the instructions for each diagram.
1. Give this diagram a title and identify and describe the major structures. 4 points
Title: ____________________________
2. Give this diagram a title and label (by drawing a line to the structure) the following . 6 points.
Title: ________________________________
1. Golgi Body
2. Nucleus
3. Mitochondrion
4. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
5. Plasma membrane
3. Give this diagram a title and identify the numbered features. 6 points.
Title: _______________________________
4. Give this diagram a title and identify the parts of this specialized cell. 5 points.
Title: ____________________________
5. Clearly identify, by drawing lines and circles, the following four structures.
1. larynx
2. gall bladder
3. liver
4. stomach
4 points