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Ancient Rome
2013 Student Notes
Gloucester Township Public Schools
Submitted by
C. Stephen Ingraham
With Quick Text Assessments
Social Studies Block # ___ Name ______________________
Mrs. McMaster & Mr. Ingraham
Date _______
Ancient Rome Table of Contents
1. Roman Vocabulary
2. Roman Song
3. Peninsula of Italy & The Founding of Rome
4. Monarchy to Republic
5. The Path of Roman Conquest
6. Republic to Dictatorship
7. Rome Becomes an Empire & The Age of Augustus
8. Pride in Rome & Literature, Arts, and Language
9. Religion and the Roman Empire
10. The Rise of Christianity & Rome Reacts to the New Religion
11. Constantine Accepts Christianity & the Decline of Rome
Roman Vocabulary
aqueduct - a stone bridge like canal which the Romans used to carry water from far off
census - a count of the people of a country or empire.
citizen - A member of a town, state, or country.
Consuls – two members of the senate elected to run the daily affairs of Rome.
Christianity - The religion of the followers of Jesus who believed he was the messiah.
dictator – a person appointed in an emergency to rule with absolute authority for six
forum - A synonym for a public square.
gladiator - a slave or prisoner who was forced to fight, often to the death.
legion - a large group of well-trained soldiers (as many as 6,000 men).
monotheistic - adj. regarding the belief in one supreme being or God.
Patricians- the social class of people who were the descendants of Rome’s earliest
Plebeians – the social class of people made up of farmers, workers,merchants, and
craftworkers, whose families came to Rome later.
Province – self governing region ruled by a Roman governor.
Republic – a type of government when citizens elect leaders to make all the decisions.
Senate – a council of representatives elected to make laws.
Tribunes- ten special officials elected by the plebeians, who could veto any law they
didn’t agree with.
Veto – the right to refuse to approve.
The Rome Song
By Mr. Ingraham Sung to “Jingle Bells”
The Patricians founded Rome
along the Tiber river
on the Italian peninsula.
They elected Senators
Who elected two consuls
And in case of emergency
And appointed a dictator for everyone to see.
Chorus: Oh Roman artists copy Greek
Philosophy, writing, and art
The Greek and the Roman gods
you can’t tell them apart.
Gladiators fight to the death
while all the Romans cheer.
Aqueducts will bring in water
if no water’s near.
The Patricians excluded the Plebeians,
but after they threaten to leave,
the Plebeians elected ten tribunes,
who had the veto power.
Julius Caesar tried to help the poor,
but the Senate stabbed him in the back.
Even his best friend, Oh what do you think of that?
The Rome Song
By Mr. Ingraham Sung to “Jingle Bells”
Octavian and Mark Antony
Divide up the Roman empire,
but Cleopatra loved Mark Antony
and they decided to set up their own kingdom.
Octavian became Augustus after defeating them.
He was Rome’s first Emperor,
but the citizens still thought they had a Republic.
Chorus: Oh Roman artists copy Greek
Philosophy, writing, and art
The Greek and the Roman gods
you can’t tell them apart.
Gladiators fight to the death
while all the Romans cheer.
Aqueducts will bring in water
if no water’s near.
Some Hebrews thought that Jesus
was the messiah.
He said he was God’s son; His kingdom it would come.
The twelve apostles and St. Paul
spread the good news He had to say.
Constantine painted crosses on his shields
and Christianity saved the day!!!
The Essential Questions - Rome
What are the qualities of effective leaders?
How does a civilization become an empire?
What factors lead to the decline of an empire?
Where do we see this repeating pattern in history of
decline and fall?
What were the contributions of the Roman Empire?
What are the ways that religion influences a diverse
What happens when religious or political ideas clash?
What evidence of Roman culture exists today?
What are the long term affects of war on a empire?
How does conquest change the government of a
How do times of peace in a civilization affect laws?
What rights and responsibilities do citizens have? CSI08
Black Sea
Ionian Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Five Minute Assessment
The Peninsula of Italy & The Founding of Rome
1. ____Rome developed on what peninsula that looks like a long, highheeled boot? a) Asian b) Balkan c) Italian d) Dorian
2. ____ Halfway up the peninsula is what river flowing East to West?
a) Tigris b) Tiber c) Nile d) Indus
3. ____ Overseas travel and trade is difficult, because although the
peninsula has fertile soil, it has few good _________?
a) resources b) farmlands c) crops d) harbor
4. ____ These mountains in the North isolates the peninsula
from the rest of Europe? a) Apennines b) Alps c) Hindu Kush
c) Himalayas.
