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Mr. B: Health 2
Today’s Objectives:
• Explain how physical and chemical barriers protect the body against pathogens.
• Describe the inflammatory response.
• Explain the role of phagocytes.
• Explain the difference between active and passive immunity.
Chapter 23 Lesson 3 Notes
Lesson 3: Fighting Communicable Diseases
Big Idea: By learning about and practicing _____________________ strategies, you can help your body stay healthy.
______________________ and __________________________ Barriers
Main Idea: Physical and chemical barriers make up your body’s first ______________ of _____________________ against pathogens.
Your body has its own built-in ___________________ to handle invasion from microscopic ______________________.
Physical barriers, such as the ___________________, block pathogens from invading your ______________________.
Chemical barriers, such as the ______________________ in tears, _______________________ those invaders.
Tears and _____________________ contain enzymes that ______________________ and even destroy pathogens.
______________________ membranes form a ____________________ lining for your mouth, nose, and many other parts of your body.
These membranes ________________ pathogens and _________________ them to other parts of the body for disposal.
Skin is like a personal coat of ________________, stopping most pathogens in their tracks as they try to enter the body.
________________________ are small ___________________ that line parts of your respiratory system. Cilia sweep _______________
and pathogens to the throat, where they can be __________________________ or coughed out.
Gastric juice in the ___________________ destroys many pathogens that enter your body through the __________________ or mouth.
The Immune System
Main Idea: Your body’s immune system is your best ally in the fight against ___________________________ diseases.
Some pathogens can get ____________________ your body’s physical and chemical barriers.
The immune system fights pathogens using two major strategies: the __________________________ response and specific
Def: A network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals that fights off pathogens
The Inflammatory Response
When a splinter or a cut becomes ____________ and _____________________, these are symptoms of the inflammatory
Def: A reaction to ___________________ damage caused by injury or _____________________
Blood vessels ______________ the injury ____________________ to allow more ___________________ to flow to the area.
Fluid and cells from the _____________________ cause swelling and pain because of pressure on the ______________
_____________________ surround the pathogens and destroy them with _____________________ chemicals.
With the pathogens ________________________ and tissue damage under control, the body begins to repair the tissue.
__________, a mass of dead phagocytes and damaged tissue, may build up at the site of inflammation as a response to bacteria.
Specific Defenses
The immune system triggers the ________________ __________________ in reaction to pathogens that survive.
When the immune system _____________________ a particular pathogen, it ____________________ specific defenses in an
attempt to prevent this type of infection from ______________________ again.
During the immune response, your immune system reacts quickly to ________________________.
Def: Substances that can _______________________ an immune response
When you have _______________________, you have biological defenses to avoid infection or disease.
Mr. B: Health 2
Chapter 23 Lesson 3 Notes
Def: The state of being protected against a particular disease
_____________________ play an important role in the immune response. There are two types of lymphocytes: _______ cells
and __________ cells.
Def: A specialized _________________ blood cell that coordinates and performs many functions of specific immunity
T Cells
________________ T Cells: Trigger the production of __________ cells and ______________ T cells
Killer T Cells: ___________________ and _____________________ infected body cells but do not attack the pathogens
____________________ T Cells: Suppress, or “turn ____________,” helper T cells when the _________________ has been
B Cells
Each B cell is ________________________ to make one type of _____________________ that is specific to a certain
Def: A ____________________ that acts against a specific antigen
The different purposes of antibodies include
attaching to antigens to _________________ them for _________________________.
destroying _________________________ pathogens.
______________________ viruses from entering body cells.
Immune System Memory
Your immune system “__________________________” the antigens it has dealt with in the past.
When antigens _______________________ certain T cells and B cells, the cells become memory lymphocytes.
The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It includes your ________________, lymph nodes, and a network of
vessels, similar to blood vessels, that transport lymph, or tissue fluid.
Lymph nodes can become ____________________ when your body is fighting an infection because of the increased number of
lymphocytes. If ________________________ lasts for three days, see your health care professional.
Lymphocytes are produced by lymph nodes. These nodes occur in groups and are concentrated in the _________________ and
__________________, armpits, chest, abdomen, and groin.
Your immune system’s memory not only ___________________ invading pathogens. It also helps you develop immunity from
certain diseases.
There are two types of immunity: ____________________ and _______________________.
Active Immunity
Your body develops ______________________ active immunity when it is __________________ to invading pathogens.
Artificially acquired active immunity is developed from a _______________________.
Def: A preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced into the body to stimulate an immune response
For some diseases you only need to be vaccinated ________________________ in your life.
For other diseases you need to be vaccinated at regular __________________________.
_________________________ Immunity
Passive immunity is ________________________, usually lasting only a few _______________ or ____________________.
Natural passive immunity occurs when antibodies pass from ________________ to child during ___________________ or
while nursing.
Mr. B: Health 2
Chapter 23 Lesson 3 Notes
o ______________________ passive immunity happens when you receive an ________________________ prepared with
_________________________ that are produced by an animal or a human immune to the disease.
Prevention Strategies
Main Idea: Strategies for preventing the spread of disease include _________________________ healthful behaviors,
______________________ diseases, and getting vaccinations.
Eating a ___________________________, well-balanced diet.
Get regular physical __________________________.
Wash your __________________________ frequently.
Handle food properly.
Avoid insect ___________________________.
Abstain from sexual contact.
Tracking Reportable Diseases
______________________, national, and global health __________________ track communicable diseases and predict where
the diseases might strike next.
This information helps countries prepare and _______________________ their own prevention strategies.
________________-virus vaccines are made from pathogens grown in __________________________.
________________-virus vaccines are made from ____________________ pathogens.
________________ are made from inactivated toxins from pathogens.
New and second-generation viruses are made with _________________________ altered cells.
Immunizations for All
Vaccination reduces the number of people who are at ___________________ for a communicable disease.
That’s why it’s _______________________ to keep your immunizations up-to-date.