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The mitochondria are organelles that provide, energy
for the cells. They convert energy into forms that are
usable by the cell. Located on the cytoplasm of the
cell. The mitochondria are involved in cellular
respiration, which generates fuel for the cells activities.
The Mitochondria is used for the splitting of glucose
through pyruvate.
The three muscle system
• Skeletal muscle:
-Are striated and tubular
-contract voluntarily
-are usually attached to the bones of the skeleton.
( Ex. Biceps, Triceps, long muscles)
• Smooth Muscles:
-Are not striated
-have one nucleolus
-contract, voluntarily
-Are formed on the walls of Organs
( Ex. Vessels, Arteries, walls of Organs)
• Cardiac Muscles:
-Are striated and tubular and are branched
-Have one nucleolus
-Contract involuntarily
-Are formed on the walls of the Heart
( Ex.Heart)
The cooperation of
Skeletal Muscles
• When muscles contract they shorten, this means
muscles can only pull. For the action of each
muscles there is a opposite action. For example; the
bicep muscles causes the arm to flex in which the
muscle shortens, and then the contraction of the
muscle shortens and the opposite muscle triceps
causes the arm to extend.
Contraction of Skeletal
Skeletal Muscles and
The skeleton muscles consists of tendons, a heavy
band of tissues that each end is attached to, bone to
bone. Muscle fibers are organized into large bundles.
The muscle consists of clusters of such bundles of
muscle fibers. Blood vessels run between the muscle
Hierarchy of muscles:
-muscle fiber
-another band of muscle fiber
Skeletal Muscle fibers
• Most of the muscle fiber is made up of myofibrils
and myofilaments, which contain protein structures
that are responsible for muscle contraction. The
myofilament bends and attached to the actin
molecules, the myofilament is then pulled along the
actin molecule, in the direction of the flex. Each
step of the flexing requires a one molecule of ATP.
The Role of Calcium.
• When muscles are relaxed, its myosin head are
raised and ready through the splitting of ATP.
However it is not able to bind together with ease,
because the actin molecule is physically blocked
by a protein known as tropomyosin. For the muscle
to contract the tropomyosin must be moved out of
the bonding. For this to happen, Tropomyosin and
troponin form complex calcium ions. The troponin
attracts calcium ions and combine on top of the
binding that is along the actin. The binding bond
around the actin molecule loosens exposing the
binding sites for the myosin heads.
What are the energy
sources for muscle
1) The primary function of ATP is to transfer from one
location to another. At rest the muscle tends to
produce more ATP than it needs, the excess ATP
combines with creatine, (amino acids.)
Creatine phosphate + ADP-------------------- > creatine +
2)During contraction of the muscles, the cross bridge
breaks down ATP producing ADP. The energy ADP
recharges to reverse the reaction.
ADP+ Creatine phosphate <----------- ATP +Creatine
Aerobic cellular
This respiration takes place in the mitochondrion,
glycogen and fat is stored in the muscles of the cell.
Myoglobin an oxygen carrying molecule that is similar
to hemoglobin is synthesized in muscle cells. Its
presence accounts for its reddish color of the skeletal
Like creatine phosphate breakdown, supplies ATP
without consuming oxygen. If there is an
accumulation of lactate in a muscle fiber, the acidity
concentration increases causing more fatigue in the
performance. Lack of calcium ions are shown that’s
why using creative in workout is necessary.
Oxygen deficiency
• When workout begins to intensify and more muscle
contraction rises, more ATP consumption and ADP
production is taking place on the skeletal muscles.
The mitochondrion being the main power house for
energy, begins to absorb more water, and
Inhalation of oxygen increases. Heavy breathing is
then shown.
Muscle health and
• In general muscle systems experience less disorders
that the organ systems. Muscles are venerable to
injuries that result from intense stress on the tendons,
muscles also may be damaged through the lack of
use. Atrophy is a reduce in the size of the muscle
due to the lack of the nourishment. If atrophy
occurs the muscle fibers decrease in size and
become weaker. People who experience damage
to the nervous system or become paralyzed
experience this are affected and when they get
Atrophy in muscles
Types of Skeletal Muscle
• The human body contains at least two types of skeletal
muscle fibers: Fat twitch, fibers and slow twitch fibers.
• Fast twitch fibers are the most common in muscle
contracting, fast fibers twitch in 0.01 of a second. Fat
fibers are large in diameter, and densely packed
myofibrils, large glycogen reserves and relatively a few
mitochondria's. The tension force is directly proportioned
to the amount of myofibrils. So the fast twitch fibers have
more power. The disadvantage is fast fibers fatigue
• Slow fibers are only about half the diameter of fast fibers
and they take three times as long to contract. The slow
twitch muscle doesn’t fatigue has much, and can
contract for longer periods of times.
Common Disorders and
Ailments of the Skeletal
• Muscular Dystrophy: When skeletal muscle loses strength.
• Botulism: A potential muscular paralysis by a toxin
produced by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum; this
toxin prevents the release of muscle stimulating
• Cramps: painful muscle spasm triggered by intense
• Myositis: Muscle inflammation and weakness resulting
from infection.
• Muscle soreness: Pain Stiffness, tenderness felt for hours
after extraneous exercise, associated with the disruption
of myofibrils.
How weed plays a role in
relaxing muscle spasm
• Smoking marijuana may provide relief for strained
muscles. Marijuana plays a short term role when it
comes to easing MS, Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple
Sclerosis is the stiffening of muscles and the
shutdown of the nervous system related to an illness.
Essentially marijuana helps ease pain from muscle