5. ____ What is the name of the people who around 1000 B.C.E. migrated
into the peninsula? a) the Dorians b) the Etruscans c) the Latins
d) the Harappans.
Do with pp. 237-8 “The Peninsula of Italy’ & p. 238 “The Founding of Rome”
A. The Peninsula of Italy
The Roman Republic
1. The Italian Peninsula looks like a long, high-heeled boot.
2. Halfway up the peninsula is the Tiber River flowing East to West
3. Travel, trade, and communication within the peninsula is
possible, because the hills and mountains are not rugged .
4. The peninsula has fertile soil.
5. Few good harbors make overseas trade and travel difficult.
6. The Alps mountains isolates the peninsula from the rest of Europe.
B. The Founding of Rome
1. Around 1000 B.C.E. a people known as the Latins migrated.
2. Among seven hills a small farming village known as Rome developed.
a) physical features: good soil & rolling farmland
b) natural resources: stone & wood
3. The legend of the founding of Rome.
a) a cruel uncle left twin boys to die along the Tiber River.
b) a mother wolf saves and raises Romulus and Remis who found
Rome in 753 B.C.E.
Eight Minute Assessment From Monarchy to Republic
1. ____ What took control of Rome for 100 years and introduced Greek
customs and ideas. a) the Greeks b) the Etruscans c) the Latins d) the Dorians.
2. ____ After 100 years the Romans rebelled against their King, Tarquin the Proud, and
started a new type of government called a(n)?
a) monarchy b) oligarchy c) republic d) democracy
3. ____ What did the Romans called this council of representatives? a) the Ephors
b) the Ecclesia c) the Senate d) the House of Representative
4. ____ What were the two members of the Senate called, who ran Rome on behalf of the
citizens. a) republicans b) plebeians c) consuls d) democrats.
5. ____In an emergency who could be appointed for six months, with had absolute
authority? a) consul b) plebeians c) patrician d) dictator
6. ___ Who were the farmers, workers, merchants, and craft workers, whose families
came to Rome later? a) Etruscans b) Plebeians c) Patricians d) Tribunes
7. ___ In 494 after the plebeians rebelled and threatened to leave, They were allowed to
elect a) 2 consuls b) 12 tables c) ten tribunes d) a dictator
8. ___. In 451 and 450 B.C. the Roman government began
recording its laws in a document called the? a) Code of Rome
b) Code of Hammurabi c) Justinian Code d) twelve tables
Use with p. 238-9 From “Monarchy to Republic”
I. The Roman Republic
C. From Monarchy to Republic
1. Romulus was Rome’s legendary first king
2. 600 B.C. The Etruscans ruled Rome for 100 years
took control of Rome and introduced Greek customs and ideas.
3. Romans rebel and start a new type of government a Republic,
where citizens elect leaders to make all government decisions.
4. Roman council of representatives called the Senate.
5. Two Senate members, the Consuls the daily affairs of Rome
6. In an emergency a dictator could be appointed for six months
7. Roman society had two groups:
a) Patricians = descendants earliest settler’s families
b) Plebeians = farmers, workers, merchants, and
craftworkers, whose families came to Rome later.
8. In 494 after plebeians rebelled , they elected 10 Tribunes with veto power
9. In 451 and 450 B.C. the Roman laws documented in Twelve Tables.
Important Changes in the Army
1. Originally only citizens who owned land could serve in army
2. General & Consul Gaius Marius allows landless poor to serve in the army.
The Roman Republic
Elected yearly
by the Senate
A council of representatives
elected by the Patricians
A Dictator
With absolute
was appointed
In time of
Assembly of 500
They set the agenda
for the next meeting.
Ten Tribunes
Special officials
with the veto power
elected by the
Citizens were divided
into two classes
The Patricians who founded Rome
and The Plebeians the farmers,
workers, merchants, and craftworkers
who settled in Rome later.
Some men & all women and slaves were not citizens.
Assembly of Citizens
All free 20 year old males
can vote.
All decisions are made by
majority rule
Women & slaves were
not considered citizens
Seven Minute Assessment
D. The Path of Roman Conquest & From Republic to Dictatorship
1.____ Who did Rome fight three wars over sea trade with? a) the Greeks b) the Egyptians
c) Carthage d) the Gauls
2. ___ During the second Punic War who crossed the Alps with soldiers and war elephants
attacked Rome? a) Hannibal b) Scipio c) Alexander d) Julius Caesar
3. ___ What Roman General attacked Carthage in North Africa and forced Hannibal to leave
the Italian peninsula? a) Alexander b) Scipio c) Augustus Caesar d) Julius Caesar
4. ___ In 146 B.C. the 3rd Punic war left Carthage in ruins but what happened to its
citizens? a) they were killed b) they became slaves c) they were forced to leave
d) they became citizens of Rome
5. ___ Taxes from the provinces and slaves made some richer, but who in Rome suffered
and became poorer? a) the Etruscans b) the Patricians c) the Gladiators
d) the Plebeians
6. ___ Who was a consul, captured Gaul, and declared himself dictator of Rome?
a) Alexander the Great b) Lucius Sulla c) Julius Caesar d) Octavian Caesar.
7. ___What dictator immediately made changes creating laws to help the poor and gave
citizenship to more people. a) Alexander the Great b) Lucius Sulla c) Julius Caesar
d) Octavian Caesar.
I. The Roman Republic
E. From Republic to Dictatorship
1. After the Punic Wars slaves made patricians richer, but
plebeians became poorer.
2. In 82 B.C.E. Civil unrest & civil war, in 82 B.C.Lucius Sulla becomes
dictator for 3 years.
3. In 59 B.C. Julius Caesar is Consul
4. Julius Caesar forms an army & conquerors Gaul (France).
5. He is named provincial governor of Gaul.
6. Fearing his growing power the Senate recalls him to Rome
7. In 49 B.C. he march upon Rome with his army. (Civil War)
8. In 45 B.C. he becomes Dictator of Rome.
9. He immediately made changes creating laws to help the poor and gave
citizenship to more people.
10. In 44 B.C. on March 15th fearing the changes he brought Julius Caesar
was stabbed to death in the Roman Senate.
11. Civil War breaks out between Octavian and Mark Antony (Cleopatra)
12. Octavian becomes Augustus Caesar & Emperor
13. 200 years of reforms & the Pax Romana.
(Use with United Streaming “Leaders of Ancient Rome” <10:44>
or DVD discovery “Rome: Power & Glory” <31:00> )
I. What are the qualities of a leader?
The accomplishments of Julius Caesar
1. Claimed to be son of the goddess Venus.
2. Wepted at a statue of Alexander the Great, because he hadn’t
accomplished as much.
3. Staged a spectacle where 640 gladiators fought to the death.
4. In 59 B.C. Julius Caesar was a Consul
5. Killed or enslaved a million Gauls ( at people living in France).
6. He is named provincial governor of Gaul.
7. In 49 B.C. he march upon Rome with his army. (Civil War)
8. Gave a banquet for 22,000 of Rome’s poorest Citizens
9. In 45 B.C. he becomes Dictator of Rome.
10. Wanted absolute power & be named dictator for life
11. Used his total control for social reform.
12. He made changes creating laws to help the poor and gave
citizenship to more people.
13. Gave grain to the poor citizens of Rome
14. Gave public land to the soldiers
15. In 44 B.C. on March 15th fearing the changes he brought Julius Caesar
was stabbed to death in the Roman Senate.
(Use with United Streaming “Leaders of Ancient Rome” <10:44>
or DVD discovery “Rome: Power & Glory” <31:00> )
The End of the Roman Republic
Formed by three important politicians and generals,
Pompey, Crassus, & Julius Caesar
53 B.C.E. Crassus killed (Battle of Carrhae)
48 B.C.E. Pompey killed in Egypt (Battle of Pharsalus)
46-44 B.C.E. Caesar becomes dictator of Rome.
Formed by three important politicians and generals,
Marc Antony, Lepidus, & Octavian Caesar
36 B.C.E. Lepidus accused of usurping power & rebellion.
He is forced into exile.
31 B.C.E. Marc Antony & Cleopatra VII of Egypt defeated
(the battles of Actium & Alexandria) They commit suicide.
27 B.C.E. Augustus (Octavian) becomes emperor of Rome.
The Roman Republic has Ended.
B. The Age of Augustus, Pride in Rome, & Literature, Arts, and Language
1.___ Augustus was such a strong leader that it brought about 200 years of peace
known as what? a) the Hellenistic Age b) the Age of Augustus
1. c) the Peace of Pericles d) the Pax Roma.
3. ___ The Roman legions of 6,000 men did all these except what?
a) keep out enemy invaders b) keep peace among citizens.
c) begin a program of standardization d) build roads.
4.___ Augustus wanted the city of Rome to be greater. So he had built huge Greek-like
marble government building called a) public works b) basilicas c) temples
d) aqueducts
5. ___The Romans soldiers also built bridges and canals for water called?
a) public works b) basilicas c) temples d) aqueducts
Eight Minute Assessment
2. ___ All are examples of Roman Laws except
a) All are innocent till proven guilty b) An eye for an eye
c) people could not be forced to speak in court against themselves
6. ___Who did the Romans look to for cultural ideas, art, writing styles, and philosophy.
a) Sparta b) the Greeks c) the Etruscans d) the Egyptians
7. ___ What did Augustus ask Roman artists and writers to bring out in their works?
a) patriotic feelings b) military spirit c) athletic competition d) peaceful feelings
8. ___ Who wrote the “Aeneid” an early story of Rome? a) Homer b) Romulus
c) Virgil d) Alexander
II. The Roman Empire 2013 TEXT REVIEW
B. The Age of Augustus
1. Augustus was a strong leader which brought 200 years of peace known
as Pax Romana.
a) The empire expanded to 2 1/2 million sq. miles.
b) More men were eligible for citizenship.
c) New laws were more equal and fair.
(All are innocent till proven guilty and people could not be forced to speak in court against themselves )
2. There was a census count of people for tax purposes.
3. The Romans also created army legions of 6,000 men.
a) keep out enemy invaders
b) to keep peace among citizens.
c) to build roads.
C. Pride in Rome (Like Pericles of Athens)
1. Augustus wanted the city of Rome to be greater. So he had built huge Greek-like
marble government basilicas.
a) straight columns and beams
b) arches borrowed from the Etruscans.
2. In the Colosseum 50,000 Romans could watch gladiators battle to the death.
3. The Romans also built bridges and canals called aqueducts for water.
D. Literature, Arts, and Language
1. Romans looked to Greece for cultural ideas, art, writing styles, and philosophy.
2. Augustus asked Roman artists and writers to create works that
would bring out patriotic feelings and glorify Rome.
a) the Poet Virgil wrote the “Aeneid” an early story of Rome.
b) The language of Latin became used in all the Roman provinces for government
and education.
Minute Assessment The Beginnings of Christianity
A. Religion and the Roman Empire
1.____ The Romans think the empire would be harmed if people did not what?
a) obey the ten commandments b) respect Roman gods c) become Christians
d) follow the edicts of their Emperor.
2. ____ Who did the Romans allow to worship their own gods? A) the Gauls
b) the Jewish People c) the Muslim people d) the Egyptians
B. The Rise of Christianity
3. ___ The religion that believed a Messiah or wise leader would come to establish
god’s kingdom on earth was? a) Judaism b) Buddhism c) Christianity
d) Confucianism.
4. ___ Christianity spread quickly because of all the following except what?
a) the twelve apostles b) the old testament c) the new testament
d) the letters of St. Paul.
C. Rome Reacts To The New Religion
5. ___ The Romans arrested, persecuted, or mistreated Christians who refused to
worship Roman gods because? a) their gods commanded it
b) they were mean spirited c) Christians wouldn’t let them belong
d) they feared the growth of Christianity
6. ___ How did the sacrifice of martyrs influences the Romans ?
a) many more began worshipping Roman gods b) they demanded more
c) more converted to Christianity d) many became Buddhist
III. The Beginnings of Christianity 2013
A. Religion and the Roman Empire
1. Augustus Caesar was not only a ruler of an empire, but a leader of religion.
They worshipped
a) Saturn was the oldest.
many gods.
b) Mars the god of war
c) Ceres The goddess of harvest & farming.
d) Janus The god of beginnings & endings.
2.The Romans accepted the beliefs of other peoples. Often only changed the names.
Greek Goddess Hera becomes Juno & Greek God Zeus becomes Jupiter.
3. The Romans think the empire would be harmed if people did not respect Roman gods.
4. The Romans allowed the Jewish people in the province of Judaea to follow their own
religious leaders, laws, and teachers.
B. The Rise of Christianity
1. Judaism believed a messiah would come to establish god’s kingdom on earth.
2. Roman & Jewish leaders began to worry when some claimed Jesus was
the messiah.
3. In about 30 C.E. Jesus is executed by crucifixion, or being nailed to a cross.
4. The Spread of Christianity: Twelve followers, or apostles.
Travelers & Merchants
Jesus’s life “good news”, or Gospels.
St. Paul
Jesus’s life is written in the New Testament.
C. Rome Reacts To The New Religion
1. Since Roman officials feared the growth of Christianity, they arrested,
persecuted, or mistreated Christians who refused to worship Roman gods.
2. Many early Christians became martyrs, by suffering or dying for their beliefs.
3. Their sacrifice influences more Romans to become Christians.
Six Minute Assessment
The Decline of Rome
D. Constantine Accepts Christianity
1. ___ All are reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire except?
a) the empire is expensive b) increased taxes causes hardships.
c) Christianity d) outsiders attacked the empire.
2. ___ All are reasons for the decline of Rome except?
a) the Berbers raided Roman lands in North Africa.
b) the emperors governed badly and lose the citizens’ respect.
c) Many citizens had never been to Rome
d) Roman soldiers weren’t loyal to their generals
3. ___ Who was not a Christian, but he had a vision. He had crosses painted on his
soldiers’ shields and won a battle. a) Augustus Caesar
b) Alexander c) Constantine d) St. Paul
E. The Decline Of Rome
4. ___ What was the new capital of Byzantium renamed as? a) Alexandra
b) New Rome c) Constantinople d) New Sparta
5. ___ In 410 A.D. who crossed the Alps and attacked the city of Rome?
a) Alexander the Great b) the Berbers c) the Etruscans d) the Visigoths
6. ___ What finally happened to the Roman Empire? a) it was attacked and destroyed
b) it split apart into three sections c) it broke into small kingdoms
d) It divided into an eastern & western part.
III. The Beginnings of Christianity
D. Constantine Accepts Christianity
1. Problems weaken the Roman Empire.
2. The empire is expensive and increased taxes causes hardships.
3. Outsiders attack the empire.
Reasons for
a) invaders attacked Germanic tribes from the north.
Decline of
b) Persians tried to seize Roman lands in Asia.
c) The Berbers raided Roman lands in North Africa.
4. Emperors governed badly and lose the citizens’ respect.
5. Many citizens had never been to Rome and even the soldiers felt little loyalty
to Rome. Instead they were loyal to their generals.
6. In 312 A.D. two Roman generals fought wanting to be emperor.
7. Constantine was not a Christian, but he had a vision. He had crosses painted on
his soldiers’ shields and won the battle. Christianity becomes accepted.
E. The Decline Of Rome
1. Constantine felt that Rome was unsafe and too far from the center of things.
2. He chose a new capital Byzantium which was renamed Constantinople in 330 CE
3. In 410 CE the Visigoths crossed the Alps and attacked Rome.
4. Rome was the headquarters of the Christian Church.
5. The Roman Empire split apart.
a) The eastern part of the former empire would keep Roman ways alive
for centuries.
b) The western part broke into small Kingdoms.
II. The Roman Republic Benchmark Speech
Problems Develop with the Republic
HUMAN HERITAGE: A WORLD HISTORY (Problems in the Roman Republic)
pp. 225-6 “Agricultural Problems”, “From Farm to City”, & “Decline of
the Roman Republic”
1) Hannibal’s invasion had destroyed the small Roman farms
2) Wealthy Patricians buy up smaller farms displacing the owners.
3) The size of farm increase. “latifundias” produce crops, sheep, & cattle.
4) Slaves replace Plebeian workers
5) Rome now imports wheat
6) Poor farm owners move to Rome where living conditions are overcrowded
7) There are no jobs, no money, and sickness, disease are common.
8) With more taxes from conquered lands, the gap between the rich and the
poor widens.
9) The rich fear the many poor & the poor hate the rich.
OUR WORLD’S STORY (textbook)
pp. 256-7 “Constantine Accepts Christianity”
1) Increased taxes causes hardships for Rome’s poor.
2) Senators governed badly and lose the citizens’ respect.
3) The Republic is so large that many citizens had never been to Rome
4) The soldiers felt little loyalty to Rome. Instead they were loyal to their general
5) Civil Wars break out as Roman generals fought to become dictator.
* New Carthage
Mediterranean Sea